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[Ancient City] Vallus Rex


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Name: Vallus Rex
Mayor: Legion9191
Current Wealth: 5200.00 radiants.
X: Y: Z: (non disclosable, will disclose when the city is finished being constructed)
Population: Currently, just myself. Itzzaboy and TheCastellan used to be a part, but leftto create towns of their own.
Location on map: As yet undisclosable.
Daily tax rate: 00.00 radiants.
Cheapest plot cost: NA, will explain later.
Biggest plot cost: NA, will explain later.

Description: Vallus Rex is an ancient city, housing a long dead civilization, that developed at about the same time as Barathum, and the Baratians. Find more information about Vallus Rex here.
This city is not like other cities. Where as all other towns in Altera are being built from the ground up, as the city gets more people and expands likewise, Vallus Rex will be entirely built, and then the residents will start living in it. The idea is that Vallus Rex is the capital city of a long dead civilization, and on an expedition, a group of adventurers find it, in a state of disrepair. Fascinated by the city, its wonders, and its treasures, the group of adventurers decides to stay in the city and begin fixing it, section by section. Who knows what dark entities will lie in wait for us when we enter.

This is an RP intensive city. Once the city itself is contructed, the residents i have chosen will RP an expedition to find Vallus Rex, with much peril along the way. When we arrive, we will still RP.
While we are there, we will still rp. While you are inside the Dome of Vallus Rex, you are expected to be in character. This doesnt mean that you cant speak in occ to others while there, but when speaking to someone within the city, act in character. You will be expected to act as your character would.

As this town will hinge on a strong RP resident composition, i will be selecting those who join. I will only allow those i know to be strong roleplayers. If i dont accept you, do not take it personally. You may remake an app.

The city itself is a series of underwater glass domes. The city resides within these domes. The first and largest dome is already constructed, as well as the citadel on its top.

I will use this thread to keep track of what needs to be done:
Main Dome: Completed.
Vallox Tor(citadel): 90% completed.
Main dome library: 60% completed.
Heart of Vallox Tor: completed.
Alchemical workshop(main dome): Completed.
Dome 2: 0% completed.
Dome 3: 0% completed.
(possible) Dome 4: 0% completed.
Prison: 90% completed.
Storage Room: Completed.
Throne room: 0% completed.
Mess Hall: 30% completed.
Middle Class living quarters: 5% completed.
High Class living quarters: 0% completed.
Amphitheatre: 0% completed.
Tavern: 0% completed.
Trials of Wisdom(dungeon): 0% completed.
War room: 0% completed.
Emperor living quarters: 0% completed.
Barracks: 0% completed.
Port: 0% completed.
Ship(eventual): 0% completed.
Inter-dome walkways: 0% completed.
Smithy: 0% completed.
Mysterious shrine: 0% completed.

These are just the planned buildings, I may add more, and i may takes some off as time goes on. If you would like to suggest buildings please do, and i will take them into consideration.

Residents will not have "plots" as many towns do. Rather all plots will be for the city, and then living space will be given to residents, as it is doubtful i will have an perfectly square buildings.
Residents may make their living quarters private, i do not care.
Residents may customize and decorate their quarters however they wish, i do not care.

Residents are expected to:
Be in character while in Vallus Rex.
Not build without my permission, and when given my permission, must build within the style of Vallus Rex(excluding personal quarters. You may decorate your personal quarters however you like)
Must be respectful to all players.
Must not steal from the community storage room. At the bottom of the central tower, there is the build storage room. Those chests contain all of the materials I am using to build Vallus Rex. When you join, i will add your name to the signs protecting them. If i find you stealing, not only will i take action as mayor, i will take action as Kings Hand. Taking materials from these chests for sanctioned building purposes is fine, but dont take massive amounts of material at one time.
Participate actively both in building the town, and in roleplaying.

As mayor, ultimately, what i say goes in Vallus Rex. But dont refrain from making suggestions. I will listen to anything and everything you have to say, and i will not dismiss your opinions. If you want to build something, tell me why, how, and how much time and material it will take. If i think it will help the town, by all means, build it.

Now, the application process:
1. MC username:
2. RP name:
3. Rank(statistical purposes):
4. Rp experience:
5. Building experience: (Pictures needed!)
6. Reason you want to join:
7. How do you fit in with Vallus Rex and the expedition:
8. Link to character profile: (required!)
9. Historically, what are people from Vallus Rex called?
10. What magical entity that modern wizards possess did these people lack?
11. Simplify(not required, but couldnt hurt XD): (2 * x +(4-2x)^2)/2 (the ^ means exponent)
12. Do you agree to the code of conduct?

Screenshots: NA, i will post when its finished

Residents: Legion9191.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
I can come back, but i am not a very good builder :(, if you want i will fill in one of your application forms too


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
woops i forgot to tell you that apps are meant to be pmed to me :D
Frankie, ive read your post and will now consider, but im also going to delete it so others dont use it to cheat.

From now on applicants must pm me apps

And no cast you dont have to do an app, i already know you are good enough