Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Baileyclan - Application [Re-try]


1. My name is Baileyclan [Bailey]
2. My real name is Noah
3. I'm 14 years old.
4. Male
5. U.S.A.

6. Yes. I agree to the rules.

7. I'm actually very excited to start some RP here. I love to roleplay and have a couple years of experience under my belt.

8. I'm Noah. I spend my hours mostly on my laptop roleplaying on WoW. Sadly, in recent days, my laptop's been a bit buggy and won't run WoW. So, my solution, is to seek out other means of roleplay and here is where I tend to do it. I'm pretty nerdy when it comes down to it. I usually RP as an apprentice wizard or the average grumpy dwarf. I think I'm going to be a dwarf. I love LOTR it's honestly the best fantasy series out there. I love to roleplay, I've grown up with a medieval-crazed family so it comes pretty natural to me.

9. I usually keep my roleplay private.

10. Don't underestimate me due to my age. I've been roleplaying most of my life so just gimme' a chance.

11. Yes. I'm aware.

12. Google "Minecraft RP server"

13. Yes I have.


Lord of Altera
Danie is right, we like the applications to look tidy with the questions still in the applications :D.
All this one needs is the questions back in and maybe just 1 sentence in question 8? Then it'll be fine.