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The Fall of the Silverian or "All of my friends are dead"


Lord of Altera
The Fall of Silverian. Summary:

As those who were at the event might know Silverian events sometimes turn out bloody. Who ever thought that “Fall of the Silverian” will be an autumn event, in the middle of the winter, was mistaken.

I hope you enjoyed the show and some heretics dying. We were happy to deliver.

Victims of that day include Arstan Lerth the competent fanatic High Priest of Asgar.

Also the “most beloved” Empress Lady Lucia Title-and-Dragon-fanatic-Silverian who was honoured to find a crossbow bolt stuck in her throat in the middle of an heretic speech.

The man who caused all this trouble was no one else than the Empress brother, who was not in line with the believes of heresy his sister preached openly in front of innocent but till then happy people who just came here for the variety of alcoholic beverages.

The thief’s guild used this dark hour to get their hands onto the Sacred Tome, which is said to contain the story of the founding of the Silverian house.

Shim sensed his hour and stole crown and necklace of Lucia Silverian. He has later been killed and was found dead.

The Warden was knocked out and found himself in a cell in Le Havre.

While the “innocent” man was thinking about the wrongs in his life and about plans all gone right or wrong, depending who looked on them, Visage, the god of Thieves, Dragons, Secrecy, Wispers and Shadows showed himself bringing the god-loving man into an heretic phase of believe and trust in the strength of his own house which he brought death to just hours ago killing him from the inside and wishing him to die. As Visage landed in front of his window and as he was asked who he was he said he was sorry for everything he has done, regretting his sins he was lead out to the guillotine where he lost his head trial-less for heresy and speaking to Visage himself.

The future of house Silverian is a blanc sheet, seeking to be written on. It will not be long until its future will be decided.

This is not the end of a story, there is no "living happily ever after" this is just the beginning of something greater.

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Lord of Altera
*raises hand, not joking because almost all his characters are valid picks for the throne. *Cough* Dian *Cough**