Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Winds of Change


Lord of Altera
The re-birth of a once great empire has begun. Many a song has been sung about the once powerful organization that vanished in the storm that destroyed a once vast empire. However, many rumors as of late have begun to arise about once great organization reappearing. The winds of change can be felt all throughout the winding streets of the Cross Roads. From Queensport to Lavoyard small whispers of the empire could be heard by those who pay enough attention to what could be happening behind the shadows of their great cities.

Some could argue that the return of such a group would cause the tides of civil unjust to sway towards an era a peace, an era long forgotten since the rise of Queen Grief and the Pantheon. Some may say that this group may be hired by one of the stronger empires in Altera to sway the tides of war in their favor. What impact the return of this empire will have on Altera is a mystery, but what can be certain is that political and civil endeavors will be getting a lot more interesting over the next coming moons.

For those who believe in their abilities at combat or those who believe they can make a difference perhaps this organization is perfect for you. But remember, the stories of this empire do not tell of one man making a difference in times of peace and war, it tells of a band of brothers and sisters working together, protecting one another and keeping the peace as a family.

Those who are prepared to fight what they feel will benefit themselves is a man ready to die, those who would fight protect their brothers…are prepared to live”.

The winds of change are coming…will you be prepared for them? Or will you choose to join them…

The decision is yours~