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Finished The Wolfstadt Festival


Lord of Altera

The Wolfstadt Festival

Federico shut the visor of his helmet, glaring at the mounted knight ahead of him; his horse jerking slightly from side to side as the rider positioned himself comfortably. He flexed his fingers which grasped the polearm standing high above him, decorated with his family sigil, flourishing with ribbon which rippled in the slight breeze. The crowd surrounding him slowly came to a muffled silence, before a squire each shuffled to the two combatant’s horses, assuring the armour and reins. Federico turned his horse and slowly trotted towards the royal viewing box, where he smiled at the beautiful lady before him, sat next to his father and brothers. She curtseyed, before reaching for a red silk ribbon beneath her clothes, and then tied it lightly to the end of Federico’s lowered lance. She smiled flirtatiously as he nodded to his family, and quickly he turned at the shout of the announcer, rushing back to his position, the announcer’s cry forcing the squires and workers to rush to the edges of the arena. Almost immediately the announcer began his count, and the starting horn sounded, echoing through Wolfstadt.

Federico charged, his horse galloping alongside his lowered lance, angled at the heart of his opponent. The drums in the distance beat to the hooves of Cavallo as they grew louder he neared the enlarged knight ahead. Federico’s eyes sharpened, the last beat of the drum clattered through the canals of the city as their lances crashed into each other, the crowd silent with suspense. Dust filled the jousting lanes, taking several moments to clear as the horses trotted to the ends. As the clouds settled back to the floor the crowd became filled with chatter and cheer.

The man walked up to the other, who was lying on the dirt facing the sky, his shield shattered into splinters across the lane. He lifted his visor slowly, immense exhaustion overcoming him, as he saw the face of his rival in front. The man offered out his hand, grinning slightly as he heaved the other up to his feet. His lengthy black hair waved in the breeze as he then wiped his brow, before complementing,

“A good joust, Michal! Close, too!”.

Michal smirked at Federico, before spitting into the ground as the two left the lanes as the next pair of combatants entered the arena.



Lord of Altera
The following poster is hung in Crossroads, Wolfstadt, Le Havre, and whatever other cities would allow us to hang posters for a tournament, it is not written in difficult-to-understand cursive, but as simpler text.

Grand Opening Tournament of Wolfstadt

The officials of Wolfstadt are hosting a tournament to open the city to the world and to enjoy some fighting. If you want to watch people fight or if you want to do some fighting yourself for glory or pleasure, come to Wolfstadt.
The noblest Archduke Otto von Strauss of the Merchant Archduchy of Wolfstadt invites you to the Grand Festival!
All are welcome to indulge themselves in dance, music, games, feasts and tournament at the great city of Wolfstadt! Liaise with nobles, entrepreneurs, merchants and the likes as everyone collates in the streets of Wolfstadt this coming weekend!
Come to view, or join in several tournaments being hosted at the Turnier Arena, for the opportunity to be declared Champion of Altera, and earn yourself a grand prize of 15,000 Radiants alongside various other prizes!

Tournament Information:
Jousting Competition: 3000R entry, 15,000R reward + Titular ‘Champion’ of Altera.
Melee Competition: 2000R entry, 10,000R reward + Titular ‘Warrior’ of Altera.
Archery Competition: 1000R entry, 5000R reward + Titular ‘Bowman’ of Altera.

OOC Information:

When: Saturday the 24th, 8:00pm GMT
Where: Wolfstadt, Arena,
What: A PVP melee tournament and roleplay festival
Who can come: Anyone can fight in the melee or participate in the archery and anyone can come watch. Only those of high enough birth in the eyes of Wolfstadt may participate in the joust.
The entire tournament uses ooc mechanics. The melee is pvp, the joust will use minecraft landes, and the archery will use minecraft bows.

Tournament Application:
Roleplay Name:
Character Race:
In-Game Name:
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery):
Primary Residence:

Please make an application per tournament for organisation’s sake if you desire to partake in numerous contests.

Entries will be closed On Friday 23rd January 12PM GMT. A roster will then be drawn by Tang and Patriot which will dictate the order of fights. You cannot dispute who you are placed against as it will be randomly drawn.
Although the entire region will be switched to pvp, only pvp in the arena is allowed. Pvp outside of the arena is void and those who abuse pvp/disrupt the event will be asked to leave. Outside of the arena, the region is [moderate].
This is minecraft pvp, so a chars rp fighting skills are essentially worth nothing, we recommend using alts. Don’t bring your own armour and weapons, we will provide that for you because we don’t want unfair fights due to item enchantment. This includes jousting lances.
For the sake of the tournament, those within category III of the laws of wolfstadt will be allowed to bear weapons on the tourney grounds.
Don’t hack. We’ll spot you and call you out if you do.

For more information about Wolfstadt click here

@Leo Decroix
@frank frappuccino



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Lord of Altera
The festival will be ongoing throughout the times listed above. Therefore, we are providing the opportunity to hire the market stalls in our trade district of the city, where you can, provided you are a merchant or ware-seller, distribute and profit from your business in our humble city. Stalls will cost 250R unless demand is extremely high. If you wish to acquire a stall please PM myself including @Dr.Patriot , @Tywin_Lannister , @Seano96x and @Markisbeest .
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Tournament Application:
Roleplay Name: Duc Emeric de Courtnay
Character Race: Human, Lavo.
In-Game Name: PaintAlt
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Joust
Primary Residence: Delavois
House: Courtnay


Lord of Altera
Tournament Application:
Roleplay Name: Ergon.
Character Race: Earthspawn.
In-Game Name: arkhampatient199
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Archery.
Primary Residence: Azerport.
House: Marr.


I don't see PvP working because of MCMMO. I'd sign up otherwise. I just don't want someone who has grinded forever to stomp me and then actually think they're good at PvP. :p
It doesn't make much of a difference in the long run, especially since the level caps are set so low.


Lord of Altera
Tournament Application:
Roleplay Name: Meridian Longlimbs
Character Race: Forest Elf
In-Game Name: ratchat620
Desired Tournament Entry: Archery
Primary Residence: Twilight Falls
House: Marr

'Cause why not!


Lord of Altera
Tournament Application:
Roleplay Name: Severian Solomonson
Character Race: Human
In-Game Name: sadko12345
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Archery.
Primary Residence: He is traveling.
House: The one who pays the most.
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Lord of Altera
I don't see PvP working because of MCMMO. I'd sign up otherwise. I just don't want someone who has grinded forever to stomp me and then actually think they're good at PvP. :p
I can try and sweet talk a supervising admin into throwing in a few temporary commands which'll disable mcmmo skills from working in Wolfstadt during the event if this is a problem. However firstly I'm fairly sure the difference/s are minimal, and besides - someone with a higher skill has obviously had more experience with swordfighting etc, so it would be natural that they were capable of more effective manoeuvres. However, the only thing mcmmo should effect is the melee, if that.


Lord of Altera
In many of the people's opinions I've heard, it is much more interesting to joust using rolls rather than sticks. I've tried it myself. The suspense and luck is great in that option. I just suggest it for jousting. If not, I'll do archery.


Lord of Altera
Tournament Application:Roleplay Name: Arcturus
Character Race: Human
In-Game Name: Valonyx
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Joust
Primary Residence: Turian Empire
House: the Lady of Light / Lavoyard

Tournament Application:Roleplay Name: Arcturus
Character Race: Human
In-Game Name: Valonyx
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Melee
Primary Residence: Turian Empire
House: the Lady of Light / Lavoyard


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Tournament Application:Roleplay Name: Arcturus
Character Race: Human
In-Game Name: Valonyx
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Joust
Primary Residence: Turian Empire
House: the Lady of Light / Lavoyard

Tournament Application:Roleplay Name: Arcturus

Character Race: Human
In-Game Name: Valonyx
Desired Tournament Entry (Joust, melee, or archery): Melee
Primary Residence: Turian Empire
House: the Lady of Light / Lavoyard
Uhm Val wot ya doing, wanna join 2 times?


Lord of Altera
In many of the people's opinions I've heard, it is much more interesting to joust using rolls rather than sticks. I've tried it myself. The suspense and luck is great in that option. I just suggest it for jousting. If not, I'll do archery.
Although we thank you for your suggestion, and as much as I love "A Knight's Tale", we prefer to use regular jousting, because this being an event in which people invest money, we'd prefer to decide winners on skill (however little might be involved in here due to the limitations of minecraft) instead of on pure luck.


Lord of Altera
For the sake of it all I will also participate in the joust and melee. No need for an app Im co-running the event with Tang