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Janya Glawardes


Loyal Servant of Altera
I am looking for someone to rp as Desarayna Nirtithan's older sister, Janya Glawardes. She will have recently found out where Desarayna is living, in Thiil with Draxos, but would not have told the rest of the family yet. (So I may need some people to rp as her parents and younger brother someday. So much work X.X)

Info about the character-

Race-Wood Elf

Age-She is seventy two in human years.

Appearance- Tall, even for an Elf(I think), standing at seven foot three(So Ren might actually be tall when he is grown up). She has a bit of a slouch sometimes, but she tries to stand perfectly straight all the time. Her skin is just as dark as Rayna's and her hair is outrageously long, reaching her lower back /when braided/, and jet black. Janya has a slightly larger than average chest size and her hips are not too wide. She has no visible flaws with her skin aside from a small scar on her right knee. She has her father's pale green eyes and her mother's slightly droopy ears(Only droopy at the tip). Her facial expression, even when content, is somewhat tight and severe. (Sorry its just the way she looks)

Personality- *You do not have to do any of these, I am just /suggesting/ and /highly encouraging/ these due to some things that were said about her sister IC'ly and her backstory* She looks down on the point where she will not touch, date, or just trust them in general(At least not openly)Her general attitude is cold and business-like and she can be very spiteful and mean to Desarayna due to her short, human-ish, height of Five and a half feet. She has a "GLaDOS"-like sense of humor, which can be /very/ funny if pulled off correctly and she constantly and casually pushes in "Kazooie" style quips into the things she says. She might also, maybe, on a slight chance... /hate Draxos' guts/ as she has done some homework on his and his family's past. Ren...might actually get on her good side, but not if he doesn't grow to be at least six feet by the time he is an adult. Not a violent person.
Vendor: *sees rodents*By the gods! My apologies, I had no idea there were rodents in my store.
Janya: Do not worry, just leave those things you call "Sausages" out in the open, and the problem will take care of itself~
Desa: I can't believe it, its been so long Janya...
Janya: As short and frumpy as you may be, I missed you too Denia.
Desa: ......My name is Desarayna.
Janya: Is it? I am so sorry Delilah, my memories of you are foggy.
Desa: Again, my name is Desarayna, not Delilah
Janya: Tell me, Dyslander, did you ever get that height problem fixed?
Desa: Des-a-ray-na...can you sound that out?
Janya: Desma.
Desa: Desarayna.
Janya: Diana?
Desa: Desarayna!
Janya: Diamond!?
Desa: No! It is Desarayna!
Janya: Okay, alright... So, how have you been all these years Drumstick?
Desa: Hey Janya, could you help me reach that jar on the top shelf?
Janya: .....*tilts her head like an Owl*Why of /course/! I would do anything for my /little/ sister. Let me just get this /little/ jar off of this /little/ shelf. *takes the jar, holding it high* You know, I can't quite figure out how you can live in this /little/ house Deana. I guess being so /little/ helps...~
Janya: *looks at Draxos for the first time* ....No. *walks away, shaking her head*
(Try not to overdo it though, she is still cold and business like in general)

Family- She has had no children or lovers, surprise surprise. Her parents, control freaks Maia and Elro Glawardes, are perfectly healthy and alive. She has a younger brother, Kano Glawardes, who is super religious and is a total prude.

A skin will be provided as soon as I finish it. I haven't made it yet because I am trying to stay open to suggestion but I already made an anime Avatar of her.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
Just comment if you want to rp as Janya, (And Ik it may be a bit much to ask of people)
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Pretty tall for a person, I already feel bad for her back problems >_<