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[Nation States] Legisa Megathread + News


Lord of Altera

While this thread used to be a dedicated information hub for Legisa, I'm repurposing it as a place to store photos of Legisa's officials, staff, vips, and so on. If you want to know more about Legisa, please read our factbook, which is sometimes out of date.

If you're not listed below it is because we have no history of conflict or friendship, assume you're neutral.

Natrizima (Alliance)
Upresh (Alliance)
Roxilia (Alliance)
God Send
Mechanica Rationalis

Important People
Aleksander Karadovek II
King of Legisa, Prophet of the Black Star

Lyon Alexi Klaudus I †
First Citizen, Great Uniter, and Ex-Supreme Exarch

Gustavus Drezt †
The Inheritor, First Patron of Legisa, and Ex-Supreme Exarch

Grand Patriarch Dymetrios
Head of the Church of the Black Star

Danika Katarina †
Consul of Foreign Relations, Chairwoman of the Foreign Policy Council
[file missing]

Grigor od Vojske †
Ruling General of the Grzmot Corps
[file missing]

Hierophant of the Church of the Black Star

Two members of the Legisian Army

Masked members of the Lions of Legisa

• Legisa now uses an alternative voting system when it comes to elections.
• Duels, with épée or pistol, are legal and valid ways of settling disputes between two individuals.
• Corporations can freely donate to candidates or parties.
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Lord of Altera
The Legisian Armed Forces:
Legisa maintains a small but professional army that cooperates with Legisa's navy and air force. Reports indicate that Legisa has 950,000 active personnel who participate in training exercises across the country, and are ready to defend the nation at a moment's notice. Legisa also boasts a giant citizens militia, which has over 45,000,000 members according to recent reports. This force however is mainly comprised of normal citizens with little formal military training, yet despite this disadvantage, this pool of reserve fighters are patriotic and ready to defend Legisa should it be needed.

Below is a gallery of Legisa's Armed Forces, featuring aircraft, troops, and a manner of other things military related.

Legisian MRV Mk I

Legisian AT-1 Mk II

A small squad of citizens engage in a privately organised training day.

Legisian APC with troops is tailed by an entourage of tactical trucks

Soldiers march through the remains of a city devastated by the Civil War​
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Lord of Altera
Novigród and other Legisian Landmarks

Novigród was first designed by Supreme Exarch Klaudus I, though the project was finished by his successor Gustavus Drezt. It is the capital of the country, and translates literally to "new city". It has a thriving financial district, plenty of housing on the outskirts of the city, bountiful greenspace, and of course, the capitol building of Legisa.

Exterior of the People's Assembly

Interior of the People's Assembly

Karadovek Palace, former residence of the Supreme Exarch.

Statue of the Prophet Jzen overlooking Novigród's skyline.

Rostiv University's Library, the largest in Legisa.​

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Lord of Altera

Today, at around 1300 hours, police and paramilitary forces clashed violently with the migrant population in several cities. The conflict allegedly started when a militia of fedup Legisians ganged up on a small group of foreigners. In response to the deaths of several migrants, the foreign horde took to looting and pillaging any territory they occupied.

The Supreme Exarch has declared a State of Emergency, the Legisian Armed Forces are in direct conflict with the foreigners in an attempt to subdue their uprising.


Lord of Altera

The war against the insurgents has sparked protests in the immigrant occupied area. Thousands of the foreigners rally day and night to end the "racial war", as they call it. In response to these protests, the paramilitary group, "The Lions of Legisa", have taken the place of the army in the fight against the outsiders. The group has made significant gains in the battle against the foreigners, taking back many occupied buildings, and pushing the frontline towards the coast. Major General and spokesperson of the Lions had this to say, "For too long has Legisa tolerated the guile of these foreign devils, with the support of the people, the country, and our forefathers, we shall end this incursion once and for all! For the Exarch, For Legisa!".


Lord of Altera
An unidentified group of within Legisa have taken to painting large murals in multiple cities across the nation. Some of them depict The Lions of Legisa and the Legisian Army committing killing men, women, and children, and almost all murals carry the words "GENOCIDE" over the gory scene. Others portray the Supreme Exarch of Legisa as a traditional fascist, likening him to the terrible rulers of yore. All of the murals are huge, and seem designed to have as many people as possible see them.

The government has declared these artists to be anti-Legisians, and traitors to the country. Nationalists across Legisa are busy removing these murals, and searching for the culprits. All the while, the war on Legisa's shores continues.


Lord of Altera

Unrest continues to spread across Legisa, as the anti-establishment murals continue to pop up in major cities, often depicting a black tiger devouring a white lion, no doubt a metaphor to describe the group's goals. Additionally, the Headquarters of the Lions of Legisa, the largely successful paramilitary group, were raided last night, though thankfully none were harmed. A red dust was found on the premises, leading to the Legisian Centre of Bomb Disposal to carefully contain the mysterious dust for further analysis. The building has been quarantined, with the Lions now residing in the Army Barracks.

Following this attack, Consul of Defense, Nikola Dusan, raised the threat level within Legisa, and mobilised the army. Citizens cheer as the honourable soldiers of Legisa march through the streets, routing any individual who would dare besmirch this great country. With the help of the police force, the army has improved the security of the nation greatly.


Lord of Altera

The outsiders have been routed by the combined efforts of the Army, the Militant Militia, the Lions of Legisa, and foreign troops. Several insurgent leaders were captured and taken into custody, prompting the remaining outsider population to flee the country. Many celebrated the great victory, but festivities were cut short when, in the early hours of January 2nd, several office buildings in the capital collapsed in a fiery explosion. Research indicates that strategically placed pipe-bombs destabilised the building, killing all inside. Currently a reported 34 Legisians are dead, with many more wounded.

The blame has been placed upon the nefarious "Black Tigers", a terrorist organisation with no clear goal other than causing Legisa more grief.

The Supreme Exarch personally wrote to the families of the victims, and vows to see the leaders of the Black Tigers brought to justice.


Lord of Altera

Following new legislation, scientists across the country are once more be allowed use animals in their testing. In response, the Head of Science at Yenikraw University stated that the law change should lead to "new advancements in medicine within the next few years". Unfortunately, several labs across Legisa were spraypainted with violent images of scientists devouring rats, leading to the authorities arresting several members of Legisians for Animal Protection (LAP).


Lord of Altera

Today, at around one o'clock in the morning, Supreme Exarch Klaudus I suffered from a stroke which has left him crippled throughout his body. The Supreme Exarch's personal physician informed the press that the stroke was likely caused by the stress of ruling the Allied States.

Later that day, a meeting was called in the (rarely used) Immaculate Assembly Hall of Legisa, on the word of the Supreme Exarch. Once the seats were filled, the Supreme Exarch addressed the issue of Legisa after his death, a touchy subject which the government had never truly planned for. It has been decided that every Legisian above the age of 16, who isn't in prison, will vote in a coming election to decide on who shall rule when Klaudus departs this world.

It is truly a bittersweet moment in Legisian history, as while many are torn over the prospect of losing their beloved leader, many ambitious individuals have already begun their campaigns for the seat of Supreme Exarch.


Lord of Altera
The election to decide on the new ruler of Legisa has begun, and already voters are beginning to flock to popular candidates, narrowing the roster of potential rulers. Yesterday, the Office of Internal Affairs published a report on how Legisians were voting. It proved that while there was still a range of candidates, three rivals have emerged, with the three of them collectively holding 85% of the public's vote.

First is Gustavus Drezt, Major General of Legisa's Army. He is a decorated veteran of the Uniting War, and had a significant role in the short war against the foreign horde, partaking in combat despite his age. Gustavus Drezt has promised citizens that under his rule, Legisa will be taken to new heights with a firm foreign policy and a powerful military. His portion of the electorate are mainly working class conservatives, traditionalists, and nationalists who do not want Legisa to stray from the path it has been on since its creation. Overall, he is predicted to win 40% of the vote.

Second is Knori Layostadt, notable due to his liberal and democratic ideas that have won him the hearts of Legisa's moderate left-wing. At the age of 29, he is one of the youngest candidates to actually have a chance at being elected, despite his lack of experience. He has vowed to reform Legisa's policies regard foreigners, so that the country might benefit from immigration, tourism, and globalisation, while also proposing to lessen the power of the Supreme Exarch, and slowly bring Legisa out of "its archaic mindset" as he puts it. Despite being vilified as a traitor by the right-wing, he is predicted to win approximately 25% of the vote.

Finally there is Fyodor Krayask, a veteran of the Uniting War, who has been labelled by his enemies and the press as "one of the most radical candidates seeking office". Proposing nothing less than a full-scale communist reformation, Krayask has vowed to abolish the office of Supreme Exarch, so that instead Legisa may be ruled by unions of workers to "truly unite the people of Legisa" as he explained in an interview. His radical stance and fiery anti-establishment speeches have made him the centre of the press' attention, and won him a surprisingly large following which grows continually. He is expected to win 15% of the vote, but this estimate fluxuates as his movement swings in and out of public favour.


Lord of Altera

The vote for the new Supreme Exarch has come to a close, and last night at 10:00pm the Office of Internal Affairs announced Gustavus Drezt as the new Supreme Exarch, winning a 55% percent of the vote after Knori Layostadt dropped out of the race. The coronation of Supreme Exarch Gustavus was attended by nearly 10,000 of Legisa's elite, with thousands of citizens gathering in public squares to watch the event live on public broadcast screens. The highlight of the event was most notably the speech given by His Excellency Lyon Alexi Klaudus I, who entrusted Supreme Exarch Gustavus with the title, while also granting him the stylings of "The Inheritor" and "First Patron of Legisa". His Excellency also moved crowds with a moving speech in which he summoned the hearts and courage of his countrymen one last time, telling them to continue on the path he had set out for them. Lyon Alexi Klaudus I informed the hall of guests and the press that he would be retiring to the countryside, looking to spend his last days in isolation.


Lord of Altera

Supreme Exarch Drezt made a public appearance this evening before a rally of 10,000 troops, and over 100,000 citizens, with many more watching the event at home. The Lions of Legisa were also in attendance, bearing their bold white and black armbands as a show of loyalty to this country. It was at this gathering that Supreme Exarch Drezt announced that Legisa would be reforming its military by dedicating new funds to cutting-edge research that would maintain Legisa's status as a major power in the region, stating that "Legisa is a strong nation, its people heroic, and valiant in the face of adversity, but our enemies plot in the shadows, waiting for a brief moment of weakness! If we look to maintain our splendid isolation and the peace we so enjoy, we must prepare for war". The event was concluded with the unveiling of a new type of combat armour, one made of a light but resistant fiber and a light robotic exoskeleton to aid soldiers in battle.


Lord of Altera
several labs across Legisa were spraypainted with violent images of scientists devouring rats, leading to the authorities arresting several members of Legisians for Animal Protection (LAP).
I'm dying

that is beautiful


Lord of Altera

Legisians across the country have expressed their outrage regarding the events of the Hollow-World Council yesterday evening, with many calling for war against Corvermell to teach them a lesson. Supreme Exarch Drezt said in a press conference that he was currently holding internal discussions with his consuls about the issue, and that the public will be informed about his decision in the coming days. The Lions of Legisa have experienced a growth in numbers following the speech, with its members being the loudest in the cry for a punitive war.


Lord of Altera

In response to the echoing calls for Vermellan blood, the largely marginalised Church of the Black Sun, commonly known as one of the key religions during Legisa's early renaissance period, has seen new life in a sharp rise of membership. A spokesperson had this to say: "The Church of the Black Sun condemns the current system of government for forgetting its cultural roots. Religion is what united our people before the Uniting Wars, and Supreme Exarch Klaudus I's greatest mistake was in demonising religion, when truly, only the Church of Neophyte was at fault for the centuries of religious oppression. We hope more Legisians come to embrace their true heritage".


Lord of Altera
does this church hate vermellans too, or
(( The Church of the Black Star is more concerned with returning Legisa to its cultural roots, and condemns foreign conflicts as they distract Legisa from its people and heart. In other words; they're xenophobic like most Legisians, but not hostile to foreigners. ))


Lord of Altera

In a bizarre and unpredicted twist of fate, the Supreme Exarch Gustavus Drezt was mortally wounded in his duel with Vermellan Housekeeper Malari just hours ago. He had suffered a blow to the side of his abdomen which cut through his armour, and while the damage wasn't immediately deemed fatal by referees, medics were required when the Supreme Exarch fell limp seconds after the duel's end. He was hospitalised immediately and looked after by Legisian doctors who unfortunately could not bring the hero back to full vitality. The Supreme Exarch died at 2:00am due to complications with his heart. The medical staff who had operated on him, and are currently running a full autopsy have declared that there are no obvious signs of foul play, ie. poisoning, but the investigation will continue.

Back home the Consulate has taken control of the country, and is currently working on finding a candidate for the now vacant position of Supreme Exarch. Some mourn Drezt and his shortlived rule as Supreme Exarch, while others have voiced new criticism about his policies. Perhaps the most interesting response to the death of the Supreme Exarch was that of the Church of the Black Star, who have taken to the streets in religious garb, brandishing flaming icons and chanting the dogma of their religion. Over the past week, their numbers have swelled, and the Office of Internal Affairs has suggested that some 30% of Legisians identify as members of the church.

Vyacheslav, a Hierophant of the Black Star, had this to say: "The Black Prophecy has begun! Look up to the skies, true sons and daughters of Legis, and know that the king is dead, and the Black Star's angel shall soon grace the earth with his new prophet! Do not despair the death of Drezt, he was but a pawn in a scheme beyond his comprehension"