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Lacey Farke


The rosiest of forests.
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human, notably so.
Social Status: 'Pitied, really'
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Height: 5'7
Weight: Average, maybe a little over due to muscle.

Build: Broad girl, coming from the north and following her brother's footsteps, although her body does curve in a way that may be appealing to others.
Hair: Curling, dirtied brown hair that is cropped at her collar bone when straight, otherwise may be found in varying styles of wisps and curls.
Eyes: A soft blue, tinted grey.
Skin: Pale with a few freckles dashing over her nose and rounded cheeks.
Identifying Marks: In the north it would be her eyes, lower south she looks much like the common girl, aside from her broad shapely figure.
Clothing: A short animal hide cape with a leather attached hood, thick boots to last through all weather and a simple cotton loose shirt of dark blue, tied tight with a belt over even simpler trousers.
Weaponry: A small dagger, used mainly for cooking purposes.
Hygiene: As best as it can be. She's not too fussed as long as she doesn't smell, meaning her hair is often ragged and left in it's mess of soft curls and wisps.
Voice: Harsher than someone may expect from the lass, yet matches her build.

Strengths: She can lift most heavy objects, which has come in handy. Fishing skills here and there though she hasn't done that in a long while.
Fears: Losing her brother, Upsetting Syr.
Weaknesses: Hand-to-hand combat, mathematics.
Intelligence: Average. Has taken to reading books, however still shows struggle when reading or writing. However she does take pleasure in learning new words and their meanings and can perform a high standard of conversation.
Languages: Common.
Profession: General Handy Woman.
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The rosiest of forests.
+ - Relations - +
Adrian Farke
Adores her older brother and could not think of another family member who knows her so well. Misses him greatly, as of current and passes some time in Oren reading through his old diary. Has written to him many times with no reply, but wills herself to be strong and trust he is safe.

Her respects are with him, wherever he may be. The old man died with bravery, though she knows he did many things wrong throughout his long life. Wishes nothing more than for his family members to come to terms with his death, even if that may take a lifetime itself.

Currently misses him, though wishes him well wherever he may be. Her trust in him is not as strong as others, but there nevertheless. She wished they could continue being close friends.

Syr Edaren
Lacey loves this man like no other. She would give her life to him, and has. She constantly reminds herself that Syr, although he may not show it often with affection as others might, cares for her in return. She would like to think she knows him, though that would be foolish. His silent brooding is no longer troubling for her and she has come to terms with his differences. She would not leave his side.
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Lord of Altera
...Pretty sure that's a bit over-phonetic.

Wouldn't have thought the "e" at the end would be as distinct a syllable. She sort of says "ay" but it doesn't have an accent.

@Valonyx, teach me thy ways. Does the translate lady lie~?
She does. The way she says it sounds polish to me, that gives you a general idea of how much the google translation thing tries too hard.