Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

La Bette Artwork


The Arbiter of the Gods
Uriv Astrius
Human Male
Around 50
Spirit animal would be a bear

Uriv is an outgoing, cheerful man who can often be seen with a smile under his thick moustache. This of course hides how he can really be, and that reality is a cold harsh man who is after all a king.


Yū Yi
Name: Meradoth Wallins
Age: 7-8
Personality: She is a sadist with slight lack of sympathy, but still innocent in the way that she kind of only knows about her own crazy mind, so she makes it seem innocent. She is basicly wicked.
Spirit animal: Spider

Am I to late?


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Name: Meradoth Wallins
Age: 7-8
Personality: She is a sadist with slight lack of sympathy, but still innocent in the way that she kind of only knows about her own crazy mind, so she makes it seem innocent. She is basicly wicked.
Spirit animal: Spider

Am I to late?
Nope you seem just in time, you're the last one iiiiiif my math works


Lord of Altera
Darnit. I know now why I should have accessed the forums from school... The chibi icons are amazing.

Edit: And I just realized I am to late to get one, darn.


Roleplay keeper
I.. I've been having a sort of inspiration all day I guess.. I'm not sure what I made? But I made -something-
Ehm, It's supposed to be Sheila by the way.