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Ethnic Groups Masterthread


Lord of Altera
alright. might as well get my concerns over with.

while I fully understand that this is a fantastic universe, I want things to remain realistic insofar as it makes internal sense. since this is heavily based on real-life politics, I feel that the world should also reflect real-life racial diversity.

while you're all independently responsible for the decisions made about the lore of your own nations, I would like you to keep in mind a few things, so that you can make the decision while fully informed.

firstly, while in the modern day, people have moved around so greatly that most nations are a mix of multiple races, there is a /highly general/ rule that darker skinned folk are from regions closer to the equator, while lighter-skinned folk are from regions closer to the poles. this map illustrates the basic idea, applied to 1940s earth:

View attachment 59244

note the location of the equator. now obviously, our nationstates world is not like earth. it's composed of a single supercontinent with multiple subcontinents, and most of its landmass is situated at the southern hemisphere, with lots of landmasses around the poles. still, I managed to draw an equatorial line across the map, directly between the two poles:

keep this in mind if your country lies near or on the equator.

thank you for reading.
Other Map for your Viewing Pleasure
I figured debate regarding this post shouldn't clutter the thread.
I also figured I should put down some kind of database and discussion where people figure out the major ethnic groups that make up their country, name those ethnic groups, and describe them.

like, you know, appearance, history, language, basic culture...

so anyways. I'm not defining what you should do, other than giving you the rough baseline, as noted in that post. make up anything you want to, and if you're confused, I'm happy to help.
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Lord of Altera
I'm putting a list of the total fictional ethnic groups here for people to reference at their leisure.

Racial Makeup/Attitudes by Country (incomplete):
Corvermell: primarily Vermellan, though in recent times, there have been waves of immigrants and refugees fleeing their own war-torn nations.

Sincronia: 5 different native groups. status of foreign immigrants unknown.

Dogbewistan: racist as hell, foreign races highly discriminated against.

Aranudar: primarily Founders, though there is a population of Vermellans

Zioxia: a cultural melting-pot, due to their immigration policy.

God Send: far north + xenophobic people = almost 100% Chosen population.

Arcturix: forces it's population to adopt the Arcturion culture, but otherwise cares nothing for the color of your skin. multi-racial, not multi-cultural.

Sincronia: both supports and dissuades immigration to Sincronia. possesses a large and diverse immigrant population, mainly from the nations bordering them.

Senturia: completely closed borders


Selvalla - ancestors of modern Vermellans. hailing from the Morgnatha valley jungles. spoke old dialects of vermellan. dark skin, kinky hair. wore little clothing in the hot climates, had a culture-unique religion and martial arts. built primarily domed houses from either wood-and thatch, or stone.

Vermellan - natives to the islands of Corvermell. speak vermellan. dark skin, kinky-to-wavy hair. borrowed much of the selvalla customs, though mixed them with montani traditions. said traditions have also evolved gradually over time, often to adapt to the new island clime. often stereotyped as being gossipy, promiscuous, overly uptight, or overly loose.

Montani - ancestors of modern Morgnathans. hailing from the steep central mountains of Morgnatha. spoke old dialects of morgnathan language. pale-skinned. before the birth of Christ, had undergone a successful campaign unifying the lands of Morgnatha under one leader.

Morgnathan - natives to the country of Morgnatha. red hair is more prevalent among Morgnathans that in other groups, and is often a sign of noble lineage. characterized by generally lean bodies, pale skin, and freckles. lots of em.

Sincronians - "True Sincronians", the founders of the nation, hailing from the wealthiest region. a proud people, to the point of arrogance. tend towards social conservatism, are highly traditional.

Costadelites - from the Costadel region of Sincronia, a coastal area to the north. known as easy-going, utilitarian.

Laktenforians - from the laktenfor region of Sincronia. conquered by Sincronia long ago, still harbor dreams of indepencence.

Talmontians - hailing from the Talmont region of Sincronia, near most of the nation's wyrm population. held a tradition of wyrm worship, often considered "uncultured" or wild.

Freizeners - from the deep south of Sincronia. often considered to be reserved and intelligent.

Founders - the people who settled on and founded the islands of Aranudar from an unknown southern region but a few generations ago. the Founders are a slightly tanned, caucasian people who benefit from a belief that their race is superior to all others. despite this, changes have been made recently to abolish the nation's historical racism, primarily through democratic processes.

Original Carausmians - comparable to aboriginal Australians. native to the land of Carausmia, possessing dark skin, with eyes varying from green to brown. hold to traditional beliefs of a unity with nature, and have a strong oral tradition.

Gra-Hul - sentient insectizoids. native to Carausmia.

Dogbewistani - no information, other than they're apparently racist.

God's Chosen - white as the freshly fallen snow, from the subarctic lands of God Send. highly idealistic, religious, xenophobic. reject modern society.

Natrizima - native to Natrizima, characterized by broad shoulders, sunken cheeks, blue eyes, and brown or blond hair. pale skin, tend to be more tanned in the countryside. slightly influenced by Carausmians due to proximity. speak Marik as their first language.

Tijahm - native to southern Tarjikstan. comparable to those of the Middle East.

Yadahm - native to north Tarjikstan. comparable to Egyptians

Arcturion - comparable to spaniards. those of more "noble" lineage are paler, and often possess blonde hair. ordinary citizens tend to have darker hair and eyes.

"Sprakians" - actually a number of individual tribes and groups, all native to the nation of Sprakia. comparable to the ethnic groups of mesoamericans and polynesians, such as Hawaiian, Quechua, Maya. hair is black/dark brown, tends between wavy and straight. mainly lean diets. possess a number of native languages, but also learn the "central" language and the common tongue.

Carijo - one of the many Sprakian groups, and the only one large enough to be worth mentioning. Carijo make up less than 30% of Sprakia's population.

Volopian - generally pale, though the natives possess darker skin the further north they live, eventually getting particularly tan

Senturian - characterized by pale skin, broad shoulders, and being over 6 feet tall on average (182 cm).

Legisians - native to Legisa, possess pale skin, and generally fair complexions, brown hair, and brown eyes. comparable to the slavs and balkans.
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Lord of Altera
I haven't fleshed out all of Sincronian history, yet, but I've produced an outline of the various regions Sincronia grew out of, as shown by the following series of historical map progressions:

Nation States Regions Map 1.jpg Nation States Regions Map 2.jpg Nation States Regions Map 3.jpg Nation States Regions Map 4.jpg Nation States Regions Map 5.jpg Nation States Regions Map 6.jpg Nation States Regions Map 7.jpg Nation States Regions Map 8.jpg Nation States Regions Map 9.jpg

I will be focusing primarily on the five main ethnic groups, one from each of the five major regions from map three onwards.

Before I begin, though, let me just say that skin tone means next to nothing in Sincronia. Assume that skin tones range from extremely pale in the south to moderate tan in the north.

Also, I think it fair to warn you that I am horribly unoriginal with names. Please feel free to provide suggestions!


Firstly, there are Sincronians, or, more specifically, there are "true" Sincronians. The Sincronians hail from the region that gave birth to the nation of Sincronia, which is outlined in yellow on the maps. This region is the wealthiest in the nation, and its inhabitants know it.

Sincronians tend to have great pride in their heritage, almost to the point of arrogance. They are usually socially conservative, clinging to their cultural roots, but progressive in other areas, such as business.


Costadelites hail from the Costadel region, which is outlined in blue on the maps. This region is the second wealthiest in Sincronia and deals primarily in coastal trade and tourism.

Costadelites are known to be rather easy-going and pleasant. This, along with the natural beauty of the area, has contributed significantly to the growth of the tourism industry in the region. Costadelites are generally utilitarian in thinking and strive to do as much good for as many people as they possibly can.


Laktenforians hail from the Laktenfor region, which is outlined in purple on the maps. This region surrounds the large lake in Sincronia.

Though conquered in a war against Sincronia and Freizen long ago, this region is known to harbor strong feelings of independence. Laktenforians know that independence is no longer a realistic option, but they cling to the stories of old when Laktenfor was once a great power. Most other ethnic groups in Sincronia consider Laktenforians to be sullen, moody, and oftentimes rambunctious.


Talmontians hail from the Talmont region, which is outlined in brown on the maps. This region borders the western side of the Basilisk mountain range and is home to the majority of Sincronia's wyrm population.

Talmontians are known to be free-spirited, careless, and somewhat wild in nature. In the past, Talmontians have been known to worship wyrms as gods, though this worship has largely disappeared by now. The rest of Sincronia's ethnic groups generally frown upon the "uncultured" Talmontians, and many consider them detestable.


Freizeners hail from the Freizen region, which is outlined in cyan on the maps. This region is in the deep south, and as such, has limited resources, population, and wealth.

Freizeners are known to be reserved and defensive in nature but also polite and intelligent. The Freizen region was the last to be absorbed into the fold of the Dominion of Sincronia, due in large part to the incredible defenses of its capital city in the Basilisk mountains. Freizeners are well respected by the rest of Sincronia and are often looked to for intelligent guidance in matters. The notion of being offended by a Freizener is almost unthinkable.


Dark Council Elite
Dubbed 'Founders,' the majority of the population of the island chain of Aranudar are made up of a lighter though slightly tanned skin tone that has been passed down through the few generations Aranudar has existed. The previous government - a Rogue Nation - defined the Founder genetic class to be the superior, supreme genetic class, and they were afforded more privileges than the rest. However, with new political advancements and the reclassification of Aranudar in to a Federation with more social equalities and opportunities, skin tone is largely irrelevant - intellectual and intuitive people are regarded the highest, no matter their skin tone. Heavy tanning is frowned upon and seen as the result of excessive labor or menial tasks such as construction or demolition.

There are not yet verified conclusions on the origin of the Founders, but it is speculated that they were a split off sect of denizens from several Southern countries that migrated Northward quietly to set up civilization a few decades before Aranudar was founded, explaining the lighter tones of skin commonly seen within the country.

There is also a minority of Vermellans within Aranudar for assorted reasons, though most families have been on the island chain for a few generations.

(of course the second bit is only okay if @Gaby says so but given the location of Aranudar it makes sense)


Lord of Altera
Although Carausmia is very multicultural there is still a majority of the original Carausmians.
Their culture was very like aboriginal Australians, spirits, unity with the land and ancient stories.
When they were introduced to new technologies they embraced them, never forgetting that the land is their provider.
Pure breed Carausmians, while not the norm, still make up a fair amount. around 20 - 30 % of the total population.
They have dark skin and hair, with eyes varying between green and brown.

There are of course, the other race of beings that live in Carausmia. The Gra-Hul.
Their population is about equal to 45 % of the human population.
There is much variance between nests but they all have black carapaces.
They have been taught to communicate with humans using a specially designed sign language that all Carausmians are required to learn.


Lord of Altera
I haven't fleshed out all of Sincronian history, yet, but I've produced an outline of the various regions Sincronia grew out of, as shown by the following series of historical map progressions:
You have my permission @Gaby
Dubbed 'Founders,' the majority of the population of the island chain of Aranudar
added. thanks. I'll put Aranudar in a spoiler until the new map comes up with their location.

Although Carausmia is very multicultural there is still a majority of the original Carausmians.
Their culture was very like aboriginal Australians, spirits, unity with the land and ancient stories.
When they were introduced to new technologies they embraced them, never forgetting that the land is their provider.
Pure breed Carausmians, while not the norm, still make up a fair amount. around 20 - 30 % of the total population.
They have dark skin and hair, with eyes varying between green and brown.

There are of course, the other race of beings that live in Carausmia. The Gra-Hul.
Their population is about equal to 45 % of the human population.
There is much variance between nests but they all have black carapaces.
They have been taught to communicate with humans using a specially designed sign language that all Carausmians are required to learn.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I should add Carausmia until you're unbanned. ok?


Lord of Altera
Dogbewistan only accepts those of dogbewistani heritage, sure we have Minorities but the point is that we don't consider them people.


Lord of Altera
In Zioxia there is an open migration policy however those who would become citizens who are not born in the country are not permitted to certain rights of those who were born there. This does not apply to the decendants who are born within the nations borders for they would be counted as Zioxians though these rights can be removed due to certain circumstances . It makes the Zioxian race have more traits and variations using this idea of cultural and biological absorption.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Tales in God Send speak of angels that moved through the lands. Glorious soft pale skin with golden to white hair, eyes of ice and oceans. What I'm meaning to say is that God Send is 100% white due to it being so far North and the Xenophobic ways of the country. By far, the only person from God Send seeming to accept foreigners is their leader, Adam Filonsky.

The God Send people are known to call themselves "God's Chosen" or "Chosen" for short if they're in a lackadaisical mood. Stereotypes and jokes often revolve around God Send's people 'Having their head in the clouds'. Or where they are told to be extremely dark age era due to the medieval structure of society.


Non sum qualis eram
...I really wish Nationstates threads would stop showing up in the recent feed. I keep thinking interesting things are happening in HW.


Lord of Altera
The Natrizima are a group characterised by their height, their broad shoulders, sunken cheeks, blue eyes and brown or blonde hair, however out of cities they have tanned skin and in the cities they are pale due to the pollution clouding the city skies.

Some Natrizima have carausmia influence due to relaitionship between the countries. They all speak common tongue as a second language with the course language of Marik as their first language


Lord of Altera
The people in southern Tarjikstan (which is also where most foreigners would live) are based off Arabic culture / ethnicity and are referred to as Tijahm. The people in the north who are more African (Egyptian specifically) are called Yadahm.


Lord of Altera
The core-Arcturion population is, as I said, looking a lot like Spaniards/Latinos, with the richest and nobles generally being of whiter tones, and wearing blond hair, to the opposite of the population, which is mostly darker tones (hair and eyes).

The Nation, while large, isn't really separated into different cultural group, everyone being (often forcefully) assimilated into the language, customs and culture of the ruling classes. Arcturix might be considered a multi-racial nation, for as long as you talk, work and pray like any other Arcturion, your skin color doesn't matter in the slightest.


Lord of Altera
Of course there are different tribes an thus ethnic groups of Sprakians. Their ethnicity is really based on the mesoamericans and polynesians.
Their skin colour varies from that of the lighter skinned Quechua
To the darker skinned Maya
But most look like polynesians like the Hawaiians.
Their hair is black/dark brown and either wavy or straight.
Their diets don't lead to much muscularity but they do have strong immune systems and bones. Most of the protein they do consume goes to their legs to facilitate the climbing of trees.

Each tribal group has it's own language, but they all speak and read the central language to communicate with those outside of the tribe and to read the great religious texts of the polytheistic Sprakian religion. (Which is the real religion of Nationstates) Most speak the common tongue, including the nation's city-dwellers.


Lord of Altera
Dogbewistan only accepts those of dogbewistani heritage, sure we have Minorities but the point is that we don't consider them people.
you and half the server, bud.

...I really wish Nationstates threads would stop showing up in the recent feed. I keep thinking interesting things are happening in HW.
I'm very sorry, Naelwyn. very, very sorry.

Tales in God Send speak of angels that moved through the lands. Glorious soft pale skin with golden to white hair, eyes of ice and oceans. What I'm meaning to say is that God Send is 100% white due to it being so far North and the Xenophobic ways of the country. By far, the only person from God Send seeming to accept foreigners is their leader, Adam Filonsky.

The God Send people are known to call themselves "God's Chosen" or "Chosen" for short if they're in a lackadaisical mood. Stereotypes and jokes often revolve around God Send's people 'Having their head in the clouds'. Or where they are told to be extremely dark age era due to the medieval structure of society.
I mean, I figured. you guys are in hecking Siberia.

The Natrizima are a group characterised by their height, their broad shoulders, sunken cheeks, blue eyes and brown or blonde hair, however out of cities they have tanned skin and in the cities they are pale due to the pollution clouding the city skies.

Some Natrizima have carausmia influence due to relaitionship between the countries. They all speak common tongue as a second language with the course language of Marik as their first language

The people in southern Tarjikstan (which is also where most foreigners would live) are based off Arabic culture / ethnicity and are referred to as Tijahm. The people in the north who are more African (Egyptian specifically) are called Yadahm.
The core-Arcturion population is, as I said, looking a lot like Spaniards/Latinos, with the richest and nobles generally being of whiter tones, and wearing blond hair, to the opposite of the population, which is mostly darker tones (hair and eyes).

The Nation, while large, isn't really separated into different cultural group, everyone being (often forcefully) assimilated into the language, customs and culture of the ruling classes. Arcturix might be considered a multi-racial nation, for as long as you talk, work and pray like any other Arcturion, your skin color doesn't matter in the slightest.


Lord of Altera
Of course there are different tribes an thus ethnic groups of Sprakians. Their ethnicity is really based on the mesoamericans and polynesians.
Their skin colour varies from that of the lighter skinned Quechua
To the darker skinned Maya
But most look like polynesians like the Hawaiians.
Their hair is black/dark brown and either wavy or straight.
Their diets don't lead to much muscularity but they do have strong immune systems and bones. Most of the protein they do consume goes to their legs to facilitate the climbing of trees.

Each tribal group has it's own language, but they all speak and read the central language to communicate with those outside of the tribe and to read the great religious texts of the polytheistic Sprakian religion. (Which is the real religion of Nationstates) Most speak the common tongue, including the nation's city-dwellers.
so..... no names of the different tribes of Spraks?


Lord of Altera
Let's just say that the only group of significant enough numbers to be worth naming (But still less than 30%) are known as the Carijo. For the purpose of the thread just list them as having the varied races and languages. You can list them with all of the characteristics I used to describe Sprakians (Low muscle, skin like mesoamricans, strong legs). It's the easiest way.


Lord of Altera
Let's just say that the only group of significant enough numbers to be worth naming (But still less than 30%) are known as the Carijo. For the purpose of the thread just list them as having the varied races and languages. You can list them with all of the characteristics I used to describe Sprakians (Low muscle, skin like mesoamricans, strong legs). It's the easiest way.
was gonna do that. lol.

also, I finally got everyone in. phew.

I added a list of nations as well, because I noticed some people describing the racial makeup/attitude of their nations, as well as the native race. I wanted things to be complete.