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[NationStates] I'm building us a planet


Lord of Altera
I'm a bit confused, what's going on?
Three things are currently happening at once:

1. I have proposed some border changes affecting some of the northern territories. This proposal would move Upresh into the yellow territory north of Sprakia in order to give Upresh some jungle hexes and a more tropical climate. As the changes directly affect your nation, they require your approval for implementation.

2. Nations are currently assisting in determining the locations and names of their respective capitals to create a Capitals Map. Currently, Upresh is not intended to have a capital per your nomadic nature and deference on creating a capital for Upresh.

3. Everyone is giving feedback to more precisely determine the location of the Democratic Council of Hollow World. Currently, consensus is leaning towards placing the council complex in a large, coastal city in Sincronia.


Lord of Altera
3. Everyone is giving feedback to more precisely determine the location of the Democratic Council of Hollow World. Currently, consensus is leaning towards placing the council complex in a large, coastal city in Sincronia.
isn't the UN hosted in New York City in real life.

isn't Sincronia supposed to be our analogue USA.




Lord of Altera
Three things are currently happening at once:

1. I have proposed some border changes affecting some of the northern territories. This proposal would move Upresh into the yellow territory north of Sprakia in order to give Upresh some jungle hexes and a more tropical climate. As the changes directly affect your nation, they require your approval for implementation.
I can dig it. Sure. Wont ruin anything at all, really.


Lord of Altera
(See second post of page 1 for updated maps)
Current Maps:
Right click and open in New Tabs for zoom!

Flags Map:
Nation States Flag Overlay.jpg
Borders Map:
Nation States Borders Overlay.jpg
Cities Map:
Nation States Base Overlay.jpg
Capitals Map:
Nation States Capitals Overlay.jpg
Transportation Map:
Nation States Transportation Overlay.jpg
Weather Map:
Nation States Weather Overlay.jpg
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Lord of Altera
@Patroklos Alexander
Start considering which territory you'd like to claim up north, blue or red! Legisa is the purple to the west, Cyclophoa is the black to the north, Natrizima is the orange to the east, and Upresh will be the yellow to the south, to give you an idea of who your neighbors might be.
I would like to claim the blue area, As it has a couple of islands off of the mainland and has a few mountains as well as some forest. (I think, Although I don't entirely know what all the symbols mean.)


Lord of Altera
I would like to claim the blue area, As it has a couple of islands off of the mainland and has a few mountains as well as some forest. (I think, Although I don't entirely know what all the symbols mean.)
The black triangles are mountain (ranges), the bumps are hills, and the trees are forest, as you noted. Also, what's your nation, just curious given that you're my new neighbour.


Lord of Altera
Flag Map Update:
> Roxilia added.

Important Notice:
From now on, all current maps will be on the second post of page 1! You can now find all your maps conveniently gathered in a single post!
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Lord of Altera
Well, I'm sorry to have created this war between Carausmia and Upresh over land.

I am open to suggestions for how to go about fixing this.

I assume that the RP situation is that the nomads of Upresh simply migrated into Carausmia while Carausmia was in a state of disarray?...

Also, in the next map update, I'll add back the cities and roads to Carausmia.


Lord of Altera
@Lord_Sinclair I'm willing to cede some of my lands for Carausmia?
I'll keep that in mind, though I'm tempted to wait and see how the initial RP plays out, first. Since they've already started the war, there's not much use in redrawing the boundaries, now, until they've settled things in battle a bit.

Also, I have a feeling Carausmia would likely end up with the western/southern half of the territory, so any land you cede would most likely be for Upresh.


Lord of Altera
(See second post of page 1 for updated maps)

Change Log:
> Carausmia flag halfway added.
> Upresh flag halfway removed.
> Cities re-added to Carausmia/Upresh.
> Mt Harulth re-confirmed.
> Major transportation routes in Carausmia/Upresh and associated neighbors re-added.
> Sprakian border adjustment to give breathing room for city in Carausmia/Upresh. One hex removed from Sprakia; one hex added to Carausmia/Upresh.
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