Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some art huhu (noodity warning)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
..Ahh- I think I derped a little. I thought you meant make a new thread of sorts. ;c;
Also, just something to try and get me motivated; edited my Nylarii piece. I was lazy, and found it a good base to try attempt some abdomen practice.
Bodies are weird, man.
(Lame bra is lame. But, would not post it without. xD)



Events Staff
Very Sweet
I really wanna work on the clothing this time - I keep looking at the shirt/corset and I just dont like it. So I'll re-paint those under the jacket layer later on.
Also, since my original I've changed the neck, tried defining her chest/collarbone area, made her head smaller, lightened her eyes some, and gave her a necklace that isnt some raggy lines.
For now, dinnar. c:
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Lord of Altera
I didn't notice at first glance the waves crashing against the rocks and the smoke rising from the volcano. All those little details are amazing! Great work:D!