Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

RP event Idea (wasn't sure where to post Geo_08 said here)


Lord of Altera
Ok, so me and itzza were talking on the server about what we did in 1.7 and before and the likes and we ended up talking about people like cherbert and sherbzz and fr3aKed and lars and Alpha and squee and all the old admins,mods and players. Anyway the conversation the changed course and moved on to an RP idea. So here it is:

  • All of the "oldies" are invited to join (if unsure whether ye are worthy of this title post and ask)
  • You will then be given a set amount of materials (eg. stone, wood, brick etc) and time (25 mins planning 2 hour building time)
  • Your goal is to create a house each and a town hall+notice board+Statue
  • You will not be allowed to use any Mod's or plug-ins to help you with this task
  • You will not be allowed to build your village over more than a 250 x 250 x 64 build limit
  • You have 25 mins planning time in order to distribute plots and designate a town hall and statue area
You access to 50 wood (Dark wood or normal[none of that white wood]), 50 wooden planks, 100 cobble, 50 bricks and 25 smooth stone. You will also be supplied with any tool's and blocks such as furnaces bed's chests and crafting tables.

So if this event is authorised you can post and ask or you will be Pm'd by me or itzza (that is if he wants to help organise or be apart of it)


Lord of Altera
If this idea goes down well i shall organise the same event structure but for newer players.


Lord of Altera
I joined right after the 1.8 update came out, however, I'd like to add that i have integrated well into the society of Altera =D


Lord of Altera
Yep, i have always seen Ninja running around since I logged on, and I believe Ninja also knows no other than that I have been on always since Ninja joined, we consider eachother Oldies :D


Lord of Altera
Attention all, I am now writing Invitations to all invited. IF you do not receive an invitation but you think you have been here longer than 5 months post here and i shall invite you.


Lord of Altera
Ive been here since the first day of 1.7 is that good enuff? Unless you count the week i played here before that dont know when that was tho :confused: