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Peter Blackfire


Lord of Altera
Name Peter Blackfire
Nickname/Alias Peter, Pete, Petey, Peta

Age: 38
Hair:Brown short hair. It is now graying
Eyes Foggy bluish Green
SKIN:White, pale
Identifying Marks:None
Appearance: Brown thick hair, Light bluish green eyes, Averagly built for a 22 year old, being skinny but toned
Strengths:Other then his smile, he is good with a sword and earning trust.
Weaknesses and fears:Fears the end of all tea, Fears dead bodies and the smell of them. He cant stand bugs.
Profession:Lord Harry Blackfires pain in the arse

eтнιcѕ and мoтιvaтιonѕ: His family
Personality:A royal ass, A funny one.
Religion or Cults:Jax. He realizes nothing good or bad happens without a little bit of lucky and chance.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Short Term Goals: Fight again/
Long Term Goals: Die honorably

Place: Wherever Pretty Women are around
Pastime: Flirting, Training
Food: Beef Jerky
Drink: Other then water, Whiskey
Colour: White
Animal: Falcon/Tiger

leaѕт ғavoυrιтe...
Place: Deserts, Persparation is not good for the skin
Pastime: Being Lectured
Food: Pies
Drink: Tea
Colour: Black
Animal: Lions
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Lord of Altera

Harry Blackfire(Brother): Loves but enjoys making him want to rip his hair out and teasing him about the quality of his tea, Family is family @Tomato150

Mercy Blackfire(Sister in law): Family is family. However attractive he will never flirt with her because of how close they are she is like an actual sister. Danm. Not Danm!@Ephemeral Fire

William Blackfire: Finds incredibly amusing and enjoyable, Family is Family. 'Please Billy, I need my best friend.'@Paintballz
Dawn Blackfire: Peter's favorite girl. She's smart and adventerous, although he wishs she would listen more. Family is family @Elz
Alice Blackfire Peters quote towards this one is 'Bloody Hell' . This is unprpedicatble and probley gets him in the most trouble without trying to, but he adores her. Family is family @Sankera
Gwen Blackfire:Is proud of her and have high standerds for her depite her being to smart for her age. Family is family @Patroklos Alexander
Catherine Blackfire:Family is family, Long standing crush on his brothers wife @Sir_Ashington
Daeron: He has patience and respects me and my wishes. I shall respect his., Hm You arent that bad.@Jstar
Aracena: She is a great person to have a conversation with, Also a pretty face @Niah
Cyrus: Cyrus is my timid yet ambitious squire/assistant of mine. I see great things. Has proven me wrong. A truely weak person.@570rmhunter
Jo: He seems loyal, Hopefully he can lighten up a bit and stop being a tad grumpy
Fulgrim: . . .Hes amusing @MaelstromPuddle
Nylarii: She seems a down to earth and geniune person and a sight for sore eyes. @Elz
Illthior: This scrawny elf causes nothing but problems and should probabely be put down. . But he has a pet giant. @Tempy_
Rex: The pet giant @FrostGuardian
Nwalme: He is quite teh humorous one. I like him @blargtheawesome
Amarua: Quite the unloyal and dishonorable one @QueenBlue629
Ferrous: Must learn more about him. I wish to make a mutal friendship and Vaulable asset with him @The Courier
Aewin: Do Appreciate he is the one William chose to be under @Lannis
Bronn: I hoped to have him at my side...Bloody hell. Wish him the best of luck @LeftwardElk
Wulfe: She's level headed and seems to walk with a certain confidance @Woolsey
Niah: She's fiesty and cute..I like a challenge @Niah
Mila: Almost postive I amused her with pretending to be scared, Im still curious on who hurt her. @Monster_Dan
Alys Norrey: *Grumble@Mryosi
Puck: Waste of life @Hangtough
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I'm gonna give you this for your title so that all 5 kids can have it in their title


The Lurker
Retired Staff
*A wild Niah rushes in* I'm here! I'm here! I hope it's not too late to sit in this one?

*Falls into a chair with wild eyes, then eventually settles down and looks around with relief*

Yes. I'm here.