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Finished [Thiil] Harvest Festival

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The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff

The good people of Thiil would like to invite everyone to the Harvest Festival. There will be free food, drink, song and dance all provided, with a friendly Archery Competition to take place on the freshly cleared farms of Thiil. A modest reward will be provided at the end of the day to the top three archers. So whether you wish to show your skill with a bow, take in Thiil's natural beauty or simply come have a good time Thiil welcomes you all.

OOC: The rest of the flyer that you find hanging on your closest billboard describes the specifics of where and when to meet and how to get to Thiil.

When: April 25th
Time: 6 PM EST
(But wait what time is that for me?

Where: Thiil

Who: To be ran by Azure Cerridwen

What: A PARTY!


The days events will be as follows:

  1. Welcome Speech- (Azure Cerridwen and Nireth Alec) Here Azure will say hi, briefly explain the days activities and then split the groups up. Then after the welcome Azure will lead those interested in the competition to the field for the archery competition. While those who are not may partake of food and drink.

  2. A Friendly Archery Competition- Several Pumpkins will be set up at various lengths from the start point. The first two will be total RP pumpkin competition with the last one at the greatest range being a dice roll of a D100. Closest person to 100 wins; the prizes total up to be 10,000 Radiants, first place is 5000. Azure will be judging. If you plan on competing you need to read this.
    More details can be found here:

  3. Revelry and closing Speech- Azure will call the people back together under the nights sky for one final word before letting the party go. Here he will present the winners their radiant reward.

  4. *Special Hidden Event*- You must be present at the event to see this, after the event closes I will update this as to explain what happened. This will happen immediately after all the stuff from #4 are done. (This event could not happen based on future RPs as well)

  5. Party until morning or you pass out- Whichever comes First.
OOC Notes: This is Thiil, meaning the event is peaceful no exceptions. If your character cannot party and revel without getting into a fight bring another character. Also no I will not reveal the special hidden event until that day/time of the event. Those of you who want to participate in the archery tournament need to read the attached explanation of the archery competition.

People I think who are invovled: @Lady Alec @Omikuji @jayo53 @zXzMAGIIKzXz
Last edited:


Tambry is hosting a Market and Brew Fair on April 11, and we set the date for ours for a while now. I think this event and Tambry's is similar enough to request you to change the date of your event, as I suspect we would split attendees.


Lord of Altera
Suggestion. Rangers and other Archers of matching skill should get a roll modifier of +20 or something of the like, and other people have modifiers based on their skill level aswell.

Solely because it would be very bad to see a Ranger miss a target completely landing by their feet.


Lord of Altera
Tambry is hosting a Market and Brew Fair on April 11, and we set the date for ours for a while now. I think this event and Tambry's is similar enough to request you to change the date of your event, as I suspect we would split attendees.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Tambry is hosting a Market and Brew Fair on April 11, and we set the date for ours for a while now. I think this event and Tambry's is similar enough to request you to change the date of your event, as I suspect we would split attendees.
Alrighty. I'll get back to you guys on on the new date.

Suggestion. Rangers and other Archers of matching skill should get a roll modifier of +20 or something of the like, and other people have modifiers based on their skill level aswell.

Solely because it would be very bad to see a Ranger miss a target completely landing by their feet.
From the in depth Archery Competition doc.
More OOC notes: I am doing the rolling instead of straight RP because I don't want to have to DM/sort through all the “Well my character is a Ranger, been training for 15 years, mines a prodigy” and all associated arguments. This is a free friendly competition that gives everyone an equal chance at the prize money. If you can’t handle your character being bested in their favored skill you might want to take them to the Tea Expo instead
EDIT: Everyone has an off day, the sniffles or they see a really hot chick and don't pay attention to what they're doing at the moment. Justify it how you will but I'm not touching the modifiers with a ten foot pole.

Will the party part be taking place in the Tavern?
I was thinking outdoors in the area around the tree in front of the farmhouse and barn. If you want to set up a booze stall or something message me and I'm sure we can find you a spot. I'm in need of a bar/food man anyway.


Lord of Altera
Alrighty. I'll get back to you guys on on the new date.

From the in depth Archery Competition doc.

I was thinking outdoors in the area around the tree in front of the farmhouse and barn. If you want to set up a booze stall or something message me and I'm sure we can find you a spot. I'm in need of a bar/food man anyway.
Adding rolling modifiers does help you from having to argue.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Tybs, I appreciate your stance and admit it has merits. However as I've already said, I'm not going to deal with sorting through everyone's pitch to try and get their characters the best possible modifier they can get. The last shot will be made on a particular gusty day IC and the shot is a very long one. So even if they wait to shoot until it dies down before the arrow lands the wind could gust and throw it off course. If that makes you feel any better I don't know. However the rolling system will stay in place as is.

New date is tentatively the 25th. Also I will set the time closer to the date (however I'm American on EST so that should give you idea of the times, probably going to be somewhere between 4-8 PM EST)


Lord of Altera


The good people of Thiil would like to invite everyone to the Harvest Festival. There will be free food, drink, song and dance all provided, with a friendly Archery Competition to take place on the freshly cleared farms of Thiil. A modest reward will be provided at the end of the day to the top three archers. Also during the event a Tea Expo will be held where the proprietor of Cliffside Brew will hosting an event to expand tea brewers expertise. So whether you wish to show your skill with a bow, expand your knowledge of how to brew a proper cup of tea or simply come have a good time Thiil welcomes you all.

OOC: The rest of the flyer that you find hanging on your closest billboard describes the specifics of where and when to meet and how to get to Thiil.

When: Tentatively April 25th

Where: Thiil

Who: To be ran by Azure Cerridwen, Nireth Alec, and Kopii Grey

What: A PARTY!


The days events will be as follows:

  1. Welcome Speech- (Azure Cerridwen and Nireth Alec) Here Azure will say hi, briefly explain the days activities and then split the groups up. Then after the welcome Azure will lead those interested in the competition to the field for the archery competition. While Nireth and Kopii will lead others to her Tea Expo.

  2. A Friendly Archery Competition- Several Pumpkins will be set up at various lengths from the start point. The first two will be total RP pumpkin competition with the last one at the greatest range being a dice roll of a D100. Closest person to 100 wins; the prizes total up to be 5000 Radiants, first place is 3500. Azure will be judging. If you plan on competing you need to read this.
    More details can be found here:

  3. Tea Expo- We are inviting anyone with interest and experience with brewing tea to come to join us at the Learning Center in Thiil to share our experiences and trade recipes. The hope is to have an enjoyable time while expanding our knowledge of tea.

    OOC note: This is not a learning class for people with no knowledge of tea recipes where they can come and get a bunch of free tea recipes. This is meant for people who have actually worked with tea and are looking to learn more. Also this event will be updated in the near future for clarity.

  4. Revelry and closing Speech- Azure will call the people back together under the nights sky for one final word before letting the party go. Here he will present the winners their radiant reward. (Also if Nireth/Kopii have anything to present/say it will be said here)

  5. *Special Hidden Event*- You must be present at the event to see this, after the event closes I will update this as to explain what happened. This will happen immediately after all the stuff from #4 are done. (This event could not happen based on future RPs as well)

  6. Party until morning or you pass out- Whichever comes First.
OOC Notes: This is Thiil, meaning the event is peaceful no exceptions. If your character cannot party and revel without getting into a fight bring another character. Also no I will not reveal the special hidden event until that day/time of the event. Those of you who want to participate in the archery tournament need to read the attached explanation of the archery competition.

People I think who are invovled: @Lady Alec @Omikuji @jayo53 @zXzMAGIIKzXz


Lord of Altera
But... what if I ask very nicely what the hidden event is?

Also, the 25th should actually work better for me, since I think my family was planning a camping trip for late next week (and it's very likely it could interfere with my availability on the 11th).


Lord of Altera
I shall have Kopii in the cutest little outfit for this as he plays a cute little host.

And Roodrick will be there being all the roods I'm sure hurhur. Or trying to sell ink.


Lord of Altera
I need to get Garrick some nice clothes... Or perhaps clean the alcohol out of 'em...

And Ater'll probably need shoes...


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
*A man approaches the flyer hanging in the Crossroads and tears it down the old one. Oddly it seems almost identical except all mention of the Tea Expo is now removed*

Updates: It's happening the 25 no longer tentative. Time is more fluid but a general range is between either 11 A.M. to 10. P.M. EST if people have a preference let us know. Some OOC stuff forced us to drop the Tea Expo so sorry about that, in return instead of being lazy I think I'll work really hard on the archery competition props and I'm I'll double the total reward and increase the reward at all three tiers. New Values are 5k 1st place, 3.5 k for 2nd and 1.5k for 3rd.

Also with the tea expo down I'm going to focus on making this more of a party with an event on the side, than an event with a party on the side. :p Multiple entertainers, party goers etc are all encouraged to attend.


Lord of Altera
I really look forward to this... All of my rp at the moment is either horribly depressing or not happening very often. It'll be good to hop on as Garrick and be carefree for a little bit