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Active Now [Religion - Shalherana] Is Great Mother forgotten?


Storm's Landing Wanderer
After a years Priesthood of Shalherana has again raised from ashes of corruption and new Great Temple was finally erected in eastern jungles. Now the time has come for priestess, priests and acolytes to seek for neglected shrines and once again they would stand to their duties.

Olomet, the acolyte of Priesthood, chose to be assigned for a first of many tasks. In upcoming weeks he will travel to visit many cities of Northern Kingdoms and in the name of Priesthood, inspect the presence and state of Shalherana shrines.

To see a well maintained shrine of The Lifebringer erected in every city of Kingdoms is ultimate goal of his task.
May Shalherana guide him on his journey.​

-Date: Starting a next weekend, one day. List with dates will be updated during following week. City owners will be contacted in advance.
-Time: Starting at:
8 pm GMT
-Event Type: Well..I will come look at a shrine or not_a_shrine and according to what I saw I will try to talk to city owner/s.
Originally meant to be Peaceful, but I am opened even for Violent if emotions developed that way.
-Public or Private:
Public. Theological discussers, proud shrine builders or unruly zealous mob - everyone is welcomed.

@Michcat , @Sizzix3507
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Storm's Landing Wanderer
...26th Etheras @MRPolo13 @Tayohud @Spear
...27th: Tauredal @Ced
...29st: Wolfstadt @Dr.Patriot @Markisbeest
...30th: Golden Bay @Tomato150
May, 2nd:
Reignfall @Tempy_
....3rd: Westerway @Erazz @Rudimentaryflavo @Amarette
...4th: Grafjell
...6th: Scourge @Balatro Queen's Port
...7th: LeHavre
...9th: Tambry @Antilogy
...11th: Azerport @bettemus99 and Twilight Falls @mokwar
...12th: Silverwatch @Mryosi
...13th: Zima`Maloj @Lady Alec
...14th: Riseport @blargtheawesome
...15th: Havarda @The Living Ghost @Lemarc
...16th: Calan @Saelihn

Places to be visited out of list: Irrcrawn, Korog`s Standing, Al`Bator, Vigils Rest
Heavens Reach @bodejodel @Redocs @DraconDarknight @Axex @Kvothe
Winterguard @DraconDarknight
Stormhold @Faelin
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
OH- I have a great interest in this list of cities and dates.~ I am excited to see where this goes.

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
Birchwood is very interested in how this progresses, he has found his connection to to Shalherana and Vermella and is feeling very religious lately :)


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Preliminary schedule uploaded.
I am not sure about Fridays, I may skip them and shift schedule accordingly.
If you feel Olomet should see somewhere not on the list yet, let me know.
Also nudge me if you know of owners who are not longer active.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Hmmmm, caaaan I badger for the Stormhold date to shift somewhere after the 22nd May? ;_;

Exams and stuff and things. :(


Lord of Altera
Sun 25th: Thiil (I will wisit a festival) @IceandFire and after it ends I move to Etheras @MRPolo13 @Tayohud @Spear
Mon 26th: Tauredal @Ced
Tue 27th: Heavens Reach @bodejodel @Redocs @DraconDarknight @Axex @Kvothe
Wen 28th: Winterguard @DraconDarknight
Thu 29th: Stormhold @Faelin
Fri 30th: Queen's Port @ACU20 (?)
Sat 1st: Wolfstadt @Dr.Patriot @Markisbeest
Sun 2nd:
Golden Bay @Tomato150
Mon 3rd:
Reignfall @Tempy_
Tue 4th: Westerway @Erazz @Rudimentaryflavo @Amarette
Wen: 5th: Grafjell
Thu 6th: Scourge
Fri 7th: Azerport
Sat 8th: LeHavre
Sun 9th: Tambry
Mon 10th: Silverwatch
Tue 11th: Kaer Morhen
Wen 12th: Zima`Maloj
Thu 13th: Riseport
Fri 14th: Havarda

Places to be visited out of list: Irrcrawn, Korog`s Standing, Al`Bator, Vigils Rest
Winterguard will have a religious festival involving Shalherana, Rahas and Korog sometime soon. So my suggestion is putting winterguard (and since they are in the same country) Heaven's Reach down the schedule.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Hmmmm, caaaan I badger for the Stormhold date to shift somewhere after the 22nd May? ;_;

Exams and stuff and things. :(
Winterguard will have a religious festival involving Shalherana, Rahas and Korog sometime soon. So my suggestion is putting winterguard (and since they are in the same country) Heaven's Reach down the schedule.
The schedule is preliminary and I of course count on changes as this involves a lot of people. Now I consider two possibilities A) putting region on "out of schedule" and return there after other cities are visited. B) moving the whole event to a later date.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Uhh . . . Queensport was burned if I remember correctly, and Golden Bay is kinda . . . Not welcoming
Yey, a burned city!..a lot of work for Shalherana. ... It should be nice to RP about that, but it would not be possible if there was no one with permissions.