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[IC Wanted Poster] Scardrac Dormus


Non sum qualis eram
Attached to several posts in the Crossroads region are thick, vellum sheets, formatted similarly to what is presented below and containing the below content. The sheets are heavy, and would, if attempted, give one a bit of resistance if they were attempted to be removed. A violet and silver runic script is etched around the border of each sheet, crossing over from it, to the wooden post, and back.

Missives, without the runic script around the sides, have been sent by Aerial Courier, in addition to a contact posted with the Alteran Postal Service, to a number of heads of state and known bounty hunters. You will be tagged at the bottom of the post alongside the domain for which you have had it be sent to.

Wanted: Scardrac Dormus
Recent crimes of this individual have lapsed a stay of proceedings on grounds of mercy and chance of redemption for past crimes.

This individual, Scardrac Dormus, is wanted on grounds of High Treason to the realm of Altera, knowingly and willingly aiding and abetting corrupted divinities, knowingly and willingly conspiring to the destruction of Port Silver, aiding and abetting the destruction of Port Silver, kinslaying, infanticide, and Oathbreaking.

It is known to the issuer of this decree that the individual has also committed several other crimes towards other sovereign nations. They are invited to attach their own rewards to this decree if they so wish, but as this decree contains his capital crimes against the entire realm, would declare primacy on issuing a final punishment.

This individual is armed, dangerous, unstable, and has a known history of Oathbreaking and betrayal of those he has worked with. Do not shelter this individual, stay away from this individual, inform your local law enforcement at once if you see him. He thinks nothing of anyone but himself and your safety is at risk if you tarry with him.

The human male stands in excess of 6 feet, six inches in height. He is often seen in plate armor with a red and black motif. His hair is black with some greying, his skin white. His eyes are a dark brown. The individual is known to carry a large blade and may be in the possession of a heavy crossbow.

An artist's rendering of his visual appearance, in, and without, the armor is transcribed below.


The total bounty available on this individual at time of writ stands at one hundred thousand (100,000) radiants in silver specie.

A total available rewards of 100,000 radiants is available for the live capture of Scardrac Dormus. Of this sum:

5,000 radiants will be paid to one bringing confirmed proof that they have killed him, such as his head. This bounty will be confirmed by magical analysis. This bounty can be claimed multiple times.

Radiants proportional to the original reward will be paid in summary to the contribution of individuals giving information that leads to his successful live capture based on how useful the information is.

100,000 radiants will be paid in sum for the delivery of the individual without his armor or weapons, bound head-to-foot with shackles, manacles, restraints, and chains, and without either conciousness or the ability to act in any way, to the individual or group of individuals in proportion to their arrangement between themselves. If the group of individuals agrees unanimously, one individual involved in the capture may also be awarded a personal enchanted item devised by myself in suiting and complimenting their abilities, created at my time and discretion.

In order to receive these awards, you must provide the information or take capture of the man before I find him and render justice.

Naelwyn Talreyn, Autarch, Vigil's Rest.

Missives Listing. (Do note, this is based on the character's IC reckoning of individuals and may be inaccurate.):
Freya Lonmar, House Lonmar (@Faelin)
Aewin Darwin, Undertow Mercenary Company(@Lannis)
Jaret Ironbrow, Dwarves(@Lannis)
Vorar Elem-Polvur, Vera Vigi (@Baron)
Abel Thorne, Rangers (@TheDeester)
Archaeus Fronte, Whateveritisnow (@Glados)
Barthelemy du Lavoyard
, Head of State, Turia. (@Megadonkey30)
Athryl Mithtanil, Thiil (@IceandFire)
Cloud, Havarda (@The Living Ghost)
Axex Hawklight, Heirax (@Axex)

@Michcat , By request.
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Non sum qualis eram
Why doesn't Tzemik drag Scardrac outta that cave like a badass? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Because characters must consent to revival for the revival to succeed, and I believe the character of Scardrac would be... let's say, unwilling to risk that.


Non sum qualis eram
Pardon? You may be correct, but I believe that I am best to speak for my character.
I figured it was a fair assumption to what the character of Scardrac would or would not be willing to do, all things considered. Do note the "I believe" part, stating it was a personal surmisation of what I expected the character to do, considering the plausible chance of Scardrac taking an option that would put him under the power of an individual who has a known grudge against him to be nearly zero.

Sorry if there's any miscommunication there, I'm merely clairifying that attack-through-revival is not a reliable or possible vector.


I figured it was a fair assumption to what the character of Scardrac would or would not be willing to do, all things considered. Do note the "I believe" part, stating it was a personal surmisation of what I expected the character to do, considering the plausible chance of Scardrac taking an option that would put him under the power of an individual who has a known grudge against him to be nearly zero.
Of course. No hostility meant, I was just confused by your wording. This is what I assumed ,anyways.


Dead Man Walking
Ooooh, this is an odd coincidence. . . That the people of Vigil's Rest have yet to know about. . . I think. Maybe.


Lord of Altera
.... Why's his bounty bigger than mine? Am I not good enough for you people?!

Just kidding. Best of luck to Scar!