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Eugene Simeons Engem


Legend of Altera
Character info 'Question'
Character info 'Answer'

Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Eugene Simeons
Reason or meaning of name:
His parents gave it him

Character’s nickname:
Two-skin; Devil's Child, 'Gene
Reason for nickname:
He was constantly teased in the orphanage for his scars.

Birth date:
15th Lightshine 2239
Neutral Good

A fitting way to describe him:
A solid block of determination, concealed by the veil of his disability.

Physical appearance
Eugene pic.pngEugene pic2.png

Silver Elf

How old does he/she appear:
Around 21

130 lbs

5 foot 9 inches (Shorter, for a silver elf, because of malnutrition in the orphanage)

Body build:
He appears to be very small in build under his cloak, but he is actually well muscled, with powerful, runners legs and a healthy muscle on his arms from training with his dual bokken.

Shape of face:

Eye colour:
A dark, stormy grey.
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes:

Skin tone:
Rather pale

Distinguishing marks:
He is very timid, preferring to stay quiet, away from crowds. The left hand side of his body is one, large burn scar. It is how people treated because of his scar that gave him Social Anxiety.
Predominant features:
His eyes are a startling, stormy grey, showing a determination that he outright refuses to show normally due to his fear of others. However, people often ignore his eyes in favour of staring at his rather obvious scarring.
Hair colour:
Pitch black
Type of hair:
Slightly wavy, usually a bit messy.
Doesn't really have a style.

Quiet, timid

Overall attractiveness:
If it wasn't for his immense scarring he could be considered to be handsome
Physical disabilities:

Usual fashion of dress:
Eugens fashion of dress consists of : A pair of faded, Brown trousers; Old black shoes; A worn down, grey shirt; An old, light grey cloak with a vine-like pattern (Like the old Engem Tattoos) and a pair of thin, black gloves. None of his skin is showing.
Favourite outfit:
He only has spares of what he normally wears (He has multiple spare cloaks, all made by himself).
Jewellery or accessories:
His gloves
He has no weapons, but his bag is full of seemingly random supplies, from paints to wire. Some of these items could be used for defence or to build traps.
Prized Possessions:
His bag, the only thing he has left about his parents, which contains nearly everything he owns.

He washes whenever possible.

Good personality traits:
+ Kind ('Not a bad bone in his body')
+ Thoughtful
+ Once someone has earned his trust he places complete trust in them. He finds it easy to forgive people he trusts... too easy.
+ Passive - Eugene can in no way be considered a fighter, and is more than likely to lose any head-on combat. This is due to his social anxiety and nothing else, as he is rather fit but his SA will more than likely make him freeze up during a confrontation..

Bad personality traits:
+ Social anxiety.
+ It is hard to gain his trust.
+ He finds it hard to forgive people he doesn't really trust.
+ Shy
+ Skittish

Mood character is most often in:

Sense of humour:
Dryish, though he doesn't laugh or crack jokes often.

Character’s greatest joy in life:
Painting/drawing, Reading, Helping people he knows and trusts. But, above all, being with Robin.

Character’s greatest fear:
People (Usually in crowds)
Social anxiety (Due to his immense scarring) and happenings in the orphanage/ his home village (Which caused his Social Anxiety).
Other fears:

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?:
For someone to earn his trust then betray him.

Character is most at ease when:
Painting/drawing or reading.
Most ill at ease when:
When he is in a crowded place.
Enraged when:
He isn't often enraged, but he is angered when people try to take advantage of or hurt the people he cares about.
Depressed or sad when:
Someone he has come to like/trust disappears.
The people he trusts; His work
Life philosophy:
“If you cannot express yourself through words, express yourself through other means”
"True fear cannot be destroyed, only subdued and mastered. Learn to master your fear, and you can learn to do anything"

If granted one wish, it would be:
"Give me the strength, not to forget how I got my scars, but to embrace it and allow it to make me stronger"
He blames himself for the death of his parents in the fire which gave him his scars, because they died trying to save him. And he doesn't want to forget their sacrifice.
Character’s soft spot:
Small, cute animals~ and Robin~.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
He tries to suppress his love of animals as best he can so as not to draw attention to himself, but it seems that quite a few people have noticed that he likes Robin.

Greatest strength:
His eye for detail (Uses it while painting, drawing, playing chess etc.).
Other Strengths:
Eugene is intelligent, fast, sneaky (He is quiet and sure footed), good with his bokken and similar style swords (Most of his house was burnt, but the case in which he kept his bokken was untouched due to the high melting point of the metal it was made from), very good at learning languages and an avid, if rusty (As he hasn't played chess with anyone in years), chess player. The main reason for his intelligence and skill is because of his eidetic memory, which allows him to remember images and sounds in much better detail than the average person. This means that he remembers the lessons he has had and can remember what something looks like with only a few moments of exposure to the image or object. It also means that he can remember everything that people have called him and done to him in the past, which is why his Social Anxiety has such a tight grip. This does not mean his memory is perfect, however, as he does forget things often. These things are usually remembered later on, but stress and under-confidence has lead him to forget things that he has learnt.
(Note: Eidetic memory is a form of active memory. He has to consciously recall information to use it, which is why stress affects it)

Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
His social anxiety.

Biggest regret:
Not returning to Thiil in time to have a chance with the one person he thought he would be able to relate to (2nd of December, 2014).
Minor regret:
None yet.

Biggest accomplishment:
None yet.
Minor accomplishment:
Helping convince Silas to spare the Visage. Which might not be as good as it seems...

Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about:
When he let go of his bokken while learning to spin it and it hit him in the face.

It kinda brings down the image of his skills, even though not that many people know about his bokken.

Character’s darkest secret:
He doesn't really have one.
Does anyone else know?:
... There's nothing /to/ know.

He is very intelligent, especially when it comes to art, chess and, ironically, language. Though a lot of this intelligence comes from his Eidetic memory.

Common, Elven (Extremely fluent), Fae (He needs to work on his pronunciation due to how he learned it, but he knows words that even the average Caprii don't know through memorising a Fae dictionary. You have no idea how long it took me to rp that >.>), Wants to learn Verba

Drives and motivations:
He doesn't know

Immediate goals:
Find someone to teach him medicine properly.

Long term goals:
Find someone who can see and appreciate who he is behind the scars.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Try to open up and socialize more
How other characters will be affected:
Depends on how they treat him.


A small island to the far east of the mainland.

Type of childhood:

A chimera black and white cat. It was mostly white but half of its face was black.

First memory:
His father giving him his first training sword, which was a shoto bokken (A bokken styled as a short sword).

Most important childhood memory:
The fire that gave him his scars and made him an orphan.
It is what affected the rest of his life.

Childhood hero:
His father, an expert in some of the less known fighting styles (Who, unfortunately, didn't know how to fight off a fire).

Dream job:
He hasn't put much thought into it really, but he thinks he would have a good chance as an artist.

A Silver Elven teacher he managed to persuade to tutor him while in the orphanage (How he learnt Elven, as the main language in his village was Common) and his mother before the fire.


Before fire: Middle class (Not poor or rich).
After fire: Very poor

Current location:


Currently living with:


Silas and Shalherana

Co-leader of Calan. He hopes to become Calan's doctor and possibly, if he can get the materials to practice with, a tailor?


Quiet, isolated places

Drawing or reading

As long as its safe and edible he doesn't care

Makes juice out of fruits that he finds


Small animals, though he likes horses as well

Least Favourite...
Loud, crowded places


Food and Drink:
Unknown food and drinks made by an unknown person


Large, dangerous animals (Predatory)

Chess, reading, painting, drawing

Plays a musical instrument?:

How he would spend a rainy day:
Doing one of his hobbies

Spending habits:
He is poor, so the most he will spend his money on is new art supplies (If he can afford it), food and drink.


No alcohol

Other drugs:

What does he do too much of?:

What does he do too little of?:

Extremely skilled at:
Art, languages

Other skills:
Chess, running, hiding, suturing, first aid, bokken use

Extremely unskilled at:
Combat (This is because of his social anxiety) and ranged weapons

Nervous ticks:
Rp and find out -.0

Usual body posture:
Hunched over, trying to make himself small

Polite but nervous, almost fearful

Social anxiety

Optimist or pessimist?:

Depends on the situation

Introvert or extrovert?:

Daredevil or cautious?:

Logical or emotional?:

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:

Prefers working or relaxing?:
Depends where he is and who he is with

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:

Animal lover?:

Robin @Willow
He has confessed to her, and she is returning his affection. Though things are a little awkward, Eugene is now probably the happiest he has ever been. She is the only person that he will willingly remove his hood around.

Eyota @ForestRose
She has been missing for a long time it seems, but Eugene doesn't believe that she is dead.

Robin (Already mentioned)

Thordil @Jasper151627237
A dwarf, and a fellow leader of Calan. Eugene highly respects this man and trusts his judgement on matters that Eugene doesn't know or understand.

Eyota (Already mentioned)
Robin (Already mentioned)

Saelihn @Saelihn
She seems nice. Not a threat unless really upset. She has recently left the continent, leaving him and two others in charge. Eugene doesn't think he will ever see her again.

Nylari @Ruukasu Lawliet
She is nice, that much is obvious. And she likes to hug. If it wasn't for Eyota, he isn't sure how he would feel about this.

The hunter is nice to him. Usually. It was him who helped Robin find out that Eugene likes her through off handed, sarcastic comments and hints. He also gives him herbs that he thinks Eugene might be interested in.

Septimus @Spear
A very nice man, and the Thiil librarian.


Unsure of:
Salheira @Gaby
A strange caprii who he finds hard to understand as a person.

Wary of:
Anyone unmentioned

Afraid of:
Big, violent people (That means you Scar you big, violent hunk of meat :p)

Daerath @su353
He pulled a sword on him and threatened to cut off his hood. Needless to say, Eugene is not his biggest fan.


Please refrain from using any of this information whilst in-character unless your character has actually learned it in RP - don't metagame!!!
My in-game name is: red_diaboli​
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Legend of Altera
I have changed some things around to suit how I roleplay him and I have removed his skill with traps, though he still understands how they work and should be able to design one for someone who /can/ make them


Lord of Altera
Katanas and Asian style swords don't fit in our Lore, you might want to change this to a medieval European style weapon.


Legend of Altera
They have been on for a long time. And they are bokken. Basically, training swords made from a strong wood without the hand guard.


Legend of Altera
Hand Guards are what makes Longswords and other swords far superior then Katannas @_@
And they would also make the bokken very awkward to use. And the style of sword that the bokken is relies heavily on skill, unlike other swords which rely on strength and swiftness of eye and arm.
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Lord of Altera
And they would also make the bokken very awkward to use. And the style of sword that the bokken is relies heavily on skill, unlike other swords which rely on strength and swiftness of eye and arm.
Longswords with a hilt relies on skill mate. -Every- sword relies on skill.


Legend of Altera
Longswords with a hilt relies on skill mate. -Every- sword relies on skill.
Either way, its the only style Eugene knows how to use. Unless someone he trusted was to offer to teach him, he can't use any other. Not like he's much of a fighter anyway.


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Either way, its the only style Eugene knows how to use. Unless someone he trusted was to offer to teach him, he can't use any other. Not like he's much of a fighter anyway.
Asian styles still are not in lore. (I would assume because of the fact that Europe never really had affiliation with Japan) So, even having a wooden sword in that style would break lore, considering someone would have to know the style to make it. You could say it's a simple wooden sword and he knows basic positioning and movement.


Lord of Altera
None, and he doubts he will be able to find anyone who will want him back if he does find someone he loves.

Chalkan @Goldengem25
Eyota @ForestRose
Nera @lycana

Eyota: (Already mentioned)
Nera (Already mentioned)

Darius: The one who brought him into Hound-ru after finding him by the lake.
Chalkan: (Already meantioned)


Unsure of:
Salheira: A strange caprii who he finds hard to understand as a person.

Wary of:
Anyone unmentioned

Afraid of:
Big, violent people (That means you Scar you big, violent hunk of meat :p)


No Robin? *Pouts*


Legend of Altera
Eugene's bokken are now splinters after they broke during a training exercise. Wood weapons don't last long, no matter how well you look after them...


Legend of Altera
Eugene doesn't really know Rose though, does he? I mean, last I remember them coming close to interacting is when Nyari was hugging her.