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Som's Experiment


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I tend to agree with Mryosi. I don't think disagree should have been taken away however I've seen folks just spam it and use it repeatedly on certain players whenever they post something regardless of content. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out its because they simply dislike that player. People will argue and not everyone has to love one another here that isn't realistic however, even if we don't like one another we should be able to act in some form of mutual respect. Also if there are folks who you can't stand seeing their posts because you dislike their existence that much or you can't respond to their posts without flaming, there is this wonderful ignore function on the forums. Use it.

Also in before "we disagree with their opinions not the person" that may be true for some but other folks have been down right unreasonable in dealing with others and hide behind this flimsy argument when people call them out on it. You know who you are.


Lord of Altera
Then we're letting a tiny minority decide the actions of the entire forum base. A rather flawed argument.
You're proposing you know exactly who is the majority and the minority in how many people use the disagree button, and how many people abuse the disagree button. Do you know exactly how many people use the disagree button and their motives for doing so, if so than you'd be the first to provide a factual argument as to why it should return.

I understand your point of view, however from what I have seen on the forums the disagree rating has been abused more often than it's been constructive.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Also in before "we disagree with their opinions not the person" that may be true for some but other folks have been down right unreasonable in dealing with others and hide behind this flimsy argument when people call them out on it. You know who you are.
Pretty much this.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
There's a reason a lot of social media and websites with rating systems have been scaling back and/or removing negative rating ability. Facebook used to have a dislike button. Youtube used to have a 5-star rating system.

In some cases, prevention simply works better than treatment.


Lord of Altera
You're proposing you know exactly who is the majority and the minority in how many people use the disagree button, and how many people abuse the disagree button. Do you know exactly how many people use the disagree button and their motives for doing so, if so than you'd be the first to provide a factual argument as to why it should return.

I understand your point of view, however from what I have seen on the forums the disagree rating has been abused more often than it's been constructive.
You are just as wrong as he is, for the same reasons.

Also in before "we disagree with their opinions not the person" that may be true for some but other folks have been down right unreasonable in dealing with others and hide behind this flimsy argument when people call them out on it. You know who you are.
By that logic, why would we not take the flight function off of the server? Sure, some people use it for what its meant for, but the vast majority of people just abuse the power.
Why not just punish the people who do abuse it, and let the rest of us use it how its meant to be?


Puppycat Herder
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Guys, this was not a decision that was made lightly, and I actually pushed against the idea for a while. But it got to the point where I felt it was necessary.


Lord of Altera
You are just as wrong as he is, for the same reasons.

By that logic, why would we not take the flight function off of the server? Sure, some people use it for what its meant for, but the vast majority of people just abuse the power.
Why not just punish the people who do abuse it, and let the rest of us use it how its meant to be?
By that logic, yours would get removed since I already caught you abusing it once :p


Puppycat Herder
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Som, all respect, you surely predicted people would not like this idea. Expect the backlash of it.
Ooooh, I saw it coming, yeah. That's why I'm not terribly upset or getting all defensive. I know it's a controversial thing, and quite a bit of a grey area...

I do hope it is temporary, though. That should be stated.


Lord of Altera
You are just as wrong as he is, for the same reasons.

By that logic, why would we not take the flight function off of the server? Sure, some people use it for what its meant for, but the vast majority of people just abuse the power.
Why not just punish the people who do abuse it, and let the rest of us use it how its meant to be?
Then we are at an impasse, there is real, factual abuse of the rating, which is often excused with a very weak reasoning by both the legitimate users and abusers of the rating. Because of this, we can't punish everyone who uses it, nor can we punish those we believe to be abusing it, because there is no system for fairly determining who is and is not abusing the rating, even if we know for a fact people are abusing it.

Therefore, instead of punishing everyone based off possibly biased feelings, we have just prevented it's abuse in the first place, forcing people to instead display their disagree through a post, which both eliminates it's abuse (which is all I see of the rating), and encourages people to be more constructive rather than "rate and abandon thread".

Som, all respect, you surely predicted people would not like this idea. Expect the backlash of it.
I think she was expecting more people to put up valid complaints rather than snark.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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I think she was expecting more people to put up valid complaints rather than snark.
This is about what I expected. And I'm not saying that "I disagree with this" or any of the other things expressed here are not valid complaints.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I can't think of a single time I've abused the ratings system, and either way that is neither here nor there.
Brings up the comparison initially to try and weaken my position. Is shown he would be removed by his own logic and suddenly his own comparison is neither here or there?

Thats gotta be some sort of logical fallacy somewhere, @Naelwyn want to help me out here on which one this classifies as?

Anyway, don't freak out guys. Som has said she would like this to be temporary. If folks can manage to act like a working community we'll get it back.


Lord of Altera
Ladies and gentlemen,

There has been a disheartening trend lately of abusing the disagree button. I understand that frustrations are high right now, and I empathize. However, lashing out at folks, and then hiding behind semantics is not the way we should handle this.

I'm removing the disagree button at the request of more than a few people, for well-argued reasons. I can be convinced to make this a temporary change, but it cannot return until I am assured that this will not continue.
Man, people need to just hug it out. There's been way too much salt on the forums this week, it's drying my skin out! I'm disappointed that the button is gone, as it had it's use in certain situation. But hey, if it helps stop this damned salty saltness, then do what you gotta do.

RIP Dislike button. I will no longer accidentally hit you on my tablet.