Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Som's Experiment


Lord of Altera
Oh my god, the political correctness cesspool this place is slowly drifting into... I though removing the ability to express our dislike was already a lot, but now we /can't even disagree?/

Also, the argument of ''oh, but people will instead go through spending their precious time explaining every little detail of why they disagree in a fullblown post'' is rather horrible; We can all already guess that forcing people to do that will only further push people from actually expressing their opposing opinions in the long term, further degrading this place into an objective forums into a love contest.
i dislike you and every thing about you. i disagree with everything you say.
also i hate you because of your skintone.



Lord of Altera
"Oh no! Somebody disliked something I posted on a website about pretending I'm someone living in Medieval times in a children's game! Whatever shall I do? Woe is me!"


Lord of House Hawklight
I disagree with your post Valoynx, precious time? If you can't take the time to explain your viewpoint, then what's the point of even contributing. I actually argued for all ratings beside like to be removed purely because I feel that none of them add anything to discussion, and this is a discussion forum. If you can't take the time to explore a viewpoint because it takes maybe 2 minutes, then is it really that big of a deal?


Retired Staff
Oh my god, the political correctness cesspool this place is slowly drifting into... I though removing the ability to express our dislike was already a lot, but now we /can't even disagree?/

Also, the argument of ''oh, but people will instead go through spending their precious time explaining every little detail of why they disagree in a fullblown post'' is rather horrible; We can all already guess that forcing people to do that will only further push people from actually expressing their opposing opinions in the long term, further degrading this place into an objective forums into a love contest.

Just now, reading through the last 4 pages of this thread, i've had to resist the urge of punching my computer screen several times, due to being unable to express my blatant disagreement with some opinions...
Seriously? Reading your last sentence there, I'm baffled that you're upset at being unable to form an opinion that disagrees with someone. Nobody's stopping you from actually typing out your opposition instead of pressing a button because of a feeling of disagreement.


Lord of Altera
Oh my god, the political correctness cesspool this place is slowly drifting into... I though removing the ability to express our dislike was already a lot, but now we /can't even disagree?/

Also, the argument of ''oh, but people will instead go through spending their precious time explaining every little detail of why they disagree in a fullblown post'' is rather horrible; We can all already guess that forcing people to do that will only further push people from actually expressing their opposing opinions in the long term, further degrading this place into an objective forums into a love contest.

Just now, reading through the last 4 pages of this thread, i've had to resist the urge of punching my computer screen several times, due to being unable to express my blatant disagreement with some opinions...
"Oh no! Somebody disliked something I posted on a website about pretending I'm someone living in Medieval times in a children's game! Whatever shall I do? Woe is me!"
Really though it's for reasons exactly like these that those buttons are removed. People using them to grief other people. And it is griefing. You are trying to make someone's life just little bit more miserable through some action. Why? Think about it for a little bit, why are you trying to grief people who would otherwise be your friends? Do you have control issues? Do you have anger issues? Perhaps a bit of both? These questions are meant to be a bit more open, and not just towards the two folks I quoted.


Lord of Altera
I just find it great that all of this is just proving the uselessness of the disagree button, I'm glad to see lots of discussion and disagreements being talked about


Lord of Altera
Disagree and dislike ratings on a website about rping in a childrens game.
A website about rping in a childrens game.

How can anyone have their feelings hurt by someone disagreeing their post
on a website
about rping
in a childrens game?

It's so insignificant I can't see why anyone cares enough to go out of their way to remove the ratings

Then again, they're so insignificant that I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to add them either.

What I mean is that someone who let's their feelings get hurt on a website about rping in a childrens game is very silly. Likewise are the ones who value the ratings an incredible amount.


Lord of Altera
I just find it great that all of this is just proving the uselessness of the disagree button, I'm glad to see lots of discussion and disagreements being talked about
Totally agree with this, and also I will add this.

If people in the community were mature and respectful enough not to lead to this, it wouldn't have happened.
If people become more mature and respectful, (( This does not apply to everyone )), maybe they could get the disagree and even dislike back


Yū Yi
Disagree and dislike ratings on a website about rping in a childrens game.
A website about rping in a childrens game.

How can anyone have their feelings hurt by someone disagreeing their post
on a website
about rping
in a childrens game?

It's so insignificant I can't see why anyone cares enough to go out of their way to remove the ratings

Then again, they're so insignificant that I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to add them either.

What I mean is that someone who let's their feelings get hurt on a website about rping in a childrens game is very silly. Likewise are the ones who value the ratings an incredible amount.
You can say it is just a game, but cyber bullying is a fact.
I am not saying giving a disagree is cyber bullying, but it can have a personal effect on people.
And because it is a game does not mean it is for children, you seem to be very fond of comparing a +14 server, to childrens game.


Lord of Altera
Disagree and dislike ratings on a website about rping in a childrens game.
A website about rping in a childrens game.

How can anyone have their feelings hurt by someone disagreeing their post
on a website
about rping
in a childrens game?

It's so insignificant I can't see why anyone cares enough to go out of their way to remove the ratings

Then again, they're so insignificant that I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to add them either.

What I mean is that someone who let's their feelings get hurt on a website about rping in a childrens game is very silly. Likewise are the ones who value the ratings an incredible amount.
If it's so insignificant why are you making such a big deal about it?


Lord of Altera
I'm not the one saying it's insignificant, I'm simply wondering why someone would make a fuss when they also clarify how much they don't care, doesn't make sense.


Legend of Altera
I am glad I will always have Hollowworld to shield me from the horrors of the world and make sure nobody will ever disagree or dislike me again, for I am never wrong nor do I do anything out of line for I am perfect. This saltyness currently on Hollowworld is amusing to observe from an outside perspective and it's outright pathetic that you cannot be mature enough to keep the negative part of the rating bar.

Talk about a flaming protection blanket forum this is.


Lord of Altera
So that people like you have to make that terrible effort of backing up your disagreements with actual points.
Listen friend, i've been here for four years. I know what this place was, then became, then is currently. And the only point I really want to make is that doing things like this isn't exactly helping.

It's not about whether people are wanting to be rude, or are making fusses, it's about the fact that you remove a server-wide function that was majoritarily well-used to express disagreements. I already was finding the removal of dislikes a bit far-fetched, but even disagrees??? It was repeated countless times that disagreement is a neutral feeling! If someone is having problems dealing with it, it's their problem, not the person that disagrees, or the system. This very kind of useless debate wasn't common a while ago, and people weren't making fusses over getting disagrees NOR dislikes.


Retired Staff
Disagree and dislike ratings on a website about rping in a childrens game.
A website about rping in a childrens game.

How can anyone have their feelings hurt by someone disagreeing their post
on a website
about rping
in a childrens game?

It's so insignificant I can't see why anyone cares enough to go out of their way to remove the ratings

Then again, they're so insignificant that I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to add them either.

What I mean is that someone who let's their feelings get hurt on a website about rping in a childrens game is very silly. Likewise are the ones who value the ratings an incredible amount.
You're absolutely right that things happening in a children's game are insignificant. Especially in light of your number of threads asking for X to be removed/added and your various grievances against things happening in said game, which, as we both agree, are insignificant. I'm sure you'll agree with me positing that your grievances, being on an insignificant topic, are themselves insignificant and can be summarily dismissed.

Ooor, the game itself isn't particularly serious, but people have invested time and sometimes money into the world we've collaboratively created, and calling their efforts and emotions insignificant in an attempt to troll people is astoundingly rude.


Lord of Altera
Disagree and dislike ratings on a website about rping in a childrens game.
A website about rping in a childrens game.

How can anyone have their feelings hurt by someone disagreeing their post
on a website
about rping
in a childrens game?

It's so insignificant I can't see why anyone cares enough to go out of their way to remove the ratings

Then again, they're so insignificant that I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to add them either.

What I mean is that someone who let's their feelings get hurt on a website about rping in a childrens game is very silly. Likewise are the ones who value the ratings an incredible amount.
Behind the disagreements or dislikes there are actual people, shocking, I know.

And are you saying that you have not met friends on Hollowworld? I have. We talk everyday about everything- from God to other video games. And yes, if one of them will insult it my feelings would get hurt.

The problem wasn't the usage of the disagreeing button, but the abuse of it, which was used as a dislike button, and people should be bothered if other people don't like them...