Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Erikor Walterius


The Lurker
Retired Staff
my head hurts from reading this. it can't wrap around the reality that Myrrik is younger than Erik, and Lilith is older than Erik while Myrrik is her twin. while she might be a minute younger than Myrrik
Mmhm. People just like aging their characters at different rates. Where I don't play Erik as much, it feels weird that he's 16. In my head, for as much as I've played him, should still be like 13.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Lets just say he's 16 and the twins 18/19 something? mmm, yes? My brain hurst much so this is best


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Updated skills, sexuality, social class, strengths, hates, languages,religion, and current disposition.
Last edited:


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Over the next couple days, I'll be completely redoing Erik's profile. Starting from scratch. A lot of the info still reads childishly, as I've had this character from his infancy and the responses I generally tried reflect his age as I updated. So I read it and the childish bits still come out in it.Keep an eye out here for a fresh new look.~

Lady Alec

Captain No Fun
Retired Staff
Akasha is gone from relations. :( I've been meaning to get her back over there.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Oh god my fingers hurt from all that typing. Added some art from @Dummy17 and also finished his timeline from birth up until today. I probably forgot a bunch of things, buuuuuuut- It's what I remember.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Oh right. Should probably note. For people who don't already know, the account I play Erikor on was changed to Hypatia__. Just so y'know.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Blade journal not forgotten I promise. Might start making notes somewhere on the profile every time he adds another entry to it. I'm not like Turtle, Solus, I promise.

@solus @TurtlePrada