Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Tze is a tiny kitty cat @u@ So smoll


Lord of Altera

... and chibis!

Backmatter, left to right:

Tzemik has a naturally 'short' frame, but she would in actuality be rather chubby. The draw of Mysticism on her body doesn't tend to leave the healthiest results :p
Also due to her stupidly increased metabolism, Tzemiks fur has grown both thin and weak. This is the cause of her fur falling out like dandruff when she's stressed (and/or if she's near or over her magic limit). All of her various scars were gained from roleplay, excluding the iconic head-looks-like-it-went-through-a-blender marks. yeah, thats the word "traitor" carved into her arm there.

Sophie is built to walk on her hands, on a beam, on a boat, in a storm, over a whirlpool. Leading a very athletic and demanding lifestyle out in the middle of wasteland, she keeps her acrobatics up to scratch by way of lifestyle. The result is generally only noticeable when she's in the midst of some sort of strenuous, showoffy maneuver. Brute strength won't be her forte, but you'll be damned to find someone better at hanging from rafters for a day and a half. Sophie got those fancy burnscars down her left from a particularly... heated.. RP.

Daydream currently lives in her fully matured body, because Caparii aging is weird. She's similarly tiny, but unlike Tzemik, she'll have a hard time ever getting fat. Physical marrs are looking to be a recurring theme in my characters- Daydream had her horn sawed off and face clawed in all post-backstory (She used to possess a few more scratches on her face, but all the pink didn't fit on the skin...). While it isn't very useful in the everyday life of servitude, her hooves/legs allow her to navigate upset terrain exceptionally well - or simply walk for leagues on end. Another extremely unusable trait is that Daydream cannot, and will not, ever be able to swim. I suppose its a good thing this fact is known about as well as her real name...

Sevis doesn't care what your furless culture is like, clothes are a sometimes plan. Besides, these lands are hot, and she has a gloriously thick pelt that serves just as well. Who do you think you are, some Verbali prude who desperately needs a Healer for all the sticks that get stuck up there?
Her days have been and generally are spent on heavy manual labour. Unlike most Nakam, who are generally androgynous, Sevis has packed on the fluff as the result of post-triplets. The obtuse look is only a result of fur over muscle, however, and this is the lady you want for hauling heavy things or performing minor construction.

stay tuned for the grand opening of chibi requests.
I wish I could anatomy, oh well landscapes for me


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
;w; These really are beautiful though. Nice work Mich.
no u beautiful

I love this so very, very very much. ;-;
Well I love YOU

Tze is a tiny kitty cat @u@ So smoll
Wanna see more tze? 'cause I got more tze

Tze only uses children for her experiments because she wants to feel tall for once.. >.>
how RUDE! (... and true)

I wish I could anatomy, oh well landscapes for me
I bet your landscapes are beautiful :heart:

I wish I could draw, oh well, AutoCAD for me.

But Mich! Ihhhhhhhh! Soo good how do you do it!!!
By consuming the blood of the innocent.

her ear...
and face...
and demon eyes...
Also, experiments? Sounds... fun.
You have no idea!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
no u beautiful

Well I love YOU

Wanna see more tze? 'cause I got more tze

how RUDE! (... and true)

I bet your landscapes are beautiful :heart:

By consuming the blood of the innocent.

You have no idea!
Gimme all the Tze!!!!


Roleplay keeper
I nearly squeed in real life. THIS IS SO CUTE. TZEMIK IS PRECIOUS.

*Luna rises from the dead and kidnaps Tzemik into cuddles*


Events Staff
Very Sweet
(its glorious)

... I have such a challenge hooooly-