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Question about Old Stormhold


Lord of Altera
Hello again!
I have a question regarding Old Stormhold. That being how long ago was it around? The reason for this is because I want to know if Halendar's father could have lived around that area and visited it with Hal when he was five (he is 26 now). I want to make sure this fits the lore before I throw it into his backstory.



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Hopefully I can explain this a bit better through the forum conversation~

(*Quietly bouncing around happily because Old Stormhold shenanigans*)


Lord of Altera
It was from November 2011 to around June 2012, as far as I remember.

Draco began in November 2011, I joined in December, and Stormhold was destroyed in the first Exodus, which I believe happened around the summer 2012. After the Exodus, the new Stormhold was built.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
True, BUT, there are certain diversions from real time/character ages which make it a fair bit more complicated than that. :p

For example there are adult Norvägen characters who were born in this world as well as adult Norvägen characters born in the last. Time/age do not always align exactly in Altera.


Lord of Altera
Well, if we follow the basic MC time calculation:
- 1 MC year is around 5 RL days
- 73 MC years are 1 RL year
- if we take June 2012 it would be roughly 3 RLyears
- time passed ingame: 219 MC years

It is most likely different due to the lore. Some characters dating back to the first exodus are around 2000 years old. Old Stromhold should be at least 220 years ago, though.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Wait, wasnt that Warstrom?
Warstrom was a different city which was around in the first and second worlds.
Sigil, a blue trident on a white field. Led by OSirix, back in the day.
Well, if we follow the basic MC time calculation:
- 1 MC year is around 5 RL days
- 73 MC years are 1 RL year
- if we take June 2012 it would be roughly 3 RLyears
- time passed ingame: 219 MC years

It is most likely different due to the lore. Some characters dating back to the first exodus are around 2000 years old. Old Stormhold should be at least 220 years ago, though.
I thiiiink Hollowworld's MC days are a tad longer than normal MC days, however - add to that the fact that they weren't always, though, and there's a looovely tangled mess of calculations that I'm not going to touch with a ten foot pole. ;)

Again, there's also the useful little quirk that Alteran time is inevitably wibbly-wobbly when compared to character age. For example, there are characters from the second Stormhold who would have been in their twenties now following the aging rates they'd chosen, and meanwhile there are characters native to this world's Stormhold (the third) that are roughly the same age.

In slightly unrelated OOC terms, the very first Stormhold around before June 2012, because it was already a thing by the time I joined in early March that year. The first mention of it as a forum thread seems to be from the 22nd of December 2011... Buuut I wouldn't advise anyone retroactively have a character from the very first version of the city. Things were... different, and it'd be nigh on impossible to learn everything that happened that far back to a sufficient extent unless you were actually, well, there.


Lord of Altera
Dont you think the history of Altera would be much more open, immersive, and reader friendly if some way to measure time was to be implemented? For example a proper timeline could be added to the player guides section for both new and experienced players?

Obviously some things in Altera's history wouldnt make sense if a concrete timeline would be created, because as you were saying it can be slightly "wibbly-wobbly", but that would still be better than leaving it all up in the air in my opinion ^_^


Lord of Altera
In slightly unrelated OOC terms, the very first Stormhold around before June 2012, because it was already a thing by the time I joined in early March that year. The first mention of it as a forum thread seems to be from the 22nd of December 2011...
As I stated earlier, in December 2011, when I joined, Draco told me he had started back in November 2011 sometime, if I recall correctly.

So the first Stormhold was started in November-December 2011.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff"
~The Tenth Doctor


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Dont you think the history of Altera would be much more open, immersive, and reader friendly if some way to measure time was to be implemented? For example a proper timeline could be added to the player guides section for both new and experienced players?

Obviously some things in Altera's history wouldnt make sense if a concrete timeline would be created, because as you were saying it can be slightly "wibbly-wobbly", but that would still be better than leaving it all up in the air in my opinion ^_^
I think the history of Altera would be much more open, immersive, and reader friendly if it were published on the forums. Lucky coincidence, I've got a timeline in progress that goes back as far as late 2011. Huzzah! Note that this won't be particularly immediate, but there's a lot on there, and I'm working on the "reader-friendly" and thread-ready bits. :p

As for time, I think it would be difficult to pin down precisely on account of the fact that character timelines historically, in Altera, simply do not match that of the world. It would be bananas to explain and suddenly implement, and there are as many pitfalls as benefits. Real empires have lasted for many tens of lifetimes - but many players on Hollowworld don't want to be held to going through characters at a rate of knots as they age and die to keep up with a world which builds itself at a drastically quick rate. Equally, many players want to see their characters grow old and complete their stories.

Don't get me wrong, I know there are some good arguments for it - but for the moment (and on this thread!), we intend to proceed as we have before in the interests of avoiding confusion, conflict, and general complications. On one bright side, I do intend to have a clarification thread released in the Lore area of the forums on the matter of time and ageing, so hopefully that will clear up the recurring questions and make it easier going forward.
Understatement of the century right there
Well, you say that, but Stormhold was (usually) a whole lot more RP-sanitary than some of the crazy things that went down at the various spawn locations...