Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dark Council Elite
lookin' for people to play with. particularly the raids, but will do absolutely anything with HW people.

Specifically looking for Xbox One people.


Lord of Altera
If you're still looking ill play, Phoenix comand is my gamertag,I have a 31 Warlock, a 25 Titan and a 9 Hunter on Xbox one
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Lord of Altera
UPDATE: As far as I can tell (mainly going off online reports that can be somewhat confirmed), me and some mates from school are within the top 10 fastest runs of the Vault of Glass with a confirmable World Record of just over 31 mins, our record is just under 33 mins. Feeling pretty good about it considering that my Warlock was level 27 and it was my first run


Lord of Altera
My little brother plays this all the time.
I had a character on his account
(it was a human mage)
but then he took over xD