Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



Zalenfal Guardian
Minecraft Username: JustShadow

Name of Project: I don't really have a name for it, so let's just say 'The Labyrinth of Shadows'.

Location of Project: Don't currently have one, will update as soon as I do.

Size of the project: I'm not sure and this is viable to change, but as a preliminary estimate I'd say around 100 blocks by 100 blocks.

Intention of the project: Basically I wish to create a labyrinth to be used in some RP events that I'd like to host, whereby I'd be pitting players against one another in order to arrive in the middle first, which would have an item (let's say a golden hoe) and the person must carry the item back to their entrance to win. PVP allowed :3

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: I am already in a town, and Bane isn't exactly a fitting place for such an event to be held. Also, the location that Bane is at isn't suited for this.

Residents: N/a

Builders: Most likely just myself.

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? It will allow for a complex RP combining wit, skill and a little bit of luck. I imagine this would be enjoyed by quite a few players, it could make for a location people visit in the future for other RP events unrelated to this one and just overall would be a fun thing for both myself and others.

Used materials: Most likely just some simple cobble/smooth stone and torches, possibly with some stone bricks in the middle.

Inspiration: Any maze/labyrinth around :p

RP explanation/introduction: The (insert name here, placebo = 'Labyrinth of Shadows') has been a structure to which none lay claim to having entered and survived. It is rumoured that deep within the heart of the caverns lies a treasure most precious. There are none alive that can verify this claim, leaving the esoteric complex darkened in its unending abstruseness. Are there any that may take the prize for themselves, through the obstacles that await them?

Planning: None as of yet (I'm so unprepared xD)

Links to previous work: I actually have none. This'd be my first big build. :3




Lord of Altera
However, make it big enough so people don't make it within 5 minutes, maybe, add clues around that can either guide/trick players, maybe even allow them to RP 'Set up Camp for the Night' where of course a few little creepers might come in handy ;)


I won't approve until if there any pictures for example.