Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some art huhu (noodity warning)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Oooooh. Are these characters idea of folks you want to make later?
One for me and one for @blargtheawesome
yeah but really that drawing represents the split personality of her androgynous character named phil the lady man and i'm the grey blob in the background representing symbolically that i have no real idea where i was going with this i was just wanting to see how long i could keep up this train of thought and gibberish of text.


Lord of Altera
yeah but really that drawing represents the split personality of her androgynous character named phil the lady man and i'm the grey blob in the background representing symbolically that i have no real idea where i was going with this i was just wanting to see how long i could keep up this train of thought and gibberish of text.
Blarg is a grey blob, confirmed.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
doodles from dead internet ; c ;

Elz: "Hey Blarg, I'm trying to nail the expression of this new character, I need to ask you a question or two"
Blarg: "Okay, shoot"
Elz: "Wooould this new character be fun at parties?"
Blarg: "No."
Elz: "Perfect! Stone faced with a woman over his shoulder and ignoring the woman entirely. Thanks!"