Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Some art huhu (noodity warning)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
PC Issues have made drawing not possible until today, kinda. Will work more tomorrow now I know it doesn't implode-

censor bar nylarii ; ) Plaaaan on a back view so i have a diagram of scars and tattoo's but another day, another day



Lord of Altera
PC Issues have made drawing not possible until today, kinda. Will work more tomorrow now I know it doesn't implode-

censor bar nylarii ; ) Plaaaan on a back view so i have a diagram of scars and tattoo's but another day, another day the snake does go all the way.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Calendar begins. c;
I've no idea about formatting and text but i guess i can tweak when the art pieces are done.

Snowdown- Jaden Seeker: "He may wander, but he'll make sure you relish every moment he's near.~"
CyberChaosV2 CloakedReaper
