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Inactive Almeric Bardolphus - often imitated, never perfected


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
General Information:

Name: Almeric Bardolphus
Other Names: N/A
Titles: Father, Priest, Beloved of Sallana

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Cis
Current Residence: Queensport
Relationship Status: Single, but looking to mingle, as deemed by Sallana
Social Status: Cleric

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Pale
Shape of Face: Round
Distinguishing Features: Bright blond beard, bald head
Build of Body: average
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style: Bald
Complexion: Fairly good
Posture: Loose, but overall proper
Is Seen By Others As: Open and friendly
Scars: None
Voice: Deep, but jolly. A sound of mirth can be heard within his voice.


Likes: Life and love. Brewing his wines, bringing people together
Dislikes: divorce, civil strife, domestic abuse, slander, heresy
Strengths: orator, can speak and preach to any given crowd
Weaknesses: is not a fighter
Fears: the gods fully abandoning Altera
Values: Faith
Education: Reading, writing, theocratic base, brewing
Languages: Common [fluent] , Elvish [conversational, but many gaps] (given his love of Sallana and her association with elves)
General Attitude: Positive
Religious Inclination: Sallana
General Intelligence: Average in most matters, above average in theological matters
General Sociability: Very
Alignment: Good, chaotic

Short Term Goals:
*Set up in Queensport, find a parish
*Leave Grajfell with Ciaria

Long Term Goals: Preach the love of Sallana, take over the unfinished cathedral of Queensport (Will not happen, cathedral torn down), build a monastery with a cloister and vineyard (Turned into a cathedral, but he has the vineyard)


Wardrobe: clothes on back and a set of ceremonial regalia robes for sermons
Jewelry: simple necklace

Pets/Animals: N/A

Owned Homes: Queensport residence

Carried Inventory: Rutsack with worldly posessions (Tome of Sallana, Personal journal, ink bottle, quills, sand for drying).
General Inventory: Religious texts

General Wealth: impoverished


Illnesses: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Relatively rigid. Feels that a man should sleep from sunset to sunrise if he has the ability to.
Energy Levels: Average
Eating Habits: Likes simple meals with the exception of his love of wine and other vintages
Exercise Habits: Doesn't exercise in the traditional manner, but spends most of the day on his feet, walking around. Also tends any gardens and animals that he has or will have.
Memory: Fairly good at remembering religious texts as well as information about people he meets, but isn't as good at remembering his recipes or anything outside of social circles.
Unhealthy Habits: Wine
Drinking Habits: Enjoys his wine


Birthplace: Port Silver

Childhood: Grew up in the streets of Port Silver, enjoying the beauty of the gardens therein.

Teen Years: Enrolled in the various schools and eventually entered the monastery to pursue reading and writing.

Adulthood: Forced to abandon Port Silver, he has been wandering the realms preaching about the one true Sallana.

Family History: Lost most family with the fall of Port Silver.

Past Places of Residences: Port Silver

Places Traveled: Port Silver, Tambry, Thiil, Le Havre, Reignfall, Queensport


Peaceful or violent: peaceful

Weaponry: None

Combat Training: None

Training & Skills:

[Insert listed of skills/talents/things they’re trained in here]

N/A IC yet.

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Priest
Favorite Types of Food: Fresh-baked bread
Favorite Types of Drink: Wine
Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, brewing of wine, taking care of garden/bees, preaching
Favorite Color(s): Purple


Relevant Family Members: N/A
Romantic Interests:
Trusted Friends:
*Ciaria Caedit (BrianAT16 ) : A quiet elven woman. Seems to have some influence around Queensport. Single. Must be married soon. Truly, I weep for this woman, she has lost not only her fiance, but her friend as well. Grief seems to have overtaken her.
Friendly With:
Loose Acquaintances:
*Malek (CaptnBluebeard ): While exuding an aura of seriousness, this man seems to be a truly devout follower of the Grey Lady. He seems to show that he cares in small ways.
*The Lady Ashna (solus ): A fairly serious woman, but I can tell that it comes with the responsibility of running the Isle. Faith is at her core, and I feel I could learn much from her, given the time.
Neutral Individuals:
Disfavored Individuals:
Wary Of:
*Grey (Estes241 ): A strange man. Any such philosophical and theological discussions with him ended in such a way that no answers were gained, and his denials... I cannot explain. It felt, at many times, that he was going to kill us...
*Victor Roichstead (The Tottot ): A simple man who turned out to be too thick-headed for religion, instead trusting in what he can see and what he can kill.
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Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Reserved (2/3).

20th of Truebirth, Year of Destruction.

As I sit here, I have just completed a funeral.

They are, by nature, and I suppose design, to be both the simplest things in the world, and the hardest. We must simply say a few words, light some tinder and watch as the living embers surround the person or entity in question and watch as it breaks them down. Or perhaps, suffer silently as a casket is lowered down into the embracing arms of the ground, filled shovel by shovel. They are also hard as well. We must say goodbye to a dearly and deeply loved one. A father, a mother, a brother, a son, a friend, it makes no difference, but the ache and the hole left by their sudden departure still remains. But deep down, they are something more: a subtle reminder of our own fragile mortality and the reality that we all must face some day. There is little comfort in the grave. Its cold and dark finality seems chilling to most of us. The absence of consciousness, the lack of simply 'being' is an unfathomable thought.

But, as I remind myself of this, I am reminded of the silver lining. Just as there is no light without darkness, or up without down, so is there no joy or meaning to life without the cold embrace of death. We must revel in our lives and accept that because of our mortality, we have and perceive more meaning in our short existence.

While I did not know the man, personally, I feel that I know him through the love and actions of those closest to him. I wish them the Mother's Peace with a sincere heart.


BrianAT16 ,UmbraSicarius

21st of Truebirth, Year of Destruction.

Truly, the name 'Year of Destruction' is an apt one. This year has wrought naught but woe. Death, wars, and godlessness. This trip down south has reminded me of this

While I still feel the call of the road and deeply miss the freedom of traveling, I simply do *not* enjoy ship travel. While it is often the quickest ways, it it certainly not the easiest on the constitution.

The constant rolling and frolicking of the waves and swells can easily upset, even the hardiest of souls, especially given the small size of our ship. is it any miracle we made it down south and then are well on our way up north again? It must simply be the Mother's will.

I worry about Ciaria, she has suffered much and has little to show for it. I do hope that the small funeral pyre and the ashes that came with it bring her some small measure of peace. But, I do not yet know how this other woeful news of Lady Niah will affect her. Does she know her? She seemed distraught upon learning it. I will have to ask her. It may be painful, but knowledge is generall not without a cost.

I see landfall, and will be headed ashore soon...

2nd of Sporebloom, Year of Destruction

Another rocky trip, another wind-swept city within a valley.

My travels have taken me to Grajfell. Home of the Moor Elves and land sacred to the Mistress of Death.

My last conversation with Ciaria had me concerned. She claimed that she had seen her Eimar. An impossible feat given that the man is dead as dead can be. However, something in her voice and in her eyes tells me that she is convinced. After all, who can hug an apparition?

I'm a bit beside myself. Something within me has changed and I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it is the very reason that I have come here to this place. My venture into the jungle, the Lady Nylarii's near-experience with death at the fangs of a snake, and the funeral with the burning of Eimar's bow have brought me into close contact with death.

Before, death was an abstract, an anomaly that was accepted, but avoided, known about, but completely foreign. I came to realize, through the renewed relationship of Ciaria with her estranged step-son, that death was not just something that took, it was something that could give.

For a man obsessed with the living and the joys therein, this is a very strange thought. One almost anathema to my faith. How can death, the very absence of life, also give life meaning?

I knew that for answers to this I must needs come to this grey land.

Death? What art thou?

How can something with so little substance give such great substance to the living?

Is this what those who follow the Grey Lady seek?

I spoke with one acolyte, named Malek (CaptnBluebeard ). He explained to me the beliefs of those that follow the Mistress of Death, but it still puzzles me. If they are so preoccupied with death and the afterlife, as well as the weighing of their souls, then for what true purpose do they live. Is this merely a testing ground? Is there nothing tangible and consequential here worth living for?

I suppose that it is just me then.

It was shortly after talking to the acolyte, that I was confronted, once again with the Lady of the Isle, the Priest Ashna (solus ). While her thoughts were similar to those of the Acolyte, our conversation was more preoccupied with the visions and fancies that plagued Ciaria. While the Lady Ashna mentioned bringing my lady back to Grajfell for observation and care, she told me that now was a poor time.

My lady does not have much time, she will either die trapped in Grajfell to this war, or her madness and grief will consume her. Of the two, I know that the death by blade is the much preferred option for any among the living.

Mother bless my journey home, it will be light soon and I depart at dawn.

3rd of Sporebloom, Year of Destruction
I have never been closer to death. Or rather, what I thought was death...

That man, Grey, I truly do not understand him. At times he seems fairly logical and even amicable, but at other times he seems an utter madman. He insulted us, and yet insisted that we leave the island.

We will not leave the island without talking to Ashna first, it would not do for Ciaria. But this war, it is supposively coming. But it now appears that Ashna is leaving the island?

Grey led us down into the heart of the island through a morgue in the graveyard. At first I thought this would be our doom, but through all the musk and death and darkness, we eventually came out into some small, rather comfortable room deep in the earth. However, not long after arriving there and waiting for Ashna, we returned to the tavern to sleep the night. I just hope that the Lady Ashna will arrive soon and speak with us, I'm not sure I can handle another discussion with that man...

6th of Sporebloom, Year of Destruction

The long cherished meeting with the Lady Ashna has happened. Through the many twists and turns of the streets of Grajfell, we were lead to a secluded spot for a meeting. While the time of the meeting felt short, in reality, many hours passed, going long through the night and even into the following morning.

The poor Lady Ciaria, not only has she fallen ill, but she must also endure these deeply probing questions. I know that this trip has been harsh on her. The cold and wet air cannot be good for anyone...

Regardless, I attempted to participate as little as possible, so as to allow Ashna to question Ciaria.

She came to a similiar answer as I did... Eimar must have been revived...

I do not know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

All I know is, there must be something seriously wrong with Eimar for him to avoid his love for all this time...
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Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Challice of Sallana in Queensport:
Almeric's pride and joy, the stone symbol of Queensport's devotion to Sallana. Thread here

The meeting of Ashna (solus ) and Ciaria (BrianAT16 ) in Grajfell to discuss Ciaria's grief-stricken images.
(Also pictured, Jhaeros (Rang3r0wns94 ) and Cloud (The Living Ghost ))
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Lord of Altera
>using that hideous skin when im making you one



Faith prevail
Retired Staff
>using that hideous skin when im making you one

>says he'll make a skin
>doesn't respond to obvious skype comments about skin


I was forced to make it since I had the time today and wanted to get him started


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Oh- it's blond... I thought it was dyed golden.... whoops c: