Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming Il Principe


Magus of Nothing
This letter is hung on the message board at Reignfall, Grafjell, the Crossroads and Tambry.


In the name of the Grand Prince Illthilior Athrendu of the Rhain,
all of those who would call themselves adventurers are called to the
Northern Willy in Reignfall, to perform services in exchange for
Unsavoury types are not welcome.

Duke Drake Ferreum Hawklight

Rise With The Dawn


This is an RP idea I have had floating around in my head for quite some time; leading a DnD-style campaign or adventure within the framework of Hollowworld's lore and system (minecraft). My experiences working on the Alteran Colony have lead this to the forefront of my mind, and so I have decided to go through with it. I will be DMing this RP/Adventure, and will be willing to take up to 4 players with me for the first run through.

This will involve character sheets, rolling and such - it will however not be as constrained as the rulebook. I will be using the Pathfinder system, as it is the one I am most comfortable with. If you're interested, add me on skype (jakp25) and we can discuss creating your character sheet. Alternatively, apply as a group of four (I am willing to take more than one group through if demand is high and the first run is a success). Your character can be new or one you currently utilise in RP - but they will all start at the same level, with the same equipment value, regardless of how skilled a fighter you believe they are.

This event will be
violent. You are likely to die if you do not use your head/work as a team, as I do want this to provide a challenge.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
This sounds rather interesting, and may be the first time I'd endorse using rolls to determine actions, since the rolls are actually part of a game system rather than simply rolling in a void. If I can make it I'd love to attend - already looking up everything I'd need for a human alchemist, hah.


Magus of Nothing
So obviously this is limited to non-divine and non-magic classes. I might let someone spin a Cleric as a doctor, if their divine powers are all healing focused.


Magus of Nothing
To those of you considering making a sheet - we're using 15 points, standard point buy. Don't min-max.


Magus of Nothing
My current thoughts on the system I will be using for combat - movement and such will be being mostly ignored, I will likely just say it takes a turn to get into position to attack. The current plan allows for many possible planned routes (and knowing DnD, unplanned ones will have to be made up) to get to the final goal. The majority of Reignfall, come the event, will have numerous encounters in the forms of NPCs, lock picking and some combat outside of the main adventure arc. This will hopefully allow for numerous players to form groups and have a rather different experience compared to other groups.

So far I have had three people contact me separately, who will be forming a group - with space for one more in that one. There is also another group forming themselves who I have been informed about.

To those worried about DnD's "complexity" - yes, it is more complicated than just the better roll out of two d20s. However, it is extremely accessible, especially considering it will be handheld and in a system (mine craft) that people are comfortable with. While knowing when to roll without prompt puts the game more into your hands, the rolling and numbers is just a part of the experience, the main goal being roleplay.

If anyone wants to help build or plan the event, please contact me through whatever method. I am best reached on Skype or forum convo.