Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Frater non reliquit


Lord of Altera
Told by Aziouse van Nactos:
Frater non reliquit, No brother left behind. The name stings my thoughts as my feet touch the dirt. Frater non reliquit, to many times have I BEEN LEFT BEHIND! No, not anymore. No many shall be left behind! I could have been successful with a career and an education, but NO I WAS LEFT BEHIND. Thearmy ran as I stayed behind because of my speed.

We had a race as I fell behind. No man shall be left behind! As long as we shall stick together no man shall be left behind. But how do I found the right man? I don't know, should I jot down an application and try and recruit good men to join my cult? I probably shouldn't call it a cult, maybe I should refer to it as a Guild, but I like the application idea, ill jot it down.

Application to join my Cult Guild.

Name (Rp name then username in captions):

Reason for joining cult guild: