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Attention People of Altera


Loyal Servant of Altera
As most know, the foolish dwarven, hobbit, sorta thing Frankieba has declared war with Warstrom! I would love to see this joke of a man fall to his death along with whatever town he is apart of (This being the case that his town actually backs the idiot up :D) The post that he declared war is called Silly Warstrom, so please read through that to decide your decision. But the purpose of this thread, is to ask other towns to join Myrithas in the fight agains Frankie. I feel that if we get enough towns to join Warstrom, that we will be able to shut down this war before it begins. If you are a mayor/assistant of a town, and you have the right to declare alliance with Myrithas in this war. Then please post your towns name. Sadly, the cause of this war was because our town fool, Anight (Just kidding Anight :p) tortured Frankie for disgracefully splashing in our fountain, that was built in respectful memory of Warstrom before 1.8. So please, let us put this foolish thing in its place, and join Myrithas, in the war to come!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Actually I want to attack Warstrom with my sea egg. Warstrom needs to be shown my might. It has been safe far too long.


King ForumStalker
I, as town mayor of New Valkyria (the town frankie lives in) will NOT be backing him. He didn't tell me about this and I have no desire to enter war with Warstrom, you're on your own frankie.


Legend of Altera
Sal Kai silverhand, cleric and mage will lend his support to warstrom, as or my brothers and sisters i cannot say.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I am glad to see people are joining use. As for bewpy. Bring it. We have been safe because we are strong. I am sad to see that you are agreeing with this foolish thing that is Frankie. I thought you were better than that.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Sal Kai silverhand, cleric and mage will lend his support to warstrom, as or my brothers and sisters i cannot say.
"will lend his support to warstrom" does this mean you are helping or not helping Warstrom? I would hope you are helping us. Do you not remember the little RP we had a few weeks ago?


I heard frankie was escaped from torture at Warstorm, I thought I were happy to see him being tortured!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I feel we will be having Cubey's help in this battle. :) (Cubey shoots fire at frankie, frankie dies... the end) :3


Loyal Servant of Altera
Itzza liked my status (tries to remain cool as head slowly swells then explodes :p) Nah.. Who did that though? Itzza liked another guys post and said he started rolling around smiling or something like that :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Sombody said: "Frankie and any who side with him are being brave, dead brave. Any who side with Warstorm a cowards, but alive cowards." *Cubey appears, Paladins appear and slay Cubey, Frankie gets crushed by mob*