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Silly Warstrom!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Frankie. Go do something for yourself. Go make a thread. Saying you will back down. I have a thread that is gaining allies with Warstrom. Why do you not just call off this war? Your own mayor said they weren't siding with you! So yo don't even have your town!

It is literally, You..... Against Altera!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh wait. You do have Darkwolf and Bewpy :) Soo the chances of you winning has raised by .2 percent :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
We did not ask for this war.. you did. You called this upon yourself. We are willing to deal your cards. But I will warn you... The game of War, in this case... Is rigged :)


Lord of Altera
Look at it from the bright side: when I drink your blood, at least you will lose your soul...
Wait, that's not very bright...


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
I welcome your attack Frankie, if you so decide to follow through, I, and the rest of Warstrom will be waiting.

It's been a while since we had some sport.

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Frankie, listen to to yourself. What you say is insanity! I would know. I was once the commander of a battalion in the Queens Elven army. I also had two human battalions along side me. They respected me. Mostly because I had won many battles in the great war. One day, I received orders from a higher up to withdraw, and regroup with a larger force. He even explained the circumstances of our retreat: the opposition that lay ahead of us, and that we were unmistakably out numbered. I thought, "We have been out numbered in the past, many of times, and did we falter? Ha! Of course we didn't! I let my arrogance take hold of me. I disobeyed orders and sounded the horn of advance. Three hours later we ran unexpectedly into the opposition we had been informed of: nigh on six hundred of Queen Grief's best troops. We had merely had two hundred. We fought. The battle lasted nigh on four days. Every single one of my men perished, and same went for the humans. Sure the enemy was decimated, but I was all that remained. Yes, granted, if by some chance you defeat the enemy (which is 99.99999999999999999% unlikely), you will be left with not a sence of victory and power, but that of emptiness. Heed my words Frankie. You are better off calling this whole thing off.

- Vrael Argetlam


Grand Lizard
it took 4 days to kill 200 troops? slowest battle ever, battles ares usually resolved within hours. Anything longer and you know you have lost.


Lord of Altera
Frankie, listen to to yourself. What you say is insanity! I would know. I was once the commander of a battalion in the Queens Elven army. I also had two human battalions along side me. They respected me. Mostly because I had won many battles in the great war. One day, I received orders from a higher up to withdraw, and regroup with a larger force. He even explained the circumstances of our retreat: the opposition that lay ahead of us, and that we were unmistakably out numbered. I thought, "We have been out numbered in the past, many of times, and did we falter? Ha! Of course we didn't! I let my arrogance take hold of me. I disobeyed orders and sounded the horn of advance. Three hours later we ran unexpectedly into the opposition we had been informed of: nigh on six hundred of Queen Grief's best troops. We had merely had two hundred. We fought. The battle lasted nigh on four days. Every single one of my men perished, and same went for the humans. Sure the enemy was decimated, but I was all that remained. Yes, granted, if by some chance you defeat the enemy (which is 99.99999999999999999% unlikely), you will be left with not a sence of victory and power, but that of emptiness. Heed my words Frankie. You are better off calling this whole thing off.

- Vrael Argetlam
I have faith in myself. but thanks anyway


Lord of Altera
nope, there hasn't been any in the whole of history... bad point there :S
Really now?

-Battle of Marathon. 10,000 Athenians vs 100,000+ Persians.
Athens came out the victor.

-Battle of Alesia. 50,000 Romans vs 330,000 Gallic Tribesmen.
Romans came out victorious.

-Battle of Otterburn. 2,900 Scottish "rabble" vs 3,200 English Troops
Scottish came out vicorious.

-Battle of Gaugamela. 47,000 Macedonians vs 200,000 Persians
Macedonian Victory.

Shall I go on?