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Applications for Villagers

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Name: Bromber

Why you are here:
For 20 yrs I fought for this relm watching my companions dieing in the neather. I was a proud defender of the land of Hollow World to find out that this tyrent has striped dry the country and it hard working peaceful folks.


It now pains me to have to hang up my Monk robes and adorn my armour and weapon once again. I now promise to defend this relm from evil once again all be it a evil grown from gread and power hunger.

Let us pray
"Mora God of worriors watch over these brave Villagers give them strength and courage to face the trail before them, Give them the stregnth to deal the final blow"


Name: Darth_Killer

Why you are here: For freedom! Also to get 100,000 silver so I can repare my house quicker, but by repare I just mean buy the wood for the roof.


Name: IamPeacefull

Why you are here: I am Priest of Darkmoon, and i guess somebody is going to die during this event. My knowledge about religion may become helpfull. Spotting me on the battelfield might give some moral boost!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: MrAaronR

Why you are here: I do not give answer to my inferiors, you fight beside me.. or die in the wrath i am to bring down upon the lords.


The Anime loving Brony
Name: shadowsmalls

Why you are here: To take My Revenge on the Kings who banished me for practicing my Magick and making me live in secret practicing my Magick secretly on the poor wrecks who are foolish enough to enter my domain

Allen Jone

Name: King_link132 AKA Allen

Why you are here: To defend my home and regain what is rightfuly mine, to help the weak, to fight along side the brave, and if I might, die with honor.


Lord of Altera
Name:Azoth Saeru aka Karasu1996

Why are you here:To defend my home from the evil tyranny that has swept over this land,and help my fellow men and women through this battle for freedom!


Name : Ruipt

Why are you here: I recently arrived...And im not about to live under a dictation!


Lord of Altera
Name: VanGarrett

Why am I here?: To get revenge against these evil tyrants for the theft of my 41 sticky pistons and the false imprisonment and banishment of my fellow Lords cj115 and nickj918


I think I might like it here

Why you are here:to test my skills and earn a title in this world and redeem me being banned



Why you are here:To free this land from its tyrant leaders and to earn my place with the almighty hero's that helped topple this land's evil plague of a ruler!


Lord of House Hawklight
Name: Axex

Why you are here: Since the rest our island seems to be going to war, I will fulfill my contract as a mercenary, unless the kings pay me more ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Dudd0

Why you are here:

I have crossed many plains of existence, I have seen what you cannot imagine and understood you shouldn't try to. This is my most recent physical manifestation. I should have died in another time. Yet I am here, alive. I serve a higher order. So I shall stay. For a while.
I partake in this battle for the scientific understanding of your species, how it is you fight one another, what makes you tick. To see how you cope when your leaders fail to prove their strength. He has asked this of me. I cannot fail him.


Name: Ejvind

Why you are here:

I am here to take back the toll which those Nobility have taken from us. They take more than their fair share in taxes, stripping us of food and home. The only way to stop them doing such a thing is to stop them breathing, and take back what is rightfully ours, in both money and blood.


Resigned Admin
Name: Tantara

Why you are here: To kill the king, earn riches, become famous, and to bring wealth to my fledgling outpost

Deleted member 61

Name: headbudgie

Why you are here: To assist the people of the land in defeating the corrupt Lords and their King!!
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