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Road and Port.

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
im going to need to build a road from locksley to its small port. also i will need to build the port and small boat. the road and port are going to be in the wild so i would need building permissions. i was told to post a thread here. it will provide acess to the town of locksley (forming in the next couple of days!) and the port will go to Red Haven and be our link to port silver.


Your port has to be a part of your town mate, so you have to claim it.

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
Your port has to be a part of your town mate, so you have to claim it.
We are in a remote forest location and don't have water near. The plan is to have a very scenic road going from our port to our town in the forest. There is no other way to get to red haven logically. I was just sure that other towns had boats out of their realm. Could there be an exception made because my town is in a very remote area?

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
I thought about that but there is a very beautiful natural archway and other beautiful things that I really want a road to go through. Part of the towns beauty that I saw was a road going thought he wild to a small port. I am going to post either a video or screenshots of what I'm talking about. I really hope you can make an exception for this. It will be a beautiful addition to Alteria.


Admin au Naturale
hmm, other towns have roads built between places through the wilderness, but youd probably have to claim the port as an outpost for your town

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
That's 100,000 rad! Could a kink grant me an outpost just for the port? It's kind of really nessecary for this town to play the role that it's supposed to. In the name of rp'ing?


Admin au Naturale
well then it would be a town project then to work towards raising the money, (using a stable for the time being to travel) then when you get together the cash as a town you can buy the outpost. Itll take a bit of time to establish your town anyway (physically build it, get citizens etc) so I'd focus on getting all that set up before worrying about expanding to a port

including a map with the location of where the town will be, along with the port and Redhaven would be a massive help

Also the outpost prices may have changed with the plot price change, not sure though