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Silly Warstrom!


The original mute
You know the numbers in the battle of otter burn are much less than those of the others, so it doesn't illustrate your point as well as it could.


The original mute
Anyway what about the Spartans against the Persians, 300 of them fought thousands of persians for several days until they were trapped due to one of their allies falling back to defend their home rather than the path to the back of the Spartans defensive line.


Lord of Altera
Really now?

-Battle of Marathon. 10,000 Athenians vs 100,000+ Persians.
Athens came out the victor.

-Battle of Alesia. 50,000 Romans vs 330,000 Gallic Tribesmen.
Romans came out victorious.

-Battle of Otterburn. 2,900 Scottish "rabble" vs 3,200 English Troops
Scottish came out vicorious.

-Battle of Gaugamela. 47,000 Macedonians vs 200,000 Persians
Macedonian Victory.

Shall I go on?
Are you on my side then?


Lord of Altera
Anyway what about the Spartans against the Persians, 300 of them fought thousands of persians for several days until they were trapped due to one of their allies falling back to defend their home rather than the path to the back of the Spartans defensive line.
The Spartans fought with great valor in that battle, but it is still considered a loss. Regardless of the outcome of the war.

My loyalty lies in my City and my Nation Frankie. Though I will commend you on your efforts if you do choose to fight, but I shall be on the opposite side.


Legend of Altera
There's a lot of speculation going on about old wars and battles whose true facts died away with time. It's a far stretch to compare anything that ancient with a little battle in Minecraft.

To be honest, we seem to have lost the point of this. It isn't really about who will be the victor; there's simply no way we can decide it in this thread by showing off our knowledge (and lack thereof) of irrelevant matters.

I believe Frankie is providing Altera with a unique role playing opportunity that really hasn't been done in quite a while. My hat goes off to him for sticking with his opinions through all of this slanderous nonsense. Whatever the turnout, Frankie is actually doing this server a favor by giving us an opportunity to do exactly what we were Whitelisted for: role play.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hay Frankie, how about you lead a communist revolution? you'd probably have atleast one person on your side.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I hope he goes ahead with this and that this happens Paragory and i'm from Warstrom :) .

All this is at the moment is bluster and bravado, as I said before I have not been in a 'War' RP before and would like to try it especially seeing as all the old warring towns (Shipwreck cove / Saline / Aurolus) have quietened down.


Lord of Altera
Anyhow, bring it on Frankieba. I don't want to wait any longer. Come at us, we're ready!


Legend of Altera
frankie if i had a choice i would hunt you down an do waht necromancers do best make my enemys suffer greatly and may be ill bring you back as a mindless ghoul you can do my laundry!! :D yay me!