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Silly Warstrom!


Hollows Explorer
Really now?

-Battle of Marathon. 10,000 Athenians vs 100,000+ Persians.
Athens came out the victor.

-Battle of Alesia. 50,000 Romans vs 330,000 Gallic Tribesmen.
Romans came out victorious.

-Battle of Otterburn. 2,900 Scottish "rabble" vs 3,200 English Troops
Scottish came out vicorious.

-Battle of Gaugamela. 47,000 Macedonians vs 200,000 Persians
Macedonian Victory.

Shall I go on?
but think to yourself, what had these all changed... these were battles, firstly scotland signed a treaty becoming great britain, the persians had a massive empire until the rise of western powers, gallic descent is very common


Lord of Altera
I do not want to spam this section with a history lesson, but my point still stands. Saying that the "weaker" side has never won a battle in all of History is a very generic statement, and the battles given prove it wrong (regardless of the outcome of the war). I'm going by the statistics of the battle, not the reasons why or the outcome of the war.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Its, do not be foolish with your chicken impersonations. But Frankie, I would like you to set a date and time (with time zone) So that we may all be on for this event because like said before. I am officially making this a RP Event and like all RP Events. I want this posted under planned rp events with a time, date, and any other information. Thanks! - your friend :3 Wrayh


Lord of Altera
Its, do not be foolish with your chicken impersonations. But Frankie, I would like you to set a date and time (with time zone) So that we may all be on for this event because like said before. I am officially making this a RP Event and like all RP Events. I want this posted under planned rp events with a time, date, and any other information. Thanks! - your friend :3 Wrayh
I need to gather an army before we decide that.


King of Quests
Entirely Independently of my nation and race, I side with frankie, simply because I like a challenge. Please note I do not represent my nation in any way in this :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
@JDMcNugget I was just pointing out something which I legally have to (M.C.King will back me up on this. ) not disagreeing with your correct point, but training accounts for the roman victorys, so their a bad example.


Hollows Explorer
Myrithas Demands that the Town of New Valkyria Hand over Frankie... otherwise war is imminent, he is charged with war crimes because of attempting to start an un-just war and attack the city of warstrom on grounds which are not backed up with evidence.

We have already sent a group of soldiers to occupy the town earlier and we have cut off your supplies.
(also E&E have been deployed (aspendale's secret organisation)
We have decided upon one week for negotiations or all out war will be declared

(we have these options: a roleplay court session, roleplay assasination, roleplay war or sign a treaty)


Lord of Altera
Myrithas Demands that the Town of New Valkyria Hand over Frankie... otherwise war is imminent, he is charged with war crimes because of attempting to start an un-just war and attack the city of warstrom on grounds which are not backed up with evidence.

We have already sent a group of soldiers to occupy the town earlier and we have cut off your supplies.
(also E&E special forces have been deployed (aspendale's secret organisation)
We have decided upon one week for negotiations or all out war will be declared

(we have these options: a roleplay court session, roleplay assasination, roleplay war or sign a treaty)
I hate you, yet I don't care because if my town is a good town it won't hand me over, right itzza?:D

Deleted member 61

The siege will continue un till te fool is handed over. E&E will continue to loot and oppress New Valkalrie.


Hollows Explorer
we can offer anything up to 5,000 radiants for capturing him, but if he is defended we will fall into all out war


Loyal Servant of Altera
Right thats it, *starts relief effort to help new Valkyrie* Itzza stated that he isn't backing Frankie, so why are you attacking his town?