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Active Merle Corbett


Lord of Altera
General Information:

Name: Merle Corbett (Mol'Ruith)
Nickname: Merly (Haefer)
Titles: None so far.

Age: 27
Race: Elf (Moor)
Clan: Mol'Ruith (Disbanded/Dead)
Class: Middle
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Current Residence: Storm's Landing, 104 East Crescent (Rented)
Relationship Status: Hae's Bae, ENGAGED~!
Social Status: Social Butterfly, Friend of many.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 Lb.

Eye Color: A slightly darker shade of Amethyst.
Skin Color: A dark shade of nondescript grey.
Shape of Face: Seems to be mostly average, neither too sharp nor too soft.
Distinguishing Features: Eyepatch, open jacket.
Build of Body: Fit and athletic build. Somewhat visible muscles, mainly at the chest and arms. Been working a lot recently, staying in great shape.
Hair Color: Licorice Black
Hair Style: Cut slightly shorter before the ears, yet remains long and straight, reaching slightly below the shoulderblades otherwise. Covers the left side of the face a bit more than the right side.

Is Seen By Others As: Friendly, flattering, drinking buddy.

Scars: Minor and faded scars are present here and there on the upper body and arms, with a larger and more vicious scar running diagonally across his back (upper right to lower left).
Left eye is gone, with the eyelid still intact and always kept shut.

Voice: Yasha - Asura's Wrath (X)


Likes: Hunting, fishing, meeting people, the occasional drink, teasing/flattering, whittling.
Dislikes: Disrespect, war, abusing authority, malicious liars, betrayal, abandonment, loneliness.

Strengths: Strong, agile, decent instincts, alert hearing, hard worker, generous, protective, helpful, determined.
Weaknesses: Limited line of sight to the left due to lost eye, loud noises, bit nosy, occasional stubbornness, worrywart, acts casual to most social classes, being helpful at bad times, conflicting habits from past clan life.
Fears: Losing friends, losing family (already lost), the inability to help when needed, being left on his own again, losing Haefer.
Values: Friends & family, close bonds, hard work.

Education: Basic clan/family teachings.
Languages: Common, Mok'yra (Native), Elven (Improving)

General Attitude: Wary Relaxed, amused.
Religious Inclination: Modest worship of Sallana.
General Intelligence: Perceptive, takes a lot into consideration, though sometimes still acts on impulse and reflexes.
General Sociability: Quick to greet and get into a conversation, especially with kin.
Alignment: Neutral/Chaotic Good



He wears a jacket made from hides, lined with fur that is most noticeable at the collar and at the end of the sleeves. The fur has a light, beige-like coloration while the jacket itself is more of a dulled dark brown.
His trousers are woolen and of decent sturdiness, gray-blue in appearance. The coloration appears to be somewhat dulled or faded.
On his left arm, he wears a fingerless, leather glove. It is reinforced and was mainly meant for protection to the hand used to wield a bow, but is now worn regardless.
On his right arm, he wears a sturdy, leather bracer. Mainly for protection to the wrist and part of the forearm, keeping the hand 'free' and unhindered.
A thick, leather belt is present, sturdy enough to hold pouches, even a sheath or quiver.
A leather eye-patch is present, covering part of the left side of his face at and around where his eye is supposed to be.
Most of these are undyed, remaining shades of brown in color.

Jewelry: None

Pets/Animals: None

Owned Homes: Storm's Landing, 104 East Crescent (Rented)

Carried Inventory: A standard falchion, decent amount of 'pocket money', a flute or ocarina, whittling/carving knife, block of wood, minor misc.
General Inventory: Materials to have his equipment repaired with, excess radiants, minor amount of preserved fish and meat, spare ores and coal, several types of wood, works in progress.
General Wealth: Working hard, earning decently.


Birthplace: Middle class clan - Mol'Ruith
Childhood: Raised in the usual ways within the clan by family.
Teen Years: More focus on learning and training in relation to combat and hunting.
Adulthood: Eventual undead siege on the clan, loss of eye, family, friends and his home.
Went his separate path like the rest, eventual arrival at Wayfarer's Rest. Still ongoing.

Family History: Bloodline of mostly hunter, fighters and relevant occupations.
Most died, few that survived scattered.

Past Places of Residences: Clan.
Places Traveled: Lands outside the clan, Wayfarer's Rest, Mockingbay & Storm's Landing.


Peaceful or violent: Appears pretty relaxed. Can get quite predatory (and takes joy in it) while hunting. Best not to intentionally harm people he cares about.

Weaponry: Standard Falchion

Combat Training: Archery, Swordsmanship.

Training & Skills:

Main skills:
-Hunting: Improving on tactics and traps, still hard without a bow.
-Fishing: Occasional calming hobby.
-Archery (Bow): Would have to relearn wielding the bow with the right hand, used left eye for aiming. Might be trying to relearn it.
-Archery (Crossbow): Basic usage, has yet to get one again since arrival.
-Swordsmanship (One-hand/Falchion): Basic usage, hasn't gotten in fights for a while.
-Woodworking/carving/whittling: Improving self, has shown good talent for it, made some lovely pieces.

Other skills:
-Music (Flute): Knows a few old songs from home, can play a few fully now.
-Music (Ocarina): Knows a few old songs from home, can play them partially.
-Mining?: Mining the earth, getting ores and coal.
-Woodcutting?: Chopping trees, getting wood.

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Unemployed, Independent Hunter/Fisher, picked up Mining and Woodcutting for resources and as an extra income. (Woodworking/carving/whittling on the side)
Favorite Types of Food: Blood sausage, grilled fish, roast.
Favorite Types of Drink: Mead, Whiskey
Hobbies/Pastimes: Drinking & chatting, woodcarving/whittling.
Favorite Colors: Purples, Reds & Blues.

(Basic for now. Might need to give this a once over later, for good measure.)
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Lord of Altera
Character Goals:

Short Term Goals:
-Buy Haefer a drink. (Turned into a habit)
-Remember old clan songs. (Can play most again.)
-Teach Atale how to do some woodcarving. (Where have you gone to?)
-Language exchange with Arianne. (...)
-Find out if Carlos is safe... (Confirmed to be free)

-Who got murdered...? (Thank the gods it wasn't you, Ederia.)
-Talk to Milah about something particular. (I'll leave it up to you.)
-Set up and decorate the interior of the house. (Looking good.)
-Help with an advertisement for Sidaura. (Almost there.)
-Help Jenette with her shyness. (She's becoming a bit talkative.)
-Visit Natri'Evar & Moor lands with Sidaura.
-Learn Elven. (Potential help from Jenette & Sylvar)

-Check on Ellie, make sure she's alright. (Stay safe now.)
-Help Haefer through hard times. (That beautiful smile is back~)
-Help Ela with her confidence, together with Haefer. (Let us know if you need help.)
-Finish new figurine. (Yup, Hun definitely loved it)
-A princess for a 'princess'.
-Have Rhaenil hear Haefer's singing.
-Make arrows for Sidaura. (Done and delivered)
-Trip to the Compendium with Haefer.
-Give Haefer a 'better' necklace.

Long Term Goals:

-Find a new home. (and settle down perhaps)
-Find a purpose and future.
-Sidaura was curious about a wood/bone carving shop?
-Help Haefer figure out what gives her happiness.
-Find more ways to make/keep Haefer happy. (I will make you smile as much as possible.)
-(Completely scratched away)
-Support Rhaenil when possible.
-Haefer. ( :heart: )
-A family, whether it is just the two of us or a step further~.
-Spend a lifetime with his one, true love.


"On to a new beginning for us both, together." Samiwashere
"Our little darling girl, we'll make sure that you'll have a happy life."

"Let's hope that advertisement helps!" PotatoLion
Arianne: "So glad you're back, stay safe." BobDdoss
Azeari: "You sure you're alright? The cold might be getting to you." mathweev
Carlos: "Good to have seen you again!" MrMine
Jenette: "Adorable, but still a bit shy. You're slowly getting past it though." Ruulu
Mila Sicarus: "Thank you for everything." Jazzper
Odette: "You better come out of this alive." Samiwashere
Nymph: "You're a good kid." Raykaystar
Rasho: "Great to have you back, seems you have found someone special yourself, hm?" SpiritTheLightning
Rhaenil: "Become good friends with Ellie, alright?" MrMine / BobDdoss
Sidaura: "It's good to have you as a friend." Legendary Fiction
Sugar: "Thanks for looking out for Haefer." Ruulu

"I'm glad you're no longer afraid of me." LordCreepington
Elarinya: "Don't let anyone treat you like that, you're not property nor someone's convenient tryst." StarWillow2000
Johanna: "Hope you'll find your way around here."
Merv: "Seen you in Gryphon's Den before, usually keeping to yourself. Judging by how you are around Posey, you seem like a kind man." Promanguy1223
Mortimer: "I'll take your offer into consideration, but right now it seems I have other matters to handle first." Raphael Payne
Posey: "You're quite curious. ...Why are all Caparii children so adorable?" Catena
Sylvar: "Please, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." Cranium
Tryg: "Don't let Stoltfar fall..." godfather1
Victor: "Huh, it was odd to see you without the usual armor." The Tottot
Winter: "Beware the reign of Winter~!" mokwar

Aspen?: "I still need to find a moment to introduce myself." Aspen
Elwyn?: "I can see you don't like having me around." Charybdis
Edger?: "Haefer doesn't seem to trust you, wonder why..." Edouard2000
'Krissy': "Seems like you don't really like me around either. But you're polite and you still tolerate me, thank you for that." BoredBrit
William: "Well, you probably didn't mean it like that." _Azrael

Ederia: "I guess you're gone." ZeroOrgan
Geralt: "Why did you even get together with her..." Zombie3255
Khorug: "Guess it was a matter of time before I'd find another who dislikes our kind." Piratep00f

Sasha: "Pestering Haefer, then trying to set us up against one another? Did you really think that would work?"


Relevant Family Members:
None, most deceased, remaining few scattered and left.

(Let me know if I forgot you. Might mix things up after a long day.)
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Lord of Altera

Seems to be more relevant the longer he's been around.

... I wonder why! Samiwashere


"Hae's Bae" :3

By Samiwashere

Eyepatch wise, his leather one is more broad like this design vs the piece on a strap kind.
Something akin to this, though he doesnt have the long bits hanging over the front of his body, those are more like neck/chin height for him at most.

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Lord of Altera
More Purple! More People and a goal or two! More Updates on this damn thing than I've probably ever done in a long while on FB!