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The Forzen Dome

chris noble

Loyal Servant of Altera
My Name : chrisnoble.

project name : The frozen dome.

location: around saline creek.

size : about 500 x 500 wide and long and about 10 short of the max build height, so about 50-60 heigh
intention : a frozen dome covering the whole of saline creek, with lamps hanging down to illuminate the way, there will be arched areas for the road leading out of town, and for a bay entrance.

inability to claim plots: it is far too large, and i would need ice from the admins to fuel its construction.

residents : the whole town of saline creek i would figure.

builders: myself (chrisnoble), fredcvb and katrinmair.

reason why it will be a good addition : it will be a unique piece of architecture and that it will be extremely nice on the inside, a whole city encapsulated in a dome of ice hasn't been done before to my knowlege.except perhaps that ancient outpost in the arctic, in stargate. but thats another thing entirely.

inspiration: my friend fredcvb brought it up and i instantly liked the idea

used materials : ice, lots of it, fences and glowstone for lanterns and perhaps several large glowcrystals using glass, glowstone and lapis blocks

Rp origin : The city of saline creek was a warm and pleasent town, like many others they opposed the growing power of queen grief. they knew she was coming for them so they enlisted the help of an archmage of uthrandir, he erected a shield of magic around the city. queen grief caused a great flood to befall the area and when she saw the shield was holding, she blocked out the sun for 10 days and nights, by the time it was over, there was a great dome of ice covering the shield. the creekers got hard at work and adapted to their knew enviroment, they erected lanterns and help placed the seeds of light crystals in the roof of the dome, they dug ways out for the roads and an entry into the bay. they would not allow the forces of grief ever to defeat them in any way.

links : my hollowworld mansion, saline creek town hall and vaults, the saline creek keep, the saline creek sewers. the unique layout design of saline creek. the two stormguards of previous times, a fair bit of the design of summervale.


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Yes but a dome of ice would look unnatural and just plain odd on the landscape.

Also, this sounds quite similar to Vallus Rex, except that Vallus has glass instead of ice.


Resigned Admin
This would be really cool if the town was like, half-submerged in a frozen sea/snow!
The town's layout is rectangular, though. Just curious, would the dome cover the inside of the rectangle or the outside?