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Darkwolf9408's Ban-Appeal

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Lord of Altera
Alright, hello HollowWorld and residents.
I type before you today because I have just arrived from school, and discovered I am,
"Banned! For theft and greif"
I'm not exactly sure what happened in the 12 hours I was away, but I am in need of information on it.
I do steal, and grief.
But either always for Role-Play scenarios/events, or am requested*to.
{*= Not always when requested, but if someone said, "Bring me the stone of '~~~'!",
Then I would, of course imagining they've asked or will-ask if it was okay.}
I promise you, ever since the last incident, I have not done anything of this sort, or kind.
Thank you for looking into it.


Lord of Altera
From what I heard you stole diamond in Lindisfarne.
Well, that was purely revenge to Darthcorey, because he killed me in the sorrows and took my diamond sword, even though I was an ally. The amount taken was that equivalent to the amount needed for a diamond sword. (2 Diamonds) We were in the middle of a fight, and someone decided to do away with my sword when I had died. If need-be, I can repay him. I also apologize to Darth, and those effected. (I guess that's what you get for killing an ally. :p)


Grand Lizard
What he did was not wrong, what you did was. It does not justify him killing you, so revenge is really stupid and gets you banned.


Lord of Altera
What he did was not wrong, what you did was. It does not justify him killing you, so revenge is really stupid and gets you banned.
I understand.
Revenge brings out the ugly side of people. But is never okay.


King ForumStalker
If people just got revenge for everything the earth'd be empty.

Seriously though revenge is never an excuse. Trusting people in the sorrows (now the southerns?) is a risky business. If he tricked you, then that's your problem, not his.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what he did, but there isn't anything against the rules that he did.


Lord of Altera
If people just got revenge for everything the earth'd be empty.

Seriously though revenge is never an excuse. Trusting people in the sorrows (now the southerns?) is a risky business. If he tricked you, then that's your problem, not his.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what he did, but there isn't anything against the rules that he did.
I agree. I should have asked, and revenge gets you nowhere.


Cobblestone King
If people just got revenge for everything the earth'd be empty.

Seriously though revenge is never an excuse. Trusting people in the sorrows (now the southerns?) is a risky business. If he tricked you, then that's your problem, not his.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what he did, but there isn't anything against the rules that he did.
He was not banned for successfully executing his revenge, but for stealing. Which is against the rules. Revenge or not.


Loyal Servant of Altera
As far asI am aware I never killed you... We actually had a treaty and you were going to join us bandits... I don't recall ever killing you ( correct me if I am mistaken ) but that is no excuse for stealing.. When someone kills me I don't go raid their house I just mine more diamonds xD


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
DarkWolf you stole, what do you think we should do with you ?
Well he shouldn't be banned thats for sure. Another example of a situation that should have been handled by in-game justice / roleplay. This is exactly the kind of think frustrating sherbzz, myself and others.

Can we please keep bans to serious offences that cannot be justified by an in-game punishment.

Steel.. can we get the jail plugin working please?
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