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Finished From Below - Farewells {Part II}


Events Staff
Very Sweet

The attack on Queensport was not without great loss and destruction. Threats of what the cultists sought to release upon the city were nothing compared to the acts they committed. Things seem quieter now, yet it is not a peaceful kind. It is one of loss, with far less people alive today than they were the last.
This day is in remembrance, of those lost in the chaos. Joined by a funeral for one of the two original founders of Queensport itself, the Hand of the Queen, Sebastien de Courtnay. All are invited who knew this great man, to pay their respects, and farewells.

"Repose en Paix."

Thanks to Brian for Sebastiens funeral song ; (

When: Saturday 3rd June.
Where: Queensport Cathedral.
Time: 5PM EST.
Classification: Violent.

See the main campaign thread [HERE]

This is as open as any usual funeral would be. If you do not know him and it does not make sense to attend a funeral, please do not attend. I'm simply trying to keep things flowing as in character as I can. Thanks!
(Not to say there won't be occasional occurrences from now until then, but that is for Queensport residents and they'll see it as it happens. The city is essentially a violent region for the time being in terms of events, but moderate in normal player-to-player interactions.)


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Dumb idiot. This is what happens when you doing follow Althalos' orders!
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Bored Brit
Uh... sorta a while back, at the peace treaty attack Althalos told Carlos to run away and hide somewhere so he wouldn't die or get captured, but he didn't listen. Leading to him being brought back into his family, and then more stuff happened and then this. If he had taken Althalos' orders, there is a chance he'd live with Odette and Tryg as their adopted son, living and not dying
wrong de courtnay


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Event is over- Queensport is now in ruin and infested with Spiders and god knows what else.

Won't be an event this coming weekend but we'll pick back up the weekend after next. Need a small break from running weekly events. In the mean time either I or I am sure Elz would be happy to run smaller DMs in the city.

Thanks to all who attended!


Bored Brit
Event is over- Queensport is now in ruin and infested with Spiders and god knows what else.

Won't be an event this coming weekend but we'll pick back up the weekend after next. Need a small break from running weekly events. In the mean time either I or I am sure Elz would be happy to run smaller DMs in the city.

Thanks to all who attended!
i loved it


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Event is over- Queensport is now in ruin and infested with Spiders and god knows what else.

Won't be an event this coming weekend but we'll pick back up the weekend after next. Need a small break from running weekly events. In the mean time either I or I am sure Elz would be happy to run smaller DMs in the city.

Thanks to all who attended!
So.. for someone who got a room in the players guild yesterday and was staying in queensport... did something happen to make it even more of a ruin?