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Finished [Dec 10] Snowhurst Misery


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
+Snowhurst Mystery+

In the crook of a frozen bay, passed the Ashlands, sits a cabin in the woods- hidden among a white landscape. Snowhurst Mill is one of the many places that exports wood from the mainland to the Moor Elf city of Linlea. Linlea, itself, had been sent concerning letters from the Mill of "Strange voices in the forest - unsafe working conditions - shifting figures among the trees", and intended to investigate when supplies to travel were available. However, contact with the workers has abruptly stopped.

Typically, the leaders of Linlea would simply go look for other sellers of spruce wood. But two families in Linlea have yet to hear back from their relatives, who had a cabin close to the Mill. The issue of a missing family demands an investigation be launched into what exactly occurred at Snowhurst.

As they do not wish to involve more of their citizens, the leaders of Linlea have elected to hire a team of outside investigators to follow the trail, and find the missing family. There will be coin in return for valid information on the whole occurrence, depending on the pieces of information that is returned.

They request those who take up hands- to gather at the Greynor Inn to meet with either Lord or Lady Kov'gra'sek, or one by Clan of Tel'Divat, to enlist. Or send letter (write a form below) ahead of time.

(Mostly poke me for rp on the weekends- Estes and Snerus can chime in if they're available for it)

This begins: December 10, 1pm PST, 2pm MT, 3pm CST, 4pm EST, 10pm (GMT+1), 8am ACT on Monday
Estimated Runtime: 2 hours-ish.
Context: I'm attempting a one-shot event around Linlea. Credit to Snerus for the builds and storyline layout.
DMs: Myself, Snerus & Estes241 if they can make it. :)

Themes: Mystery/and some PvE
Rating: Beginner/Intermediate

Party Size: 5-7
Party Members:

{See Here}

Character Name-

Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Ye/No

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Lord of Altera
Ign- Rossu_
Character Name- Arianne Niamh
Affiliation/Organization- None, at least known as common knowledge. She is just hoping to come as a healer if needed c:
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Nuu


Non sum qualis eram
Not only that, but if a new player under 2 months wants to join and posts below, I'll be bumping you up the list because I'd like new players to give this an experience as a welcome to the server bit.
This is a nice idea. To ease the thoughts of anyone that might not get to come as a result - it's important for the place to do what it can to involve new players in events they otherwise might feel left out on. A one-shot is something that doesn't need any pre-existing historical knowledge or associations to join in on, and so it's a great place to do it.



Lord of Altera
Ign- TechnoAnarchy
Character Name- Gregor Beledrent
Affiliation/Organization- Rangers guild/Compendium
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Ye/No naaaaaaa

Ranger Will

Lord of Altera
Ign- Ranger_Will
Character Name- William Thornrowe
Affiliation/Organization- Rangers (Jaden)
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Ye/No - Naaaaay


Retired Staff
Ign- Wanderer_Joe
Character Name- Joseph Valen
Affiliation/Organization- Rangers (Compendium)
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Ye/No - Nooo


Lord of Altera
Ahh How I wish I could come but it's 5 (or 6 if CST is the one, idek) in the morning c:

Edit: Could possibly make it if it's 7AM + :heart:


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Ahh How I wish I could come but it's 5 (or 6 if CST is the one, idek) in the morning c:

Edit: Could possibly make it if it's 7AM + :heart:
The GMT+1 folk (estesss) may definitely not be able to make it if it's later than that, but I'll take note of it for the future!

(The times don't quite match. PST is two hours from CST, and three from EST...)
Yikes- Noon is for snerus. I marked him as CST, which is actually UTC. Fixed


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
... Three Rangers? Dare I?


Lord of Altera
Ign: DraconDarknight
Character Name Bolvar I. Firestorm
Affiliation/Organization: Order of the Dragon + (Semi Secret: The Guardians)
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? N
Add Info: The Old Knight with a somewhat bum leg.

I am in GMT+1 too btw :)

Edit: Potentially bringing Fronslin too - got so check with him
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Non sum qualis eram
Ign: DraconDarknight
Character Name Bolvar I. Firestorm
Affiliation/Organization: Order of the Dragon + (Semi Secret: The Guardians)
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Y
Add Info: The Old Knight with a somewhat bum leg.

I am in GMT+1 too btw :)
Is... the 2 months thing a typo for you? I'm pretty sure -
Sep 12, 2012
Just a FYI~

(I presume the end of whatever you were typing in that segment got cut off.)


Lord of Altera
Me and oveny wanna tag along! :)

Ign- Icanra and Oveny
Character Name- Luné Tekton and Ichien Tekton
Affiliation/Organization- House Astrum
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? We are both wayyy over 2 months


Lord of Altera
Ehh put me down as very hesitant, I'd love to come just a matter or not if I can

IGN: tomato150/celery150 (main and likely alt if going)
Character name: Na'vina Crow
Affiliation: Moors and Natri'Evar
2 months: 2 months and ooone day!!1!1!1


Better than sliced bread
Ign- cymic_
Character Name- cymic seymour, the mother of darkness, holy emporer
Affiliation/Organization- sangria/linlea expendable
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Ye/No
Probably not


looks cool.

Ign- Scardrac

Character Name- Sir Gael Dugald

Affiliation/Organization- Knight of Varyn (if war enemies want in, feel free to boot me out to avoid complication), former public “monster hunter”. (Context provides inclusion?)

Are you a player under 2 months on the server?- Nah.

Legendary Fiction

It took a lot to get here
You got full quick.
I approve of the reach-out to new players. I hope some of them think about joining. These types of things are fun.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Ign- electricwisekid
Character Name- Asero CROW caw caw
Affiliation/Organization- House Wise
Are you a player under 2 months on the server? Nope