Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(Please no shitposting) League of Legends


Lord of Altera Dude
I main two champions top lane, Nasus and Fiora. I also play mid lane Twisted Fate, and when I get auto filled to Jungle, Udyr, and autofilled to ADC, Xayah.
I am currently banned because I flamed a troll, as far as I know the troll is still on the rift.
Nevermind, Unbanned. I'm not toxic, I just hate trolls that ruined my bronze 2 promos.


Lord of Altera Dude
I main two champions top lane, Nasus and Fiora. I also play mid lane Twisted Fate, and when I get auto filled to Jungle, Udyr, and autofilled to ADC, Xayah.
I am currently banned because I flamed a troll, as far as I know the troll is still on the rift.
Nevermind, Unbanned. I'm not toxic, I just hate trolls that ruined my bronze 2 promos.
I dont play ranked, though I get where you're coming from, I'll add you next time im on! Jungle is pretty much the only role I dont play, though im not the best mid