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Poster [Poster] Dead Heresy


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Humans are waaaaay ahead in terms of genocide, compared to Earthspawn
Yet we get attacked more often :c


Lord of Altera
Hey just wanted to say something fun;

Heresy in a historical and theological context wasn’t always a death sentence or something people *gasp* at. Heresy just means something doesn’t line up with the canon doctrine or beliefs in a religion.

Heresy can be any number of things. For example, it would be heretical for a Catholic to say, “Oh, Christ was human but not divine.” According to Catholic tradition- that’s heresy- but all that means is that he’s wrong in the context with the Church’s belief. It’s not necessarily a serious crime- unless you’re talking about the Spanish Inquisition of the Persecution of the Cathars.

(I’m using the Catholic Church here because we seem to be basing the Pantheon’s style off of it, btw)

Moving on;

Did “heresy” get people killed in the Middle Ages? Yeah, definitely; but not always. Sometimes it was just a matter of, “Hey, don’t say that; here’s why we think you’re wrong, now pay us money.” And that’s excluding the general greed or political lambasting that went into things like Crusades and Inquisitions.

I also think we’re confusing scholarly, theological discussion with heresy; a matter that I think we can touch on another time. In short, simply questioning God or the Bible wasn’t going to get you killed (generally). Amongst scholars, asking things like “How do we know God is even real?” or “Did God technically create evil?” was just actually considered a way of clearing away “heretical” or otherwise popular misunderstandings.

Inquisitions were made to prevent the growth of heretical groups. But here, the Pantheon is already split up into a bunch of contradicting sects. Some Gods demand 100% loyalty only to them, but others are more chill about it. It’s difficult to even call the Pantheon a unified religion when even the default version is kind of broken.

As a solution, I think we need to see more philosophical discussions within the religious RP of the server. It fleshes out the dogma of the Pantheon and actually would help a certain sect grow in power because you’re encouraging IC spiritual growth. In-game sects would have legitimate answers to popular, controversial questions rather than just accusations of heresy.

So go out into the server and wax philosophically!!
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Hey just wanted to say something fun;

Heresy in a historical and theological context wasn’t always a death sentence or something people *gasp* at. Heresy just means something doesn’t line up with the canon doctrine or beliefs in a religion.

Heresy can be any number of things. For example, it would be heretical for a Catholic to say, “Oh, Christ was human but not divine.” According to Catholic tradition- that’s heresy- but all that means is that he’s wrong in the context with the Church’s belief. I’m using the Catholic Church here because we seem to be basing the Pantheon’s style off of it.

Did “heresy” get people killed in the Middle Ages? Yeah, definitely; but not always. Sometimes it was just a matter of, “Hey, don’t say that; here’s why we think you’re wrong, now pay us money.” And that’s excluding the general greed or political lambasting that went into things like Crusades and Inquisitions.

I also think we’re confusing scholarly, theological discussion with heresy; a matter that I think we can touch on another time. In short, simply questioning God or the Bible wasn’t going to get you killed (generally). Amongst scholars, asking things like “How do we know God is even real?” or “Did God technically create evil?” was just actually considered a way of clearing away “heretical” or otherwise popular misunderstandings. Basically, I think we need to see more philosophical discussions within the religious RP of the server. It fleshes out the dogma of the Pantheon and actually would help a certain sect grow in power because you’re encouraging IC spiritual growth. In-game sects would have legitimate answers to popular, controversial questions rather than just accusations of heresy.
5. Mortals who worship False Gods that are not one of the Pantheon shall be struck down for Heresy and burned until dead over the flames of birch wood. May the flames purify their filthy souls.
-Those who do not spread the name of False Gods, yet do not recognize the Pantheon, are upon a grey area and shall be burned according to the purview of the Divinely Blessed.​

An important note: The Divine Law refers to Heretics. Inter-Pantheon conflict is just fine; for as long as you worship a member of the Pantheon and not a heretical god you are in the safe zone.
Blorby boo, the divine law does say it gets ya killed and what it means to be a heretic..

Sir Arc

Lord of Altera
Hey just wanted to say something fun;

Heresy in a historical and theological context wasn’t always a death sentence or something people *gasp* at. Heresy just means something doesn’t line up with the canon doctrine or beliefs in a religion.

Heresy can be any number of things. For example, it would be heretical for a Catholic to say, “Oh, Christ was human but not divine.” According to Catholic tradition- that’s heresy- but all that means is that he’s wrong in the context with the Church’s belief. It’s not necessarily a serious crime- unless you’re talking about the Spanish Inquisition of the Persecution of the Cathars.

(I’m using the Catholic Church here because we seem to be basing the Pantheon’s style off of it, btw)

Moving on;

Did “heresy” get people killed in the Middle Ages? Yeah, definitely; but not always. Sometimes it was just a matter of, “Hey, don’t say that; here’s why we think you’re wrong, now pay us money.” And that’s excluding the general greed or political lambasting that went into things like Crusades and Inquisitions.

I also think we’re confusing scholarly, theological discussion with heresy; a matter that I think we can touch on another time. In short, simply questioning God or the Bible wasn’t going to get you killed (generally). Amongst scholars, asking things like “How do we know God is even real?” or “Did God technically create evil?” was just actually considered a way of clearing away “heretical” or otherwise popular misunderstandings.

Inquisitions were made to prevent the growth of heretical groups. But here, the Pantheon is already split up into a bunch of contradicting sects. Some Gods demand 100% loyalty only to them, but others are more chill about it. It’s difficult to even call the Pantheon a unified religion when even the default version is kind of broken.

As a solution, I think we need to see more philosophical discussions within the religious RP of the server. It fleshes out the dogma of the Pantheon and actually would help a certain sect grow in power because you’re encouraging IC spiritual growth. In-game sects would have legitimate answers to popular, controversial questions rather than just accusations of heresy.

So go out into the server and wax philosophically!!
No one ask for a definition professor


Lord of Altera
Blorby boo, the divine law does say it gets ya killed and what it means to be a heretic..

Ah, but here we see a contradiction between what Cymic says- who is generally known to be a pretty devout follower of the OG Divine Law- and the Divine Law itself. So who is right? Does the clergy now adapt their interpretation or do they now brand Cymic a heretic and further break up the Pantheon’s crumbling unity?

*Shakes Sankera*


Lord of Altera
Ah, but here we see a contradiction between what Cymic says- who is generally known to be a pretty devout follower of the OG Divine Law- and the Divine Law itself. So who is right? Does the clergy now adapt their interpretation or do they now brand Cymic a heretic and further break up the Pantheon’s crumbling unity up?

*Shakes Sankera*
If you are a mage, or don't worship the God's, you're apparently a heretic.
It's up for interpretation for a reason ICly


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Ah, but here we see a contradiction between what Cymic says- who is generally known to be a pretty devout follower of the OG Divine Law- and the Divine Law itself. So who is right? Does the clergy now adapt their interpretation or do they now brand Cymic a heretic and further break up the Pantheon’s crumbling unity up?

*Shakes Sankera*

: )c


Bored Brit
You make the decision icly whether to follow the text itself or the blessed of the divine who have contradicted the text. One was written by mortals who represent divines the other by divine themselves. Only time will tell as to whom the gods consider right.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
If the gods god super duper upset by mages or heretics they would've either told us to order 66 them all, or they would've slapped the many blessed that abandoned their god for magics

So the Council acts on that by providing something that helps co-existing, unless the gods slap our wrists


Lord of Altera
If the gods god super duper upset by mages or heretics they would've either told us to order 66 them all, or they would've slapped the many blessed that abandoned their god for magics

So the Council acts on that by providing something that helps co-existing, unless the gods slap our wrists
That's assuming things haven't already happened.


i think the god stuff is just super inconsistent and planned poorly

the divine law page changing when it's what the characters last knew as literally ic written on a stone tablet by the gods is a bit dumb