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Atlantes Theatrical Stage


Lord of Altera
Good day to you all.
I am Azulon Atlantes, and today I come to you with a proposal of a new attraction!
Theatre! Plays! Musicals! Performances!
This is why I request permission to build a Theatrical Stage Arena.
All of the citizens of Altera have a fancy for Theatre, might it be in a different form, or not, is their opinion.
Anyways, I am searching for a grand-town, worthy enough of Altera's first Theatrical Stage!
Please fill out the Application, and I will visit your town at an agreed time, then check you out to see if it is truly worthy!
(Please Copy/Paste The Application Below Into The Comment Box, And Fill It Out Accordingly. Fake Applications Will Be Voided In The Selection Process, And Deleted.)
Reason [Why Do You Think You Deserve This?]:
Time [Meeting Time. You May P.M. Me For Privacy-Reasons. Please Transfer To CST Or, "Central Standard Time" For Best Convenience.]:


Legend of Altera
Obviously, I don't have the power to submit a town for such an attraction.

Have you thought about the architecture of the theater? Obviously, the style of the resident city's architecture would have to be taken into account, but I still feel that some sort of Classic Era Amphitheatre would be appropriate. Something along the lines of The Colosseum, but scaled down and not as grand.


Lord of Altera
Obviously, I don't have the power to submit a town for such an attraction.

Have you thought about the architecture of the theater? Obviously, the style of the resident city's architecture would have to be taken into account, but I still feel that some sort of Classic Era Amphitheatre would be appropriate. Something along the lines of The Colosseum, but scaled down and not as grand.
Exactly, that is why I'm giving everyone a chance to volunteer their towns. That way, I get to build in a different-style, and I get to entertain a town. :)


Lord of Altera
Dark...I think Protaras wants to have a theatre... but I can't be shore...

EDIT: Pondered it a bit and thought... why not make it somewhere in the wilderness with a special building rights? I don't know, it sounds good. What do you think Azet? (calling you that fno)