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Help me out in my time of need.


Lord of Altera
Poem of my life:

It all started when I was an Orc.
Fat, young and a dork.
Jumping and playing and being sound.
Jumping and playing and running around.
Then I made the decision for a town.
That town went straight to the ground.
It all in all went down from there.
It was quite a big scare.
I made the stupid decision to be a Hobbit.
A fat stinking Hobbit.
I got a bad rep for leaving towns.
And all I began to make was frowns.
I tried and tried and tried to smile.
But I fell into a depression that lasted a while.
Then again I changed who I was.
Into a mutant that played with bugs.
All I do is change and change.
I can't decide just where to stay.

As many of you know I have changed my character a lot lately and I can't find a character I'm happy with, and I need this great communities help. Ive made some enemys along the way, but this is my time of need. Please help.

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Frankie, I know that you feel that you have more enemies than allies, but consider this: I am your ally. No, I will not help you take on Warstorm, that is not my fight, but I will offer you this: I have added the first of five stories to my character profile. The story is called: Arise, Silverhand! If you need an RP character, I have introduced a new character of importance in Vrael Argetlam's life: his brother Freohr. I have not done anything special with him yet, and I would like to see him live. I am formally offering you to take up the role of the Night Elf, Freohr, who is the only remaining kin of Vrael's bloodline. I have not made his personality in depth, and I have not described his appearance. The only thing I have made certain about him is that he is Night Elf, and the last of Vrael's bloodline.

Feel free to accept this offer, or deny it. Just know that I am your ally, in all but war.

Tdog the 1st


Cobblestone King
Well Frankie.. My advise is to listen to your heart, rather then other peoples opinions.
Don't force yourself taking a role other people might suggest, and honestly said.. The first choice is often the best.


Lord of Altera
I like you as a Orc but if you dont like being one i would never judge you for it :O Just be who you want to be and have fun :)

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Frankie, I am glad that you found who you want to be on Hollow World. Remember though, I am your ally in all but war. Should you wish, you are always welcome to visit me in Crann Bethadh. If you take the ship from Port Silver to Darkwood, you can travel the rest by foot in a westernly direction. Should you feel lost on your way, you may call out my name, (/msg SgtTdog0412 <message>) and I will hear your call, and I will guide you safely, to the Du Weldenvarden. We elves, druids, and the people of Crann know it by that name, and the rest of Altera know it as the Forest Sanctuary. I will let Olaf Stronghammer, our chieftain, know that I have befriended you, and that you are welcome to stay in my home, should you feel like visiting.


Lord of Altera
Frankie, I am glad that you found who you want to be on Hollow World. Remember though, I am your ally in all but war. Should you wish, you are always welcome to visit me in Crann Bethadh. If you take the ship from Port Silver to Darkwood, you can travel the rest by foot in a westernly direction. Should you feel lost on your way, you may call out my name, (/msg SgtTdog0412 <message>) and I will hear your call, and I will guide you safely, to the Du Weldenvarden. We elves, druids, and the people of Crann know it by that name, and the rest of Altera know it as the Forest Sanctuary. I will let Olaf Stronghammer, our chieftain, know that I have befriended you, and that you are welcome to stay in my home, should you feel like visiting.
little off topic but im srsly starting to think your a fellow Shurtugal irl xD


Lord of Altera
Frankie, I am glad that you found who you want to be on Hollow World. Remember though, I am your ally in all but war. Should you wish, you are always welcome to visit me in Crann Bethadh. If you take the ship from Port Silver to Darkwood, you can travel the rest by foot in a westernly direction. Should you feel lost on your way, you may call out my name, (/msg SgtTdog0412 <message>) and I will hear your call, and I will guide you safely, to the Du Weldenvarden. We elves, druids, and the people of Crann know it by that name, and the rest of Altera know it as the Forest Sanctuary. I will let Olaf Stronghammer, our chieftain, know that I have befriended you, and that you are welcome to stay in my home, should you feel like visiting.

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Frankie, you should put a link in your signature to your character profile. I have yet to read it, and would enjoy knowing more about who Vrael Argetlam is befriending!