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I am not so sure of myself anymore...

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Greetings Altera!
I am here to tell you that I am not quite sure of my RP character anymore.

I have tried to portray Vrael as one who does not betray his emotions, but every time I log on, there is something that Vrael does that contradicts this.

I have tried, time after time, to interest people in Vrael's character, and I have tried even more so to interest new players in Arya, but to no avail.

I think that my RP character is not working out.

He is meant to be calm, respectful, and peaceful, but he loses his temper quite often, he disrespects other characters often, and most times without meaning to, and whenever he loses his temper, he makes threats of violence.

It could just be me, but I don't think I'm suited to play the role of Vrael Argetlam.

Not to mention, whenever I try to make allies, I usually just end up annoying people.

I also noticed that I often try to force my RP on people, but not with the intent of malice.

I am not familiar enough with the Alteran Lore to make an elf, whether he be a seclusive Night Elf, an educated High Elf, or a nature loving Wood Elf. I may be able to pull off a menacing Dark Elf, but I am still unsure.

I think I may be more suited for a more malevolent role.

I don't think I could do a character of pure evil, but something more sinister than good. I also think I could play a character who was once very evil, but a warrior of holy power (maybe a paladin), could defeat me and make me see the error of my ways, thus leading to a quest of redemption.

I have made my opinion known to all of you.

Thank you for everything, and please let me know your thoughts!

Tdog the 1st

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
I don't know, Frankie, I just don't see it. I always have difficulty not speaking with good grammar. I think that is directly related to my disability. Part of Asperger's Syndrome is an O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) aspect, and the way it usually affects me is that everything I do has to be perfect. The way I speak, the way I type, the way I write, hell, even the way I play Minecraft, I often find myself adjusting the shape of a lake, a lake! I don't think I could be an orc, it's just not in my nature. Neither is being an elf, apparently. I get too carried away in the emotional aspect of the RP situations that Vrael finds himself in, and it makes him look like a bitter human with anger issues. I need something that allows me to speak intelligently, while allowing mood swings and acts of violence provoked by anger. Dwarves often don't have the best grammar, so that's out of the question, humans, are too generic for me, and Dark Elves are too solemn. I need something that is immortal from all but wounds of the flesh, in which is immune to disease, and time will never take him. Of course, I will make sure he is not invulnerable, that would be unfair, and ruin the RP of Altera. If you guys have any suggestions that follow the guidelines above, please share them. I will think about them if they are good, but will most likely consider the best. I am also open to taking up the role of an RP character that fits the guidelines above and has been created by somebody else through their character's stories, with their consent, of course. If anyone just wants somebody to make an RP character to affiliate theirs with, I'm open to that too.

Please share your ideas with me, and please, make sure they fit the guidelines in this post.

Tdog the 1st


Lord of Altera
I don't know, Frankie, I just don't see it. I always have difficulty not speaking with good grammar. I think that is directly related to my disability. Part of Asperger's Syndrome is an O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) aspect, and the way it usually affects me is that everything I do has to be perfect. The way I speak, the way I type, the way I write, hell, even the way I play Minecraft, I often find myself adjusting the shape of a lake, a lake! I don't think I could be an orc, it's just not in my nature. Neither is being an elf, apparently. I get too carried away in the emotional aspect of the RP situations that Vrael finds himself in, and it makes him look like a bitter human with anger issues. I need something that allows me to speak intelligently, while allowing mood swings and acts of violence provoked by anger. Dwarves often don't have the best grammar, so that's out of the question, humans, are too generic for me, and Dark Elves are too solemn. I need something that is immortal from all but wounds of the flesh, in which is immune to disease, and time will never take him. Of course, I will make sure he is not invulnerable, that would be unfair, and ruin the RP of Altera. If you guys have any suggestions that follow the guidelines above, please share them. I will think about them if they are good, but will most likely consider the best. I am also open to taking up the role of an RP character that fits the guidelines above and has been created by somebody else through their character's stories, with their consent, of course. If anyone just wants somebody to make an RP character to affiliate theirs with, I'm open to that too.

Please share your ideas with me, and please, make sure they fit the guidelines in this post.

Tdog the 1st
I know about OCD and aspergers, trust me.

How about, hmmmm, a Hobbit!

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
A hobbit...


I don't know, another reason I don't want to be a dwarf is because their so short. Hobbits are short, but not quite as short as a dwarf. However; hobbits have a tendency to be rather obnoxious, and can be a nuisance. I'm looking for a character that is rather terrifying when angry. Angry hobbits usually take out their anger through practical jokes and childlike pranks. Another reason I shouldn't be an elf is that elves don't show that they're angry, they conceal it in an expressionless face, and they wait until the right moment to exact their revenge. I want my character to let it be know to all that he has been angered at the exact moment he feels it, and in a startlingly sudden, and ferocious way that will strike a primal fear into all but the most brave souls. I think that could also be a weakness as well. Maybe in the manor of those who do not fear him, make him feel unsettled. Perhaps his rage could also be his weakness as well as his strength, in the fact that he does not think clearly as he should when angered. Theses are just ideas, and I'm beginning to put together a personality here as well. Keep up the suggestions, and maybe I will soon be able to create my own independently designed character.

Storm mage?
They're usually meticulous when it comes to their work, and have a tendency to be unpredictable and angry when things don't go how they planned.


Lord of Altera
Rule #1 of RP: Let bad ideas go.
If your character is hard to RP with, or if your character is a mess, just let him go. That is what I did with Itsemiel, I went to much Free Roam with him and ended up with a mess. I made an RP death for him and then I continued with another character. With this character I'll watch out, so I won't make the mistake a second time.


The original mute
Same with me, my old character was far too op. so I made a death rp, and moved on. Also it's interesting to see another aspurgers sufferer here.


Lord of Altera
A vampire perhaps dots what you are looking for... Whilst rather unpredictable you could be a classy one with mannars and such.