Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The yellow submarine (possible event) audio.


The Ghost of Altera
This was the last broadcast received form the magnificent feat of technology 'The yellow submarine' named the HMS Endeavour. It's mission - To explore towns and cities in Altera to help complete the Encyclopaedia Alterica.

The following is an unedited broadcast from the sub as it was exploring areas known for high mermaid activity.

This is said recording - sub complete.mp3 - some of the track is quite loud (hardcore people won't turn their volume down) and has been adapted for the press. Please listen past the well known Beetles song and listen to the actual broadcast. (let me know what you think of my editing and sound effects)

(If i get 10 likes on this thread i'll post the bloopers up)


The Arbiter of the Gods
DO NOT put the bloopers up... Overall I'd say that what you made to the audio made it sound cool... Though I sound like fail captain kirk/ someone I won't say who >.>


The original mute
Was this why you neede voice actors geo? Sorry if you've already answered this, I'm not getting some alerts and I forget where things are.


The original mute
only thing i have to say that is derogitory here is that some of the actors didn't seem to be putting much emotion behind their voices. So wehn glass was breaking they didn't sound scared, thats the only bad thing i could find about the acting. Also geo some of the sound effects seemed a bit off que or too sudden, nothing a bit of practice wont solve for anyone. Overall though, a good attempt that turned out well. Hope you guys had fun doing this.