Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Keya Naetris


I think I might like it here
Keya Naetris name font.png
Keya Headshot REDRAW +Resize.png
Basic Information

Character’s full name: Keya Naetris
Character’s nickname: "Darling", "Starlight" -Cassius von Hardanger
Birth date: 25th day of Fogwater

Physical appearance

Gender: Female
Race: Forest elf
Age: 120 years (looks to be about 26 years old)
Weight: 135 lbs
Height: 5'6
Body build: Mesomorph
Shape of face: Sharp with rounded cheeks
Eye color: Gray
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None
Skin tone: Tanned
Hair color: Chocolate brown
Type of hair: Wavy and voluminous
Hairstyle: Short at the top, long and braided into two at the back
Voice: Think Chel from "The Road to El Dorado"
Physical disabilities: None



*Helping those who need healing
*Listening to stories
*Witty banter
*Forget me not flowers
*The loud sound of thunder
*Abnormally large insects
*Organizing her things
*Jacque's screeching
Strengths: Attentive and patient
Weaknesses: Would mask certain emotions and appear calm, a worrywart
Fears: Losing her purpose in life or those she hold dear
Values: Compassion and understanding
Education: Herbalism taught by her grandmother, general sustainability taught by her father
Languages: Fluent in Elvish and Common. Knows a few words in Rede
General Sociability: Welcoming to others, will hold back at first but once she finds something interesting to discuss she will speak up more
Religious Inclination: Shalherana
Alignment: Neutral Good

Short Term Goals:
*Meet new people (Always)
*Teach Vaeri Elvish (Completed)
*Learn Rede

*Learn to play an instrument
Long Term Goals:
*Become an expert at medicine
*Own a garden
*Be able to engage in combat


-Cold weather clothing: Muted green top, brown pants, and arm guards, covered by a fur coat
-Warm weather clothing: Sleeveless top, earrings, brown pants, leather boots and arm guards, green shawl with yellow tassels wrapped around her body and tied at the waist to secure it
-Night gown
*Big circular earrings appearing to be made of seashells
*Topaz earrings
Pets/ Animals: None
Owned Homes: One in Linistel, and one in Mockingbay
Carried Inventory:
*A small leather pouch with a few radiants
*"Frostwarts Book of Medical Flora" by Lana Wake
*A long dagger made of crude steel
*Gold coin with a wolf engraved on it, given by Thure von Hardanger
General Wealth: Wealthy


Color: Teal
Least favorite color: Ash gray
Food: Spiced swordfish
Drink: Ginger tea
Most prized possession: Her earrings, it was once her mother's

Training & Skills

Healing [8/10]
Botany [7/10]
Cooking [6/10]
Singing [7/10]
Archery [2/10]
Hand to hand combat [1/10]
Swordsmanship [1/10]
Tree climbing [5/10]


Aymar Naetris (Father, backstory) "You were always patient in teaching me, no matter how many times i tried to hide and run away from you. I promise i'll visit sometime, father."
Tialha Naetris (Mother, Deceased) "I've only heard stories of you, i wish i knew what you were like with my own eyes."
Zilyana Yllaven (Grandmother, backstory) "I miss the times when we'd sing together while i help you work, hope you're doing well granny."

Vaeri Naetris (Daughter) "You're getting bigger everyday! I'll always love you forevermore, Eri"
Cassius von Hardanger (Courting) "Crafty with your hands as you are with your words. I hope you mean every single word you utter, songbird"
Sleeping on chest-min.png
Elexana von Hardanger (Friendly) "Reckless and stubborn, you remind me of my past. But seeing you with your son puts my heart at ease."
Dante Cromwyll
(Friendly) "You are the life of the party"

Thure von Hardanger (Respected) "I'd never guess you'd have a soft side, but here we are."

Marceau Laflamme (Friendly) "Retaining a sense of humor in the face of death, i like that."
Lura Omaric (Acquainted) "Thank you for letting Elexana and i sneak out that one time."
Jacque von Hardanger (Neutral) "You're a brat and your screeching could make me deaf any day now, but at least you can stand up for yourself."
Jacque faceplant RESIZED.png
Florence Caron (Friendly) "Believe in yourself, you're much stronger than you think. I hope we can climb trees together in the future."
Kazu (Neutral) "You clearly have feelings for Peter, just tell him already!"
Illyrana Silveria (Acquainted) "Tripped a twelve year old for calling you a bitch, i'm still unsure what to think of you. Perhaps i'll find out soon?"

Jean-Mathieu (Acquainted) "You're well-mannered, i can assure that."
Leonhard (Despise) "How dare you show your face again in this world, bastard."
Raynor var Emhril (Despise) "You've broke your promises and to my knowledge, have done a horrible thing. I feel as if i never truly knew you."

*Updates will be in this color*
(All artworks in this post was done by me)
(If you need relations to be added, let me know down below! Apologies if i forgot anyone)
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Very Sweet
Big Voter
He/Him, They/Them
You should totally add Kazu to this >:O


I think I might like it here
*Added a nickname
*Added a weakness
*Edited her goals
*Added possessions
*+1 house
*Improved in healing, botany, and cooking
*Tree climbing skill is now lower
*Updated Raynor, Vaeri, and Thure's relation
*Added Dante, Kazu, and Peter's relation


I think I might like it here
Updates! (i finally stopped procrastinating on it )
  • Replaced her old nickname with a new one
  • New dislike
  • Updated her goals
  • Updated old relations
  • Updated skills
  • General wealth change
  • Added the Hardongers Hardangers
  • Added more art!