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a formal apology - the council of Altera


Lord Zanros Hawklight
Today was the first meeting of the council, i will not go into details but suffice to say issues were discussed, one such issue being the entrance of bandit/pirate towns to the council, in which it was decided that certain towns, like Lindisfarne, were stopped.

So now the problem; due to this stopping of access, there were some players who may have felt discriminated against or secluded, as an admin team, although i can only speak for myself, i will apologise on behalf of All mods/admins present, as this was a mistake on our behalf, for it is our role to help the community and to support it, in allowing this motion to pass, we prevented this and may have also damaged the community, this should have been something that was not allowed to happen, and i sincerely apologize for our lack of action

To alvice: As the new mayor of Lindisfarne, you were one of the players who this action prevented attending, i apologize for any feelings of seclusion that you felt, and will also say that against the vote, if you wish to attend the meetings of the council, you and any of your town are welcome to join. i know this may anger some of those who wanted to stop their attendance for rp reason but i wish to restore some faith for this section of our community.

To Steel and Cherbert: you took personal offence to the seclusion of specific towns, and i will apologize directly to you two also, you gave us responsibilities when assigning our ranks, and it seems that on this occasion we have let you down, as stated above, we should not have allowed this motion to pass due to its OOC consequences, the most i can offer you in payment of this mistake is my sincerest apologies and the promise that i (i cant speak for others here :() will personally be more vigilant to stop any future incident in the nature of today.

To Bellon: I do not wish for you to think that i am against you in your debate, you had a valid point when saying that the council is only an rp event, i do not know if you were to engrossed in the council at the time to perhaps think of any OOC consequences of allowing the motion to pass, please do not take this as a personal attack against you and i honestly do see where you were coming from, but like me and others, you are a member of the admin team and we should have known to stop what was happening, even if it was in the guise of an rp.

And finally, an apology to any other members of our community who felt hard done by during this meeting, and i hope that we can put this incident behind us and stay as a whole community, if ever in the future you feel like an issue similar to this comes up again (and i hope i can prevent it if it ever does) please do not hesitate to get into contact with me so we can resolve any issues together.

Thank you for taking the time to read this (long) apology..



King of the north!
Thankyou cast, I'm glad you recognise that this is a community problem, not an rp one. You can pass off nearly anything as rp but if it starts having real effects on peoples enjoyment, then it's a problem. I'm hoping in future the admins present at these events will take note of this.


Lord of Altera
I would like to apologize as well, I did not speak out against Lindisfarne directly, but I did vote against it. I wasn't thinking of ooc consequences and had forgotten it was under new management (I'm sorry Alvice, I really like how you are turning the town around, I just forgot :oops:). I'm all for including bandit towns in the Council (I voted in favor of it), but I contradicted myself in my choice to vote against it :( . Overall, I'm sorry if I offended anyone by how I voted.



Resigned Admin
I agree completely, Cast. I voted against Lindisfarne's admission strictly from a player's position and didn't consider the /ooc consequences. I had no idea that Lindisfarne was no longer a bandit town, but I'll be apologising to Alvice regardless. I signed up for the council before I was a KH, but I'll no longer be involved in this as a delegate.
I'm quite disappointed in myself that I wasn't more considerate and would like to also offer my personal apology to anyone who was offended by our actions as well.


Lord of Altera
So has the Cove been let in? I'd really like to be let in to the meetings. Also, our pirate ways have toned down a little since James became captain.


Queen of the Wilds
Alright, I was asked by the admins to post my side of the story as to what exactly happened. I will post exactly where Lindisfarne is at as far as roleplay goes in another thread under the towny section, just to clarify a few things. Because I know many are possibly confused. (Trust me, it all does make sense, I have a plan!)


First off, thank you for the heartfelt apologies. I do appreciate them.

When I first saw the thread for the event, I was simply a lowly slave to the Bandit Lord Royo ("arrow fodder" as it was commonly joked). None of this would have concerned me at all, so I pretty much dismissed it to the back of my mind except for the fact that bandits were not allowed. I didn't bother applying for the event when I became mayor about a week and a half ago because honestly I had forgotten about it.

Then the event rolled around today. I was super excited, because I was going to be able to get involved and possibly even clear Lindisfarne of the stain of it's history. And then I remembered the post about no bandits being allowed. I also recalled that my town is still viewed very poorly, even though I've not let any raids on any towns and most of the key bandits are dispersed from my town and/or the server.

Anyways, moving on. I asked where the event would be held, looked for the place, couldn't find it, asked for help, was ignored, asked on teamspeak where it was so I could attend, and got a "Bandits aren't allowed, you can't come." (No I did not recognize the voice, as much as I tried to recall, I didn't think at the time to place it to a name.) With threats of jailing fresh in my mind for visiting a city, I didn't exactly want to get jailed/kicked/banned.

I was a bit hurt to be honest and should have stuck up for myself, but I wasn't that nonplus because none of the other "bad guys" would be allowed either, so I went about my day and asked my friend Draco what was going on. When I was informed that Protaras, RavensNest, and Shipwreck Cove were not banned from said meeting and I was voted never to show up, I'm not going to lie... I felt extremely ostracized. Pretty much it became blatantly clear that I was the only person/town on the server disallowed at these meetings when I felt I could contribute much to them. Furthermore there apparently was a debate about letting me in without any perspective from the one being debated over? Guess that's more of an RP problem but... still I did feel it was unfair. I did what I thought was best and didn't make a big scene of it during the event so as not to disrupt it, but did voice my concerns to two admins in a Skype call later. And everyone pretty much knows the rest I'm sure.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
Well, from now on, as i have stated above in my nice wall of text, you can attend any meetings of the council, if anyone brings it up with you, say that i have allowed you access ;) even bandits deserve a seat of the world council :p


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Alright, I was asked by the admins to post my side of the story as to what exactly happened. I will post exactly where Lindisfarne is at as far as roleplay goes in another thread under the towny section, just to clarify a few things. Because I know many are possibly confused. (Trust me, it all does make sense, I have a plan!)

First off, thank you for the heartfelt apologies. I do appreciate them.

When I first saw the thread for the event, I was simply a lowly slave to the Bandit Lord Royo ("arrow fodder" as it was commonly joked). None of this would have concerned me at all, so I pretty much dismissed it to the back of my mind except for the fact that bandits were not allowed. I didn't bother applying for the event when I became mayor about a week and a half ago because honestly I had forgotten about it.

Then the event rolled around today. I was super excited, because I was going to be able to get involved and possibly even clear Lindisfarne of the stain of it's history. And then I remembered the post about no bandits being allowed. I also recalled that my town is still viewed very poorly, even though I've not let any raids on any towns and most of the key bandits are dispersed from my town and/or the server.

Anyways, moving on. I asked where the event would be held, looked for the place, couldn't find it, asked for help, was ignored, asked on teamspeak where it was so I could attend, and got a "Bandits aren't allowed, you can't come." (No I did not recognize the voice, as much as I tried to recall, I didn't think at the time to place it to a name.) With threats of jailing fresh in my mind for visiting a city, I didn't exactly want to get jailed/kicked/banned.

I was a bit hurt to be honest and should have stuck up for myself, but I wasn't that nonplus because none of the other "bad guys" would be allowed either, so I went about my day and asked my friend Draco what was going on. When I was informed that Protaras, RavensNest, and Shipwreck Cove were not banned from said meeting and I was voted never to show up, I'm not going to lie... I felt extremely ostracized. Pretty much it became blatantly clear that I was the only person/town on the server disallowed at these meetings when I felt I could contribute much to them. Furthermore there apparently was a debate about letting me in without any perspective from the one being debated over? Guess that's more of an RP problem but... still I did feel it was unfair. I did what I thought was best and didn't make a big scene of it during the event so as not to disrupt it, but did voice my concerns to two admins in a Skype call later. And everyone pretty much knows the rest I'm sure.

Sigh... It was going well until I went bed. I have to admit that for the part of the disscusion about badits etc, I was semi afk but Ithought that as me and Deadpress were alreadythere then the vote would let them in.

Perhaps we rebuil the chamber so that viewers of preceedings have nodirect access.

In addition to Tchel's statement that isbolded, I would like to add that Ravens Nest has never taken part in any raiding and does not have the population to do so.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Tchel, as Hegemon of the Council i rule their resolution out of order. You WILL be allowed to participate, and at the start of the next session i will be explaining in great detail the actual powers of the council and how it is supposed to be conducted.

I take responsibilty for this for not making things clearer, but mostly the problem was due to unfortunate timing.
In the Council thread it says the first topic was "Whether or not bandit towns be allowed"
I set that up as it was something we could all relate to and was just a starter topic, it wasnt meant to drag on so long, and otherwise topics are meant to be presented by the delegates.
This was my test run, it was to get people the feel of it where there were no consequences. I was going to allow any town to enter regardless of what they decided.
I supposed it had been clear enough, but in retrospect it wasnt. So when i had to leave and had bellon be my fill in im not surprised that he didnt understand that that topic was a sort of "test run" and that no matter what all towns will be allowed entry.

I will make sure that i can stay for the next one, but i also want to start training two or three admins in how the procedure works and what is and isnt in order, that way if i have to leave early things dont get messy.


Lord of Altera
Alright, I was asked by the admins to post my side of the story as to what exactly happened. I will post exactly where Lindisfarne is at as far as roleplay goes in another thread under the towny section, just to clarify a few things. Because I know many are possibly confused. (Trust me, it all does make sense, I have a plan!)


First off, thank you for the heartfelt apologies. I do appreciate them.

When I first saw the thread for the event, I was simply a lowly slave to the Bandit Lord Royo ("arrow fodder" as it was commonly joked). None of this would have concerned me at all, so I pretty much dismissed it to the back of my mind except for the fact that bandits were not allowed. I didn't bother applying for the event when I became mayor about a week and a half ago because honestly I had forgotten about it.

Then the event rolled around today. I was super excited, because I was going to be able to get involved and possibly even clear Lindisfarne of the stain of it's history. And then I remembered the post about no bandits being allowed. I also recalled that my town is still viewed very poorly, even though I've not let any raids on any towns and most of the key bandits are dispersed from my town and/or the server.

Anyways, moving on. I asked where the event would be held, looked for the place, couldn't find it, asked for help, was ignored, asked on teamspeak where it was so I could attend, and got a "Bandits aren't allowed, you can't come." (No I did not recognize the voice, as much as I tried to recall, I didn't think at the time to place it to a name.) With threats of jailing fresh in my mind for visiting a city, I didn't exactly want to get jailed/kicked/banned.

I was a bit hurt to be honest and should have stuck up for myself, but I wasn't that nonplus because none of the other "bad guys" would be allowed either, so I went about my day and asked my friend Draco what was going on. When I was informed that Protaras, RavensNest, and Shipwreck Cove were not banned from said meeting and I was voted never to show up, I'm not going to lie... I felt extremely ostracized. Pretty much it became blatantly clear that I was the only person/town on the server disallowed at these meetings when I felt I could contribute much to them. Furthermore there apparently was a debate about letting me in without any perspective from the one being debated over? Guess that's more of an RP problem but... still I did feel it was unfair. I did what I thought was best and didn't make a big scene of it during the event so as not to disrupt it, but did voice my concerns to two admins in a Skype call later. And everyone pretty much knows the rest I'm sure.
Once again, I'm really sorry. Also, I had no idea about the things you experienced before the council started, I would have helped if I could, but I had turned ooc chat off. Hopefully everybody can start over at the next council meeting.