Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application [Accepted - Jase]


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you?
I am 14 years old.

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
I am from Brazil and my timezone is UTC-3

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
Yes, for the most part.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is when your character knows/does something because of OOC information and Powergaming is when you abuse of a game's system to make yourself overpowered or when you put other characters in situations that they don't want to partake in.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?

Hello, I my name is Gabriel, I like playing videogames, watching anime and have a non-linear taste for music, I like meeting new people and playing with friends, I like to chill and just have fun with my friends, I like playing rhythm games and difficult games in general, I am very new to the concept of rping and have only rped 3 times before but I am open to the concept and very excited to meet potential friends on the server.

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
A friend recommended it to me


Character Name:
Aki Bellamy

Character Age:
16 (Or equivalent in elf age)

Character Race:
Forest Elf

Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Long, dark brown
Skin: Dark
Clothing: Dress-like robe with hood
Eyes: Green

Written Test!
Born to a family of nomad traders, Aki always was a curious person, looking for answers to the most diverse of questions, she soon learned from the many people fron towns sbe and her family visited Sorrowlands overwhelmed by the undead and the dangers that lied there, once, when she and her family were preparing a camp near a local dock she overheard two men speak of a risky travel to the Sorrowlands, she knew that if she was going to finally see the lands that were part of so many stories she had heard from so many people, bards and adventurers alike over the years, that was the moment she was waiting for, when her parents were asleep and the ship was nearing departure, she sneaked into it without being noticed as the ship started sail, she hid in an empty barrel and waited the ship to reach land, as the ship slowed down, she became more and more excited for what type of adventure she would find, when the ship finally stopped and she heard the dozen men leave the ship, she finally left her hiding place and followed the men from a distance, waiting for what she would see, as she expected there were many monsters lurking every corner, she found it exciting the way the men fought those nightmarish beings as if they were nothing, but out of nowhere the men stopped, something was wrong, Aki got scared and backed away a bit just to be surprised by one of the men that was behind her, he had separated from the group while she wasn't looking, "You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous. Where are your parents?" asked the man, Aki, scared, pointed to the seashore, that was barely visible from where they were, the man that was a sailor guided Aki back to the boat and waited there for the rest of the group to come back to they could go to the docks and give Aki back to her parents, when the men returned they joked about "the sneaky traveler" on board as they sailed, making Aki nervous for how her parents would react when she got back, when the ship reached the docks she was brought back to her parents that were visibly worried, surprisingly they weren't mad at her, probably because that wasn't the first of her "little adventures" but they told her to never scare them like that again, still, they prohibited her from leaving without warning them, and told her to NEVER go to the sorrows again, still, Aki thinks she can take care of herself, driven by curiosity and dismissing her parents' advice she still will have many adventures, just will try to not be caught next time .
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"Something need doing?"
Interesting backstory, but I don't think it is realistic to have her encounter 'hundreds of monsters'. Do you mind clarifying what would these monsters be?
I like the idea of her being a stowaway on a ship, that's quite interesting.


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Interesting backstory, but I don't think it is realistic to have her encounter 'hundreds of monsters'. Do you mind clarifying what would these monsters be?
I like the idea of her being a stowaway on a ship, that's quite interesting.
Those monsters would be the usual undead monsters and thanks for liking my story
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok I know I’m not supposed to post but can I recommend a rewording from hundreds of monsters to: many monsters lurking in every corner danger around every bend.

I think the number is what is throwing him off


"Something need doing?"
Those monsters would be the usual undead monsters (plus creepers) and thanks for liking my story
Dappest hit it on the head really. I think having hundreds of monsters sounds unrealistic. Having a single zombie would probably be fine for me if she did stow away in a ship into the sorrows.
Creepers don't actually exist within the world as well, so please note that. The Sorrowslands has also never been overrun by those who dwell in the nether. The nether is its own separate dimension, and I don't think Aki would know anything about the Nether to start off. She'd have to discover this in-game.

I don't believe that your character's parents would be so dismissive of the Sorrows either. It's a dangerous, horrible place with cultists and literal corpses walking around unhindered. It should be a place of great fear.

For your skin- please try to make it more medieval inclined. A robe-like dress is fine, but I would ensure the skin reflects the medieval period we are aiming for. You can find some great example skins of medieval clothes on the internet.

Heterochromia for characters is ... fine, but not something we really like to encourage for characters. It is a rare trait, and generally, you don't find it in a sample population. I'd prefer if Aki doesn't have something like that, but ... I won't stop you if you sincerely wish to have it.

It's a lot of small things, but not difficult to adjust within your written test and application. Let me know when you have done the above, and I will take another look at it. No need to change the skin for the purposes of the app though, but please change it before you roleplay with Aki :)


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Dappest hit it on the head really. I think having hundreds of monsters sounds unrealistic. Having a single zombie would probably be fine for me if she did stow away in a ship into the sorrows.
Creepers don't actually exist within the world as well, so please note that. The Sorrowslands has also never been overrun by those who dwell in the nether. The nether is its own separate dimension, and I don't think Aki would know anything about the Nether to start off. She'd have to discover this in-game.

I don't believe that your character's parents would be so dismissive of the Sorrows either. It's a dangerous, horrible place with cultists and literal corpses walking around unhindered. It should be a place of great fear.

For your skin- please try to make it more medieval inclined. A robe-like dress is fine, but I would ensure the skin reflects the medieval period we are aiming for. You can find some great example skins of medieval clothes on the internet.

Heterochromia for characters is ... fine, but not something we really like to encourage for characters. It is a rare trait, and generally, you don't find it in a sample population. I'd prefer if Aki doesn't have something like that, but ... I won't stop you if you sincerely wish to have it.

It's a lot of small things, but not difficult to adjust within your written test and application. Let me know when you have done the above, and I will take another look at it. No need to change the skin for the purposes of the app though, but please change it before you roleplay with Aki :)
I did the backstory fixes and am still going to work on the skin aspect of it


"Something need doing?"


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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